
How artificial intelligence could push us closer to nuclear war

George Dvorksy&nbsp|&nbsp
As AI slowly erodes the foundations that made the Cold War possible, we may find ourselves hurtling towards all-out nuclear ...
artificial mole

Implanted artificial mole could be early warning system for prostate, lung, colon, breast cancer

Michael Irving&nbsp|&nbsp
[R]esearchers at ETH Zurich have developed a novel early warning system for four common types of cancer. An implant keeps ...
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We are entering the era of artificial intelligence—how should we get ready for it?

Will Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
If the US were to draw up a new AI master plan, what should it aim to do? Funding AI ...
robot laws

AI personhood? European Parliament under fire for proposing recognizing legal status of robots

George Dvorsky&nbsp|&nbsp
Over 150 experts in AI, robotics, commerce, law, and ethics from 14 countries have signed an open letter denouncing the ...
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Viewpoint: Universe started with a bang, will end with a frigid ‘slow, gradual death’

Ethan Siegel&nbsp|&nbsp
When will our universe reach the point of maximum entropy? And what other possibilities exist for our universe in the ...
tech tattoo

Biohacking can work wonders on machines, but on humans? Not so much.

Samuel Arbesman&nbsp|&nbsp
We can hack our technologies, and even our societies, so why not ourselves? Alas, things are not so straightforward. While ...
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Kepler 452 b: Inhabitable ‘Earth 2.0’ could be statistical mirage, study shows

John Wenz&nbsp|&nbsp
Some astronomers are questioning the existence of what might be the most Earth-like planet yet found outside the solar system, based ...
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Transhumanism could push human evolution into hyperdrive. Should we embrace it?

David Trippett&nbsp|&nbsp
Some people believe that we can enhance human life through embracing biotechnology and genetic engineering, but should we? ...

Travel to Mars: Can gene therapy help us clear deadly radiation hurdle?

Sarah Betancourt&nbsp|&nbsp
An international group of researchers has come up with a new plan to help astronauts survive high-level radiation in space ...

Can humans reproduce in space? NASA wants to know

Jamie Wells&nbsp|&nbsp
If the thought of conceiving in space or the potential of one day giving birth there seem unimaginable and far-fetched ...

About phosphorous and why extraterrestrial life may be a long shot

Marcus Woo&nbsp|&nbsp
Phosphorus is an essential element for life — but that there was enough of it for life to start on ...

Implantable ‘neural lace’: How we may be able to stimulate our brain to regain youthful functions

Charles Lieber, Kiki Sanford&nbsp|&nbsp
[Elon] Musk stated publicly that given the current rate of A.I. advancement, humans could ultimately expect to be left behind—cognitively, ...

Futurist Jamie Metzl: Through gene editing ‘we will increasingly direct our own evolutionary process’

Jamie Metzl&nbsp|&nbsp
In this talk from last month's South by Southwest (SXSW), an annual conglomerate of film, interactive media, and music festivals, futurist Jamie ...
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Stanford biologist Drew Endy: We need transparency when synthesizing humans

David Duncan, Drew Endy&nbsp|&nbsp
Perhaps more than anyone else working in synthetic biology, [researcher Drew] Endy has tried to hold the community to account ...
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Rewriting life’s code: Researchers want to synthesize the entire human genome

David Duncan&nbsp|&nbsp
[Researcher George] Church is one of the leaders of an initiative called the Genome Project-­Write, or GP-Write, which is organizing ...
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Improved ‘brains’ grant robots dexterity that could soon rival humans

Will Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
It might not look that special, but the robot above is, according to a new measure, the most dexterous one ...

Building an Alzheimer’s early warning system through artificial intelligence

Emily Mullin&nbsp|&nbsp
[A flat white box attached to the wall] knows when [David Graham] gets out of bed, gets dressed, walks to ...

Recording and playing back dreams isn’t here yet, but may be on the way

Charlotte Hu&nbsp|&nbsp
[W]hat if you could record your dreams, and play them back for analysis, or even share them with friends? Theoretically, ...

5 biotechnologies that might help save endangered species

Nishan Degnarain, Ryan Phelan&nbsp|&nbsp
Here are five expanding and emergent fields of biotech that could help safeguard nature: 1. Biobanking. Biobanks store biological samples ...

What makes us human? If your brain is frozen after death, information might be uploadable into an artificial body

Sue Blackmore&nbsp|&nbsp
Are you longing for your brain and all its memories to be preserved for ever? That once fanciful idea seems ...

Is artificial intelligence a threat to our existence?

Nick Bilton&nbsp|&nbsp
I found myself seated among a group of physicists, astrologists, historians, philosophers, technologists, and futurists of various varieties and pedigrees ...

Heart muscle patches: Reprogrammed blood cells might extend life of heart attack victims

David Cox&nbsp|&nbsp
Those who survive [a heart attack] are often left with permanent heart failure – a group which includes approximately 450,000 ...
geovisual crop data tablet

Artificial intelligence poised to revolutionize farming

Bernard Marr&nbsp|&nbsp
Computer vision specialist Blue River Technology has developed a solution for [pesticide risk], using advanced machine learning algorithms to enable ...
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Humanzee: Creating lab-produced human-chimpanzee hybrids would be ‘profoundly ethical’

David Barash&nbsp|&nbsp
It is a bit of a stretch, but by no means impossible or even unlikely that a hybrid or a ...
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How DARPA wants to create spies from genetically modified sea life

David Axe&nbsp|&nbsp
The US military wants to enlist fish and other sea life to help it track enemy submarines at sea. The ...
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Dystopian ‘Black Mirror’ scenarios predict dark future for artificial intelligence

Will Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
[A] new report by more than 20 researchers from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, OpenAI, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation warns that ...
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Reinforcing the human heart: Integrating human cells, electronics and nanomaterials

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
Future of heart care: Cardiac patch that doesn't merely beat, but also provides monitoring and, if needed, electrical stimulation and ...
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