Revelations from the embryo: Glimpses into the prenatal period

Revelations from the embryo: Glimpses into the prenatal period

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Two weeks after sperm fertilizes egg is a critical time in human prenatal development. Intricate waves of signals stamp cells ...
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GLP podcast and video: Allergy-free, gene-edited eggs; Mosquito-borne illness on the rise? Doctors should debate RFK, Jr.

Cameron English, Liza Dunn&nbsp|&nbsp
Gene editing has yielded allergy-free eggs that might prevent severe episodes of anaphylaxis in young children. Ticks and mosquitoes are ...
Alcohol is good for you, alcohol is bad for you? Here's yet another study to fuel the debate.

Alcohol is good for you, alcohol is bad for you? Here’s yet another study to fuel the debate

Brenda Goodman, Deidre McPhillips&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers say they may be able to explain how light drinking benefits the heart, and its main effect doesn’t stem ...
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Viewpoint: Here are 10 misconceptions about reforestation benefits. There’s a better alternative

Public dialogue has emphasized potential benefits of tree planting while downplaying pitfalls and limitations that are well established by social ...
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Ramazzini — The backstory of the ‘independent’ Italian organization that partners with IARC, the multi-billion dollar ‘toxic predatort’ industry, and anti-chemical environmental groups

Andrew Porterfield, Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
In recent years, the Bologna-based Ramazzini Institute has found the following substance or situations "linked to" or "associated with" with ...
robert kennedy jr speech

Anti-vax conspiracy-promoting Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr shows early strength against Joe Biden in polls

Michael Scherer&nbsp|&nbsp
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate for president supported by 1 in 5 Democratic voters in some recent polls, campaigns ...
women smallholder farmers in kenya

Disinformation works: Anti-biotechnology activists in Kenya succeed in undermining food security

In October last year, the East African nation lifted a decade-long ban on the cultivation and importation of GM crops, ...
Viewpoint: The difference between the science cited by academic researchers and activists? Peer reviewed, consensus evidence

Viewpoint: The difference between the science cited by academic researchers and activists? Peer reviewed, consensus evidence

Stuart Smyth&nbsp|&nbsp
In the 1660s, Robert Boyle advocated that the use of repeated experiments and written summary of the process, method and results, is ...
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Viewpoint: How technology-rejectionist fearmongering poisons public opinion against farmers

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
As other NGOs are stepping away from campaigning against gene editing, CEO is becoming the last loud voice of protest ...
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Will Hollywood again embrace anti-vaccine activism? Alicia Silverstone endorses Dem presidential candidate and conspiracist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Kristine Parks&nbsp|&nbsp
Actress Alicia Silverstone endorsed 2024 Democratic candidate and top Biden challenger Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on June 7, while admitting ...
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Viewpoint: Do you really want a sustainable food system revolution? Let’s expand the definition of regenerative ag to include all the tools in the farmer’s toolbox

Alexandra Brand&nbsp|&nbsp
Climate change and land and nature lost to settlement and agriculture were not important topics then. When students of today ...
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Viewpoint: Is the predicted ‘Silent Earth insect armageddon’ the inevitable result of using farm chemicals — or is it alarmist activist propaganda? Insect scientists challenge the doomsayers

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
For years, journalists and environmental bloggers have been churning out story after story claiming that insects are vanishing, in the ...
As Kenyan High Court mulls future of GM imports, neighboring Ethiopia moves closer to approving genetically engineered maize, wheat, potato and enset

As Kenyan High Court mulls future of GM imports, neighboring Ethiopia moves closer to approving genetically engineered maize, wheat, potato and enset

Ashenafi Endale&nbsp|&nbsp
The Kenyan government's move to import Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for human consumption has faced a setback as the appellate ...
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Good news for health-conscious, tech-embracing consumers: Here’s the science behind the latest gene-edited food, a tastier mustard green

