1-30-2019 med pot

Marijuana is an ancient plant, but we’re only beginning to unravel its DNA

Christopher Jones&nbsp|&nbsp
For a plant humans have grown and transported around the world for thousands of years—utilizing its precious seeds, flowers, resin, ...
1-21-2019 t z lynxnpec k colorado marijuana

Marijuana and mental health: It’s not ‘strictly helpful or harmful’

Jonathan Stea&nbsp|&nbsp
The exciting news about the complexity of cannabis is that it holds much promise as a potential medicine for many ...

Smoking pot while pregnant increases health risks, including depression and drug abuse, for offspring

Andrew Scheyer&nbsp|&nbsp
Various large-scale longitudinal research projects in both North America and Europe, ranging from several hundred to thousands of subjects, on ...

Brains of fetuses could suffer from exposure to marijuana

Dana Smith&nbsp|&nbsp
Marijuana has been legalized in some capacity in 31 U.S. states, in large part due to a softening stance around ...

Why marijuana might not be such a great weapon to fight opioid addiction

Roger Chriss&nbsp|&nbsp
The opioid crisis is an ongoing national tragedy. One commonly suggested response is cannabis. But emerging state and national statistics ...

Good news for young pot-muddled brains. Study shows impairment is reversible

Laura Sanders&nbsp|&nbsp
Taking a monthlong break from pot helps clear away young people’s memory fog, a small study suggests. The results show ...

Debunking marijuana myths: Monsanto has not created ‘GMO super weed’

Jonathan Jarry&nbsp|&nbsp
Despite what some chronic users may claim, the cannabis plant is not mystical. Like any living species, its cells house ...

Mysterious ‘Ebola-like’ outbreak linked to synthetic marijuana

Ed Cara&nbsp|&nbsp
Since March, hundreds of people in the U.S. have come down with horrific, Ebola-like symptoms of bleeding. The initially mysterious ...
Medicalpot x

Viewpoint: Federal marijuana regulations defy ‘common sense’, hindering autism and epilepsy research

Shaun Hussain&nbsp|&nbsp
A few years ago, I began to see children in my practice who seemingly responded to marijuana-derived extracts. And as ...
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Cannabis farming is fueling development of less toxic biopesticides for ‘mainstream’ agriculture

Janet Burns&nbsp|&nbsp
As legal cannabis farms take the spotlight, safer methods of pest control are also taking root in more 'mainstream' agriculture. ... Regulators point out ...
GW Pharma Epidiolex x

Approval of marijuana treatment for epilepsy could be boost for autism research

Jessica Wright&nbsp|&nbsp
The United States has approved, for the first time, a compound derived from marijuana to treat certain types of epilepsy ...

Marijuana and epigenetics: Are we moving too quickly with legalization?

Kristen Hovet&nbsp|&nbsp
Some research suggests there could be health implications related to a surge in legalized marijuana use in the US. One ...
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Smoking and health: Genetic revolution transforming medical marijuana and tobacco

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Our increased understanding of plant genetics has potential to help smokers quit and provide patients with the medicinal benefits of ...
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