Part II: Web of Disinformers: The network of anti-crop biotechnology activists, and the funders behind their campaigns

Part II: Web of Disinformers: The network of anti-crop biotechnology activists, and the funders behind their campaigns

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
Carey Gillam, once a reporter at Reuters covering food and farming, left her job under a cloud, challenged by her ...
Part I: Carey Gillam — Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture

Part I: Carey Gillam — Reporter turned organic propagandist who twists science in campaign to discredit biotechnology and conventional agriculture

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
With links to the Church of Scientology, anti-vaccine glyphosate litigator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Organic Consumers Association, US Right to ...
David Zaruk Part Left Brand x branded minified

In the Battle to Regulate GMOS, Gene Editing and other New Breeding Techniques, Who Has ‘Hazard Blood’ on their Hands?

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
This third segment in the mini-series will look at the networks of highly-motivated campaigners manipulating policy and pushing the hazard-based ...
Making sunshine for crops obsolete? Food of the future will be grown 18 times more efficiently with the help of artificial photosynthesis

Making sunshine for crops obsolete? Food of the future will be grown 18 times more efficiently with the help of artificial photosynthesis

Scientists are creating food which will become independent of sunlight by using artificial photosynthesis technology, with only about 1% of ...
Podcast: Agricultural scientist Jayson Lusk on the intersection of biotechnology and sustainability

Podcast: Agricultural scientist Jayson Lusk on the intersection of biotechnology and sustainability

Jayson Lusk&nbsp|&nbsp
Agricultural economist Jayson Lusk puts forward a vision of how science, technology and innovation are what we need for a sustainable food ...
Video: Erratic weather from climate change is biggest threat facing Kenyan crops. Gene-editing technology could help, farmer says

Video: Erratic weather from climate change is biggest threat facing Kenyan crops. Gene-editing technology could help, farmer says

Felix Kili&nbsp|&nbsp
How do farmers define sustainability on their farms? Find out how Kenyan farmer Felix Kili views the issue, and how ...
Viewpoint: Anti-technology activists claim coronavirus outbreaks could be exacerbated by intensive farming. Here’s why they are dead wrong

Viewpoint: Anti-technology activists claim coronavirus outbreaks could be exacerbated by intensive farming. Here’s why they are dead wrong

Harriet Bartlett&nbsp|&nbsp
It is often asserted that intensive livestock systems increase the risk of zoonotic diseases, and this argument is used to ...
Climate Action Farming: What farmers need to do to adapt as our planet heats up—and why organic and ‘regenerative agriculture’ cannot meet the challenge

Climate Action Farming: What farmers need to do to adapt as our planet heats up—and why organic and ‘regenerative agriculture’ cannot meet the challenge

Jon Entine, Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
There are a number of practices that farmers could use to manage their land in ways that would optimally remove ...
Wine story: From Stone Age seed domestication to new age fermentation, here is the evolutionary history of wine

Wine story: From Stone Age seed domestication to new age fermentation, here is the evolutionary history of wine

Christopher Howard&nbsp|&nbsp
Over the millennia, humans have radically transformed viticulture from a happy accident to a scientifically precise art form and global ...
A single kilo of saffron is worth up to $10,000. Here’s the genetic history of the world’s most expensive spice

A single kilo of saffron is worth up to $10,000. Here’s the genetic history of the world’s most expensive spice

Mischa Dijkstra&nbsp|&nbsp
When and where was saffron first domesticated by our ancestors? In a review in Frontiers in Plant Science, researchers conclude that ...
Viewpoint: Food shortage crisis — There are two ways to address the food shortage crisis: Farm more land or increase yield. Let’s compare their sustainability impacts

Viewpoint: Food shortage crisis — There are two ways to address the food shortage crisis: Farm more land or increase yield. Let’s compare their sustainability impacts

Stuart Smyth&nbsp|&nbsp
As the planet’s population continues its relentless march towards 10 billion, more food is going to need to be produced ...
Do agri-businesses ‘control’ agriculture? The emerging gene-editing revolution in Latin America is challenging that belief

Do agri-businesses ‘control’ agriculture? The emerging gene-editing revolution in Latin America is challenging that belief

Luis Ventura&nbsp|&nbsp
Small actions can create such huge differences. We see that ‘butterfly effect’ playing out in Latin America. where the development ...
Viewpoint: DNA diets—Can knowing your genes help you nutritionally optimize your meal choices?

Viewpoint: DNA diets—Can knowing your genes help you nutritionally optimize your meal choices?

Harriet Hall&nbsp|&nbsp
Recently several companies have been offering to examine your genome and figure out what you should eat based on your ...
Viewpoint: No, trace pesticides do not make fruits and vegetables unhealthy

Viewpoint: No, trace pesticides do not make fruits and vegetables unhealthy

Valerie Borde&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent article in the French daily Le Monde speaks of a study with “impressive” conclusions. Reading it, there is reason to ...
GLP Podcast: Why non-smokers get cancer; Spotting diseases during pregnancy; Earth-friendly industrialized farming?