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Precision gene editing methods such as CRISPR are revolutionizing everything from cell and gene therapies to diagnostics, bioenergy, and agriculture ...
old and new collide as an old russian tank provides c e

Viewpoint: How Russia teams up with US environmental activists to promote disinformation about the crop biotechnology science

Bill Wirtz&nbsp|&nbsp
As the now year-old war in Ukraine continues to unravel, so do the stories revealing the ruthlessness with which the ...
Viewpoint: ‘Organic is good’? — Greenwashing propagated by environmental advocacy group lobbyists and marketing-savvy green industry

Viewpoint: ‘Organic is good’? — Greenwashing propagated by environmental advocacy group lobbyists and marketing-savvy green industry

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
Recent draft legislation on its way to the European Parliament and Council commonly known as the Greenwashing Directive (officially the Green Claims Directive) plans ...
mature harvest golden rice swx

Viewpoint: Greenpeace’s ongoing campaign against Golden Rice is taking nutritious foods from the mouths of children

Elias Rosell&nbsp|&nbsp
Every year, hundreds of thousands of children suffer from visual impairment and health problems due to vitamin A deficiency. The ...
Viewpoint: This guide should replace the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen list of 'chemical-soaked' produce

Viewpoint: This guide should replace the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list of ‘chemical-soaked’ produce

Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
The Toxic Ten are chemicals in your family’s refrigerator and the government does nothing to stop it; it even takes ...
Viewpoint: Kenya is the world epicenter for misinformation about agricultural biotechnology. Here's why this needs to change

Viewpoint: Kenya is the world epicenter for misinformation about agricultural biotechnology. Here’s why this needs to change

Victor Oria&nbsp|&nbsp
Kenyan Opposition leader and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga recently criticised the government's move to import genetically modified (GM) maize ...
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Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey joins vaccine-rejecting crusade, shares video from Democratic presidential candidate and anti-vax activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Ben Goggin&nbsp|&nbsp
Jack Dorsey, the head of Block Inc. and a co-founder of Twitter, posted two videos [recently] featuring presidential candidate Robert ...
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Viewpoint: ‘Rejecting the luxury green beliefs of the privileged West’ — Why developing countries are rebelling against Greenpeace’s anti-technology policies

Tilak Doshi&nbsp|&nbsp
On May 19, the Moscow Times announced the closure of Greenpeace Russia following the government authorities’ decision to label it “undesirable,” ...
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GLP podcast & video: How activism threatens technological innovation; Why mosquitoes only bite some people; Combating RFK Jr.’s scientific misinformation

Cameron English, Liza Dunn&nbsp|&nbsp
Activist groups effectively use fear-based PR campaigns to drive pesticides and other important products off the market. What can scientists ...
Mythinformation: 'Fear campaigns from anti-biotech NGOs make it a challenge to even keep products on the market let alone introduce new technologies'

Mythinformation: ‘Fear campaigns from anti-biotech NGOs make it a challenge to even keep products on the market let alone introduce new technologies’

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
Technological innovations in plant breeding can address serious issues from climate resilience to biodiversity decline to sustainable intensification to feed ...
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Viewpoint: Less stress, more energy, better digestion? Why expensive ‘superfood powders’ aren’t better than eating your veggies

Dani Blum&nbsp|&nbsp
You’ve probably noticed ads for these “superfood powders” scattered across social media or on your favorite podcast ...
cofoe citizens panels

Viewpoint: ‘Imposing impoverishment’ — How European leadership has failed by promoting ideological solutions to sustainability challenges in farming

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
It is hard to find anyone with anything positive to say about 2022: economic, social, ethical, political, geopolitical success stories ...
5 influential activist NGOs spreading crop biotechnology misinformation in Latin America

5 influential activist NGOs spreading crop biotechnology misinformation in Latin America

Luis Ventura&nbsp|&nbsp
The United States and Europe are home to some of the most influential anti-biotechnology advocacy groups in the world. They ...
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