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Myth busted: Only ‘Big Ag’ develops GMO crops

Michelle Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
Farmers in other parts of the world — particularly in third world countries — are experiencing REAL problems that the ...
global warming

Biotech crops could soften impact of climate change, Gates Foundation says

Nick Austin&nbsp|&nbsp
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) just released its 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the ...

CRISPR gene editing speeds breeding of Cassava and other staple food crops

Cassava plays a big role as a staple food and a highly favored commodity in the multibillion starch industry. However, ...
Africa farmer

US promotes GMO acceptance in Africa to boost food security, public health

Kevin Kelley&nbsp|&nbsp
A Trump administration official [recently visited] Africa to promote government acceptance of genetically engineered crops. Peter Haas, a State Department ...
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As Uganda debates GMO safety, its scientists boost food production in neighboring countries

John Agaba&nbsp|&nbsp
When Dr. Geoffrey Arinaitwe returned home after earning his PhD in biotechnology in Belgium in 2005, Uganda seemed a promising ...
south africa farm

CRISPR gene editing could improve crops, animals in Sub-Saharan Africa, but public education is key

.... (CRISPR) technology has enabled genetic engineering feats previously considered impracticable, offering great hopes for solutions to problems facing society ...

Talking Biotech: Artemisinin—the malaria treatment that could help prevent 400,000 deaths a year

Ian Graham, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
University of York's Dr. Ian Graham joins Kevin Folta to discuss how the plant-derived compound artemesia could help beat back ...

Nigerian biotech startup introduces produce coating to combat malnutrition in Africa

Gemma Milne&nbsp|&nbsp
Nigerian biotech startup Coating+ ....  has created a transparent gelatinous coating that is sprayed onto fresh fruit and vegetables to prolong their shelf ...

13 African countries have biotech crops in different stages of development, but approvals are slow

Alawi Masare&nbsp|&nbsp
A new report published by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) shows that GM crop cultivation ...
save the planet

Viewpoint: A field trip inside Green anti-GMO campaigning

Inti Orozco&nbsp|&nbsp
A few months ago, I went to [an] event called European Ideas Lab, organized in Brussels by the Greens/EFA, the green ...
uganda cotton

Kenya, Ethiopia show neighboring Uganda how to revive its dying cotton industry with pest-tolerant technology

Isaac Ongu&nbsp|&nbsp
Cotton, once a cash cow in Uganda where growers aspired to outcompete each other in the acreage covered and income ...

Viewpoint: Nigeria must rely on science to find its way through the GMO debate

Abdullahi Tsanni&nbsp|&nbsp
The global evolution in science has lead to the emergence and adoption of agricultural biotechnology in some parts of the ...

Ugandan researcher: Western science education a ‘game changer’ for African agriculture

Christopher Bendana&nbsp|&nbsp
[Dr. Priver] Namanya, a plant biotechnologist at the National Agricultural Research Laboratories (NARL) in Kawanda, Uganda, has been doing [biotechnology ...

Why cancer research should focus more on African genomes

Jessica Wapner&nbsp|&nbsp
In the past, African patients have had poor access to medical advances, even as scientists use them as research subjects ...
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Advanced breeding could lead to virus-free cassava, saving African staple crop from extinction

Michael Major&nbsp|&nbsp
“Cassava is the most important food staple in sub-Saharan Africa,” says Morag [Ferguson], a cassava specialist who [works] with [the International ...
Science setback? What's next now that European court rules gene-edited crops are GMOs?

Science setback? What’s next now that European court rules gene-edited crops are GMOs?

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
With the European court ruling that CRISPR crops and other gene-edited foods must be treated as classic transgenic GMOs, scientists worry ...
hunger in developing countries

How biotechnology can help feed a growing world population

Stephanie Singh&nbsp|&nbsp
According to the U.N., the world’s population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion in 2050 and further increase to 11.2 billion ...
Blood sample

Searching for biotech solutions to problems plaguing livestock in Africa

Lominda Afedraru&nbsp|&nbsp
In Africa, scientific research involving biotechnology innovations in agriculture has largely focused on finding ways to produce better crops. But, ...
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Will Gene Editing and Other New Breeding Techniques Provide a ‘Second Chance’ for Worldwide Embrace of Genetically Engineered Crops?

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
Jon Entine, Executive Director of the Genetic Literacy Project | June 13, 2018Highlights: Anti-GMO activists, aided by Russian propaganda, have ...

Nobel laureate Sir Richard Roberts: Uganda will remain trapped by food poverty if its leaders bow to anti-biotech activists

Richard Roberts&nbsp|&nbsp
One of the main sources of nutrition for poor Ugandans, bananas, is on the verge of being wiped out by ...
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The human cost of the anti-GMO movement: Why one scientist is quitting GE crop research

Devang Mehta&nbsp|&nbsp
Constantly confronting people who think my research will harm them is profoundly distressing ...
The importance of carbs in human evolution and in the Paleo diet wrbm large

Viewpoint: We have much to gain from questioning the theory that humans evolved in Africa

Julien Benoit&nbsp|&nbsp
The African origin theory reigns supreme. Every attempt to disprove the theory offers a chance to consider the evidence all ...
Nigerian Farmers

Africa could become a world agricultural leader in CRISPR and other new breeding techniques (NBTs)

Lominda Afedraru&nbsp|&nbsp
It is 8:30 East African Standard Time.  I disembark from a van filled with science journalists from Kampala, Uganda and ...
FAW head corn

Talking Biotech: Can Oxitec’s genetically engineered insects combat fall armyworm crop damage and famine in Africa?

Kevin Folta, Simon Warner&nbsp|&nbsp
Oxitec's Simon Warner: Engineered male fall armyworms contain a gene that prevents female offspring from reaching adulthood, reducing wild pest ...
Hybrid banana

In Uganda, anti-GMO scare tactics even taint conventional hybrid crops

Lominda Afedraru&nbsp|&nbsp
Uganda is moving closer to allowing cultivation of GMO crops. But there is considerable confusion among the Ugandan public over ...
madagascar kid

Viewpoint: African farmers blocked from using life-saving GMO bananas by European activists

Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Anti-biotech groups funded by Western activists campaign against the commercialization of GMO crops in Africa, such as a new disease-resistant ...
africacan calling african policymakers our economic future must be powered by our farms x

Calestous Juma: Africa needs its own Green Revolution based on science and technology

Calestous Juma&nbsp|&nbsp
Africa can learn from the Green Revolution model—which saved up to one billion people from starvation—by bringing together government, academia, ...
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