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How RFK, Jr.’s science disinformation machine rolls on despite so many debunking articles (like this one)

Bill Wirtz&nbsp|&nbsp
The presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a reminder of the insidious imbalance of conspiracy theories: They are always ...
Pesticides and Food: It's not a black or white issue — Has pesticide use decreased since the introduction of GMO crops?

Pesticides and Food: It’s not a black or white issue — Has pesticide use decreased since the introduction of GMO crops?

Kayleen Schreiber, Marc Brazeau&nbsp|&nbsp
What is the truth about crop pesticides and their residues in food in 2018? ...
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Viewpoint: Perversity activism — How European anti-biotechnology NGOs end up promoting commodity-crop farming, consolidating the seed market and undermining sustainability

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
One of the most attractive advantages of NGTs is the low cost of entry for innovators. Labs in developing countries ...
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Pathological science: How can we know whether today’s ‘junk science’ will remain ridiculous or someday be vindicated?

American Council on Science and Health&nbsp|&nbsp
Today, there is simply too much known in far too many diverse fields for any person to hold it all ...
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Viewpoint: Activists shift tactics on glyphosate, attacking independent European science-oversight agencies that have unanimously found the herbicide safe

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
Glyphosate ate the world! Every single day another serious disease, from all types of cancer to Parkinson’s, is attributed to ...
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Feline evolution: How house cats and humans domesticated each other

Jonathan Losos&nbsp|&nbsp
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on safari in southern Africa. One of the greatest thrills ...

Here’s the straight poop about fecal transplants

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Fecal transplants carry a certain ick factor for many people. But there is a legitimate medical use for them -- ...
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Analysis: Do neonicotinoid and glyphosate pesticides threaten bees? A reassessment

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
"The honeybee is in no way endangered. If there’s a top ten list of what’s killing honey bee colonies, I’d ...
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Headlines claim that almost half of all drinking water contains high-levels of ‘dangerous’ PFAS ‘forever chemicals’. What does the science say?

Susan Goldhaber&nbsp|&nbsp
The headline “New Study Finds PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water from 45% of Faucets Across US” led many news ...
Viewpoint: Anti-glyphosate rabbit hole — Will the ethically-compromised International Agency for Cancer (IARC) lead Europe to embrace a scientifically-challenged Green Deal?

Viewpoint: Anti-glyphosate rabbit hole — Will the ethically-compromised International Agency for Cancer (IARC) lead Europe to embrace a scientifically-challenged Green Deal?

Chandre Dharma-wardana&nbsp|&nbsp
What chemicals or environmental exposures are likely to cause cancer? That’s a complex question with a wide variance in views ...
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Is there an evolutionary explanation for homosexuality in animals, including humans?

Jenny Graves&nbsp|&nbsp
Since gay couples have fewer children, the high frequency of same-sex relationships in humans is puzzling from an evolutionary point ...
Autism increase mystery solved? No, it's not vaccines, GMOs, glyphosate—or organic foods

Autism increase mystery solved? No, it’s not vaccines, GMOs, glyphosate—or organic foods

Arvind Suresh&nbsp|&nbsp
A change in how we diagnose and report autism and not vaccines, glyphosate or chemtrails is the prime mover as ...
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Disaster interrupted: Which farming system better preserves insect populations: Organic or conventional?

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
A three-year run of fragmentary Armageddon-like studies had primed the journalism pumps and settled the media framing about the future ...
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On the anniversary of Kristallnacht, as the Israel-Hamas War rages, a DNA data leak of Jewish 23andMe customers raises fears of modern-day Jewish yellow badges

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Tonight is the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass.” On November 9 and 10, 1938, Storm Troopers, ...

What may delay or derail the European Union’s proposed deregulation of gene-edited crops? Is there room for compromise with organic opponents?

Steven Cerier&nbsp|&nbsp
The July proposal by the European Commission, which is the Executive arm of the European Union, to significantly liberalize not ...
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Viewpoint: Activists falsely claim Bill Gates orchestrated flare-up in malaria cases so he can ‘cash in’ on eradicating it

Henry Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
The eight cases of locally transmitted malaria recently reported in the U.S. – the first in 20 years – have ...

Twitter/X’s race to the disinformation bottom: Are we losing a valuable forum for rational discussion?

Geoffrey Kabat&nbsp|&nbsp
While many users are fleeing Twitter/X in disgust at the turn it has taken toward encouraging the spread of conspiracy ...

Anti-chemical activists up in arms as European Union leans toward reauthorizing use of weedkiller glyphosate. Here’s the science EU should consider

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
Does the controversial weedkiller Roundup, made by Bayer and marketed in generic form by more than 30 companies as glyphosate, ...

Viewpoint: Vaccine-rejectionist Jessica Biel’s foray into selling children’s medicine reinforces why she should stick to acting

Josh Bloom&nbsp|&nbsp
The deluge of the use of the term "natural" for product promotion continues unabated. But perhaps it's getting stale because ...
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Serotonin-boosting foods and fatty acids that can lift your mood

Hayley Philip&nbsp|&nbsp
One in four Americans currently suffers from anxiety or depression, correlating directly to serotonin levels found in the body. Normal serotonin levels ...
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Viewpoint: Scientific American has become a ’scientific sewer’, promoting ideological rubbish on the evolution of male-female differences, claims University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne

Jerry Coyne&nbsp|&nbsp
I read this new article in Scientific American claiming that women constituted a high proportion of hunters in early hunter-gatherer ...
Biotechnology timeline: Humans have manipulated genes since the 'dawn of civilization'

Biotechnology timeline: Humans have manipulated genes since the ‘dawn of civilization’

Brian Colwell&nbsp|&nbsp
The history of biotechnology shows how humans have been manipulating nature for our benefit for a long time—and how modern ...
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How to argue about ‘race’: Charles Murray and Adam Rutherford are not so far apart

Patrick Whittle&nbsp|&nbsp
Shortly before the killing of George Floyd by a white Minneapolis police officer in May this year, two (now tragically ...
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Viewpoint: 15 explanations for why activists lie and try to scare people about ‘killer’ chemicals, genetically engineered crops and nuclear energy

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
We always hear NGOs saying that we cannot trust industry, that we have to exclude industry evidence or that industry ...

Happy 41st birthday, genetically-engineered insulin. Your approval by the FDA in 1982 took 5 months. How many years would it take now?

Henry Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
October 29th marks the 41st anniversary of one of biotechnology’s most significant milestones — the approval by the Food and ...
BBC corrects its misleading educational site hyping the benefits of organic and the alleged environmental problems of GMOs

BBC corrects its misleading educational site hyping the benefits of organic and the alleged environmental problems of GMOs

Science for Sustainable Agriculture&nbsp|&nbsp
The BBC has revised misleading and factually inaccurate statements about different farming systems on its exam revision website BBC Bitesize ...
Will AI make biology textbook authors redundant? Here's one author's view of ChatGPT

Will AI make biology textbook authors redundant? Here’s one author’s view of ChatGPT

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
I just used ChatGPT for the first time. Initially, I was concerned about my future as the chatbot near-instantaneously answered ...
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