‘Food Babe’ promotes misinformation on food, GMOs

Joe Schwarcz | 
Did you know that the calcium pill you may be popping contains the same chemical found in gravestones? What are these ...

Vermont’s GMO-labeling bill faces tough First Amendment challenges

Elaine Watson | 
Legal experts say the Vermont bill requiring foods produced with genetic engineering to be labeled that now just needs Governor Peter ...

Reuters, other science reporters often promote ‘false balance’ on GMO safety studies

Keith Kloor | 
GMO coverage in the media today is where climate change reporting was from the late 1980s until the early 2000s, ...

What are the differences in genetically engineering crops and drugs?

Richard Green | 
When you google GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) the results that come up speak to GM crops, but GMOs are more ...

Five farmers on why they use GM technology

Melinda Johnson | 
A hot topic grabbing headlines recently is GMOs. The technology behind GMOs is fairly new, quite sophisticated and basically misunderstood by the masses. Many ...

Politics behind farmer suicide claims in India

Sonora Jha | 
As politicians scramble for India’s 815 million votes in the most expensive and closely contested general election in the nation’s history, ...

Court challenge looms as Vermont legislature passes law requiring GMO labeling by 2016

Annie Gasparro, Jacob Bunge | 
The movement against genetically modified crops scored a signal victory Wednesday, as the Vermont legislature passed a bill that would ...

Australian government push back on anti-vaccine sentiments needs to be repeated for GMO resistance

David Ropeik | 
Imagine that a group of advocates tried to alert the public to a danger they perceived, only the evidence showed ...

Did the Washington Post ‘overstate’ ‘marker-assisted’ breeding method?

John Navazio | 
A recent Washington Post article by Adrian Higgins, titled, “Trait by trait, plant scientists swiftly weed out bad seeds through marker-assisted breeding” ...

General Mills expresses support for agricultural biotechnology despite removing GMOs from Cheerios

General Mills recently released its 2014 Global Responsibility report in which it affirmed biotechnology as key to addressing feeding a ...

Chipotle’s aggressive anti-GMO stance helps boost earnings

Rich Duprey | 
Lost amid the swirl of attention showered on Chipotle Mexican Grill's first price hike in three years is the news that ...

GMO debate rages in Tanzania

Some people talk against genetically modified (GM) products, particularly food, as if it’s a matter of choice between evil and ...

Academics Review: Organic food industry engaged in ‘multi-decade public disinformation campaign’

Elaine Watson | 
Consumers have spent years paying over the odds for organic foods based on the erroneous belief - promulgated by stakeholders ...

Biofuels from corn residue worse than gasoline for climate change in short term

Biofuels made from the leftovers of harvested corn plants are worse than gasoline for global warming in the short term, ...

Glyphosate dangers in breast milk challenged as ‘junk science’

On April 7, 2014 a television “documentary” in Australia reported that a study of 10 nursing mother’s milk revealed the presence ...

Academics debate what GMO labeling policy should look like

Barry Flinchbaugh, Mark Edelman | 
Mark Edelman, professor of economics at Iowa State University, and Barry Flinchbaugh, emeritus professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State ...

Poor pay for the affluent’s misplaced anxiety over GMOs

David Zilberman | 
I wrote several papers on the political economy of agricultural biotechnology that analyzes the opposition and support of GM. The ...

Philippines NGO claims Golden Rice poses economic threat to organic farmers

The contamination of organic rice from the genetically modified Golden Rice poses an economic threat to many organic farmers in ...

Greenpeace denies stealing GM seeds from Chinese university experimental fields

Jiang Jie | 
Greenpeace on Monday rebuffed accusations of attempted theft from Huazhong Agricultural University's Hainan research base after three members were stopped ...

Oregon farmers divide over growing GM crops

Damian Mann | 
Sams Valley farmer Bruce Schulz stands in a field that has genetically modified alfalfa on one side and conventional alfalfa ...

‘Organic mommy mafia’ pushes foods based on misleading claims of health and nutrition

Naomi Schaefer Riley | 
“Am I going to be an outcast?” A friend, who recently moved to an upscale neighborhood in Madison, Wis., called ...

Shortages may trigger food wars by 2050

Tim Wall | 
Within a few more decades, dire food shortages may lead to global-scale conflict, warned a top plant scientist in the ...

Guidelines needed for safe GM crop field trials in Indian

Agricultural scientist M.S. Swaminathan has stressed the need for revising the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority Bill, which will lapse along with ...

Anti-GMO activists hijacked Indian farmer suicides story for their own agenda

Mark Strauss | 
Of the many horror stories we hear about GMOs, few are as heart-rending as the one about how nearly 300,000 ...

Connecticut’s GM seed opposition is assault on science

Paul Pescatello | 
To create high-paying jobs in Connecticut, economic development professionals often remind us that the future belongs to places that value ...

Organic’s rejection of GM foods is unfortunate ‘green’ food fad

Will Coggin | 
Organic agriculture is a mainstay of the modern environmental movement. Proponents say organic food is better for the environment because ...

Celebrity chef champions sustainable seafood, includes farmed salmon on menu

Clare Leschin-Hoar | 
Celebrity chef Rick Moonen was a champion of sustainable seafood long before it was the cool thing to do. When ...
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