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‘Valuable feedback’: Coronavirus conspiracy theories and rumors illustrate ‘legitimate anxieties’

Anita Makri | 
The tactic of simply throwing facts at the misinformation problem can be ineffective, and even counterproductive ...
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First gene-edited CRISPR COVID-19 mouse created; Opens door to study infections and develop therapies

Human cells and mice cells each express their own version of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the membrane-bound receptor that ...
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On second thought: Sweden’s top epidemiologist says nation should have done more to slow COVID-19

Michael Birnbaum | 
For months, the world has watched Sweden's light-touch approach to fighting the coronavirus pandemic, wondering whether it was genius or ...
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Hydroxychloroquine found ‘no better than placebo pills’ in preventing COVID-19 in high risk people, New England Journal of Medicine study finds

Marilynn Marchione | 
A malaria drug President Donald Trump took to try to prevent COVID-19 proved ineffective for that in the first large, ...
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Lancet medical journal retracts much-questioned COVID-19 ‘observational study’ that raised safety alarms about hydroxychloroquine

Andrew Joseph | 
The Lancet, one of the world’s top medical journals, on [June 4] retracted an influential study that raised alarms about ...
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Video: Why we should ignore most reported COVID-19 statistics

Wessam Atif | 
Every day we wake up and check COVID-19 updates. Governments usually announce 6 main numbers: 1) New cases 2) Total ...
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Viewpoint: Sweden’s unique approach to COVID-19 containment has failed

Amit Katwala | 
There was a familiar refrain from political commentators on certain corners of the internet in the early days of the ...
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Has coronavirus killed consumer interest in food fads and junk science?

Cam Dahl | 
A recent survey by Proof Strategies found that Canadians’ trust in doctors and scientists has increased by over 10 per ...

US hospitals have ‘pulled way back’ on hydroxychloroquine use after studies identify safety risks

Deena Beasley, Michael Erman | 
U.S. hospitals said they have pulled way back on the use of hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug touted by President Donald ...
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Rethinking COVID-19 school restrictions: Few cases, almost no fatalities and no documented incidents of child-to-adult transmission

Daniel Halperin | 
As lockdown restrictions ease, a critical question looms: When do we reopen schools? Parents and others weighing covid-19′s risk to ...
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Analysis: Is COVID-19 a blessing or a curse to Africa?

Slyvia Tetteh | 
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has left no corner of the world untouched. Since the first case of the disease was ...
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Is hydroxychloroquine useless and dangerous, or not? Major study released last week dissing therapy now under scrutiny

Kelsey Piper | 
Does President Trump’s favored coronavirus treatment, the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, make you more likely to die of Covid-19? That was ...
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‘Cognitive technologies’: Automated supply chains could alleviate pandemic-fueled food shortages

Frederic Laluyaux, Ram Krishnan | 
As the coronavirus crisis takes a massive toll on global markets, officials are increasingly raising alarms about the food supply ...
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COVID-19 hit the US as early as January, CDC analysis suggests

Helen Branswell | 
How early did local transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus begin in the United States? For the second time [recently], scientists ...
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‘Trial by fire’: How COVID-19 is changing the biotech industry’s relationship with artificial intelligence

Jonathan Block | 
AI is currently being used by many companies to identify and screen existing drugs that could be repurposed to treat ...
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Adverse reactions in COVID-19 vaccine trial illustrates rocky road to developing therapies for diverse populations

Matthew Herper | 
Patients in clinical trials are usually faceless. But as the experimental Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Moderna Therapeutics has begun ...
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Using ‘genomic breadcrumbs’ to track the coronavirus—and predict how to cope with it

Bob Holmes | 
Rapid sequencing of viral genomes can help public health officials figure out the origins, spread and nature of quickly moving ...
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Viewpoint: Believing that we’ll have a COVID-19 vaccine anytime soon is naive

Henry Miller | 
The odds that we will have a safe, effective vaccine by January are vanishingly small ...
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‘That’s not easy’: Figuring out who gets first shot at a coronavirus vaccine

Adam Rogers | 
Even if scientists do develop a safe, broadly effective vaccine, nobody knows how to give it to billions of people ...

Viewpoint: Only a tiny percentage of children face threat of severe coronavirus complications. That risk isn’t high enough to justify lockdowns

Horrific stories are emerging of children developing rashes, cardiac abnormalities and other inflammatory symptoms that are linked to the novel ...

New coronavirus test problem: Not enough people seeking tests in some states

Four months into the U.S. coronavirus outbreak, tests for the virus finally are becoming widely available, a crucial step toward ...
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Infographic: 8 ways we can defeat the coronavirus

Ewen Callaway | 
More than 90 vaccines are being developed against SARS-CoV-2 by research teams in companies and universities across the world. Researchers ...
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How coronavirus wreaks havoc on the body, organ by organ

Will Bedingfield | 
Covid-19 has confounded the expectations of doctors. Patients suffer from a bewildering variety of complications. They urinate blood, complain of ...
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Coronavirus survivors’ plasma offers ‘modest’ recovery boost for infected patients, small study suggests

Gina Kolata | 
A small study of patients who were severely ill from the coronavirus hints that treatment with antibodies from recovered patients ...
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Why evangelical Christians fear—and may reject—a coronavirus vaccine

Caitlin Dickson | 
“Of course,” [Evangelical Christian Laura Popham] said, she’s worried about contracting COVID-19. But she’s more worried about a possible vaccine ...
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China’s latest outbreak sparks concerns over dangerous coronavirus mutations

Claire Che, Jason Gale, Sharon Chen | 
Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the northeast region ...

Viewpoint: US government’s coronavirus response a ‘living nightmare’

David Shlaes | 
It sounds like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has become completely dysfunctional. The Secretary, Dr. Azar (ex-lobbyist ...
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