GLP Podcast: Why non-smokers get cancer; Spotting diseases during pregnancy; Earth-friendly industrialized farming?

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Many smokers don't get lung cancer. But why do so many non-smokers end up with the disease? A preliminary study ...
From the Environmental Working Group to the Pesticide Action Network, food activists claim we face killer risks from chemicals. Here's why scientists don't agree

From the Environmental Working Group to the Pesticide Action Network, food activists claim we face killer risks from chemicals. Here’s why scientists don’t agree

Stuart Smyth&nbsp|&nbsp
E coli in ready-to-eat salads? Salmonella in seafood? Spoiled ground beef? Listeria in vegetables? Pesticide traces in… everything? Each year ...
Public comments reveal overwhelming support for GM cowpea in Ghana

Public comments reveal overwhelming support for GM cowpea in Ghana

Joseph Gakpo&nbsp|&nbsp
Public comments submitted to Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) show overwhelming support for approving pod borer-resistant cowpea, the country’s first ...
With climate change accelerating spread of aflatoxin mold in Midwest corn, farmers look to genetically modified seeds as key solution

With climate change accelerating spread of aflatoxin mold in Midwest corn, farmers look to genetically modified seeds as key solution

Diana Kruzman&nbsp|&nbsp
Climate change is expanding the reach of aflatoxin, a chemical produced by a gray-green mold that infects corn crops and ...
As Ukrainian conflict continues to disrupt global food imports, Kenya gives okay for farmers to import GMO cotton seed, a first for the country

As Ukrainian conflict continues to disrupt global food imports, Kenya gives okay for farmers to import GMO cotton seed, a first for the country

Gerald Andae&nbsp|&nbsp
At least 10 manufacturers including Bidco East Africa have been allowed to import 28 million kilogrammes of genetically modified organism ...
Is conventional ‘industrialized’, technology-driven farming ‘destroying biodiversity’ as critics claim — or saving it?

Is conventional ‘industrialized’, technology-driven farming ‘destroying biodiversity’ as critics claim — or saving it?

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Well over 90% of food, produce and grains in the United States is grown on conventional farms. Critics stigmatize this ...
Corn Field x branded

What are the Challenges Facing Modern Farming Around the World?

Mary Boote&nbsp|&nbsp
Mary Boote, Chief Executive Officer of the GlobalFarmer Network | June 12, 2018Highlights: Agricultural biotech solutions are being denied to ...
Viewpoint: Is Russia undermining global food security by funding European-based environmental activists opposed to genetically modified crops?

Viewpoint: Is Russia undermining global food security by funding European-based environmental activists opposed to genetically modified crops?

Bill Wirtz&nbsp|&nbsp
Why is Europe's political class questioning the effectiveness of modern agricultural practices and the legitimacy of nuclear power when the ...
Viewpoint: Toxic fruits and vegetables? Inspired by Environmental Working Group's chemical scare fundraising gimmick in the US, Pesticide Action Network brings disinformation to Europe

Viewpoint: Toxic fruits and vegetables? Inspired by Environmental Working Group’s chemical scare fundraising gimmick in the US, Pesticide Action Network brings disinformation to Europe

Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Would you feed fruits and vegetables to your family after reading these headlines? Many European consumers may not, and they’d ...
Viewpoint: Europe's rejection of biotechnology in favor of organics has played an unfortunate role in today’s global food crisis. ‘Precision agriculture’ can help

Viewpoint: Europe’s rejection of biotechnology in favor of organics has played an unfortunate role in today’s global food crisis. ‘Precision agriculture’ can help

Nicholas Waller&nbsp|&nbsp
Leading officials including UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres are sounding the alarm over the alarming state of global food security. The war in ...
Viewpoint: Popular Science is the latest ‘mainstream’ news source to fall into the anti-glyphosate disinformation rabbit-hole

Viewpoint: Popular Science is the latest ‘mainstream’ news source to fall into the anti-glyphosate disinformation rabbit-hole

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
“This Roundup ingredient might cause cancer—but the EPA won’t ban it,” Popular Science told its readers in a terribly misleading January ...
German Soybean Farm x branded

How the Green Party-Led Anti-Biotechnology Movement Captured German Policy and Why it Endangers Germany’s Future Innovation in Gene Editing

Wolfgang Nellen&nbsp|&nbsp
Wolfgang Nellen, Emeritus Professor of Genetics, University of Kassel | June 27, 2018Highlights:Green Party’s opposition to biotechnology innovation began with its ...
GLP Podcast: Will we ever solve the obesity crisis? Science writer Mark Schatzker

GLP Podcast: Will we ever solve the obesity crisis? Science writer Mark Schatzker

Kevin Folta, Mark Schatzker&nbsp|&nbsp
Americans are getting heavier and experts aren't sure what to do about it. Cutting fat and carbs out of our ...
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