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‘Unrandom selection’: CRISPR merged with AI (artificial intelligence) may change what it means to be human

Matthew Dunn&nbsp|&nbsp
Modern medicine and rapidly advancing technology have seen us greatly evolve from the early days of hunter-gatherers, and now the ...

Perfecting microbes to biomanufacture cells like computer chips

Monique Brouillete&nbsp|&nbsp
[Researcher Alec] Nielsen heads a startup called Asimov that is trying to automate the design of sophisticated genetic modifications. Its software, called ...
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Pinpointing time of death for crime victims may be possible through our genes

Elizabeth Pennisi&nbsp|&nbsp
Thanks to an extensive new survey of gene activity in human tissue after death, computational biologists have taken the first ...

End of cavities: We may soon be able to regrow our teeth

Ferris Jabr&nbsp|&nbsp
Currently, the primary way to treat a cavity is to excavate the decay and the surrounding area before filling the ...

State of mind: Will computers learn to act and think like we do?

Subhash Kak&nbsp|&nbsp
The technology that drives artificial intelligence is constantly moving forward. But will machines every gain the human equivalent of a ...
NASA Photo Bio Mimicry Project Robert Dumitru

Harnessing evolution for space travel: Using biomimicry to recreate life on Mars

Matthew Francis&nbsp|&nbsp
[E]volution has had billions of years of trial and error to produce species that are well adapted chemically and physically ...
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Using DNA to store data? US defense agency DARPA is trying

Megan Molteni&nbsp|&nbsp
[T]he Department of Defense agency tasked with funding science’s most far-out hopes has begun investing millions in discovering radical, non-binary ...
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Podcast: What if we could use artificial wombs to save premature babies?

Sabrina Stierwalt&nbsp|&nbsp
Ectogenesis, that is the gestation outside of a biological womb, sounds like science fiction. But one of the top stories ...
europa atomic clock

Searching for alien life: Maybe we should start with extraterrestrial viruses

Alex Barasch&nbsp|&nbsp
One possibility for what might be out there that’s, relatively speaking, one of the most plausible theories has so far ...
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‘Animal uplift’: Could we—and should we—make animals smarter?

Edd Gent&nbsp|&nbsp
Advances in neural implants and genetic engineering suggest that in the not–too–distant future we may be able to boost human intelligence. If that’s ...

Mars in 15 years? Not without overcoming 3 big challenges

Zahaan Bharmal&nbsp|&nbsp
Editor's note: Zahaan Bharmal is the Head of Marketing Strategic Communications at Google and has a degree in Physics from ...

Neuroevolution: Artificial intelligence learns by adapting and evolving

Matthew Hutson&nbsp|&nbsp
[An] old idea—improving neural networks not through teaching, but through evolution—is revealing its potential. Five new papers from Uber in San Francisco, California, ...

‘Bioprinting’ body parts could become a reality—if we clear some hurdles

Printed replacement human body parts might seem like science fiction, but this technology is rapidly becoming a reality with the ...
Extending human life: What are the age limits?

Extending human life: What are the age limits?

Fergus Walsh&nbsp|&nbsp
How long do you want to live - to 85, 90, 100 or beyond? More important than how long we ...

Is speculation about alien life legitimate science? Or merely a distraction?

Elizabeth Howell&nbsp|&nbsp
Speculation about extraterrestrials seems to be everywhere these days. [Recently] it was “Tabby’s Star” (more officially known as KIC 8462852), ...
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Could our microbiome offer diet advice? Edible sensors look inside our digestive system

Kelly Servick&nbsp|&nbsp
Wouldn’t it be nice if our microbiomes could serve up diet advice—some science-based assurance that our food and medicines act ...
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Google’s deep-learning Alpha Zero masters chess from scratch in 4 hours––then doesn’t lose

Tommaso Dorigo&nbsp|&nbsp
The architecture that beat humans at the notoriously CPU-impervious game Go, AlphaGo by Google Deep Mind, was converted to allow ...
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How living GMO algae could electrify rural Africa

Josh Gabbatiss&nbsp|&nbsp
Fuel cells powered by living algae that are five times more efficient than current models, have been designed by scientists ...

Designer proteins could help us fight flu, remove gluten from foods

Carl Zimmer&nbsp|&nbsp
[Researchers have] been stumped by one great mystery: how the building blocks in a protein take their final shape. David ...

Artificial intelligence: How can we regulate without stifling innovation?

Jeremy Straub&nbsp|&nbsp
There is disagreement among some of the top minds in technology when it comes to the subject of regulating artificial ...

Deep learning: Google wants to use retinal photos to predict blood pressure, age, smoking status

Amy Maxmen&nbsp|&nbsp
Eyes are said to be the window to the soul—but researchers at Google see them as indicators of a person’s ...

‘Junk DNA’: Mining our genome’s dark matter for new disease treatments

Eshna Gogia&nbsp|&nbsp
The term junk DNA was used to describe sequences that that do not code for proteins. Largely ignored by researchers, ...
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Could we fight HIV with new Car-T therapy?

Sharon Begley&nbsp|&nbsp
The same kind of DNA tinkering that produced the first FDA-approved gene therapy for cancer has shown hints of suppressing and even ...
marriage leave saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia requires premarital genetic screening. How is it working out?

Kristen Brown&nbsp|&nbsp
In Saudi Arabia, if you’re planning to tie the knot, there’s a step you must go through that doesn’t happen ...

Balancing cancer detection and finding false positives: Enhancing tumor imaging technology provides guidance

Quing Zhu&nbsp|&nbsp
Many forms of cancer go undetected until a later stage, making them hard to treat and putting patients at greater ...
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Male pregnancy may be closer than you think

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
As women begin to receive uterine transplants, the question is being asked of when they will be available for men ...
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Typing directly from your brain, and other neuroscience technologies to watch in 2018

Sharon Begley&nbsp|&nbsp
Here are three fast-moving areas of neuroscience we’ll be watching in 2018: … [S]cientists at Brown University are developing salt-grain-sized ...
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