
‘Turbocharged’ artificial synapses could make artificial intelligence 100 times more efficient

Will Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Neural networks are the crown jewel of the AI boom. They gorge on data and do things like transcribe speech ...
food crisis problem

Can biotech crops solve the hunger crisis?

Henrylito Tacio&nbsp|&nbsp
Is there a likely solution in sight for hunger? “I now say that the world has the technology—either available or well ...
robot helping baby

How artificial intelligence could transform the ‘art of medicine’

Pamela Hepp&nbsp|&nbsp
Every patient is unique, and the art of medicine is the component of the practice that addresses such uniqueness with ...
Agriculture Plowing Tractors

Agroecology advocates urge global shift away from ‘unsustainable industrial agriculture’

Input-intensive crop monocultures and industrial-scale feedlots must be consigned to the past in order to put global food systems onto ...
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‘Soulless, metallic robot dogs’ are headed our way

Mike Murphy&nbsp|&nbsp
Earlier this year, [Boston Dynamics founder Marc] Raibert said the company planned to start selling its SpotMini robot dogs in 2019, and ...

If DNA can predict facial construction, how can we ever have genetic privacy?

Caitlin Curtis, James Hereward&nbsp|&nbsp
DNA can now predict your facial structure. What does that mean for personal privacy? ...
space junk

Rethinking the search for alien life: Let’s look for their space junk

George Dvorsky&nbsp|&nbsp
SETI enthusiasts have devised all sorts of complicated ways for us to find signs of alien life, but a new ...
Why get certified in Artificial Intelligence

Here’s why so many of us are spooked by artificial intelligence?

Mindy Weisberger&nbsp|&nbsp
[N]ot everyone is ready to welcome AI with open arms. In recent years, as computer scientists have pushed the boundaries ...
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Cell free proteins? Unraveling the mysteries of the plant circadian clock

Peter Bickerton&nbsp|&nbsp
The basic unit of life is the cell; tiny, fatty, self-replicating bubbles that have adapted to fill almost every environment ...
indian farmer

Green revolution: Indian farmers advocate for legalization of GMO mustard, biotech crops

Vijay Jayaraj&nbsp|&nbsp
A new green revolution is in the making. Farmers in India are now using social media to promote and advocate ...
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Making a ‘monster’ with artificial intelligence—on purpose

Nathaniel Scharping&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers at MIT have created a psychopath. They call him Norman. He’s a computer. Actually, that’s not really right. Though ...
Sophia robot

Robots could one day pass as humans. Should we let them?

Matt Simon&nbsp|&nbsp
[T]oday, ever-sophisticated robots are graduating from Disneyland-style animatronics into increasingly realistic, intelligent beings. Take the famous human replicas of Hiroshi Ishi­guro. Or the ...
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Viewpoint: 3 reasons we should be concerned about artificial intelligence

Henry Kissinger&nbsp|&nbsp
Artificial intelligence will in time bring extraordinary benefits to medical science, clean-energy provision, environmental issues, and many other areas. But precisely ...
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Synthetic biology startup Ginkgo Bioworks wants to print ‘designer’ DNA

Andrew Zaleski&nbsp|&nbsp
Over the last several years, Ginkgo [Bioworks] has developed an automated process for combining genetic parts that has made it ...

How artificial intelligence might learn about human emotion

Christina Couch&nbsp|&nbsp
In 1998, while looking for topics for her Master’s thesis at the American University in Cairo, [Rana] el Kaliouby stumbled ...

There are 3 types of alien life we might find out there

Ethan Siegel&nbsp|&nbsp
Our existence here is proof enough that it can happen. We can imagine that if life comes to exist anywhere else ...

Will weed-zapping AI robots disrupt market for herbicides and GMO seeds?

Ludwig Burger, Tom Polansek&nbsp|&nbsp
In a field of sugar beet in Switzerland, a solar-powered robot that looks like a table on wheels scans the ...
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No male birth control due to lack of pharmaceutical industry support—not male disinterest

Regine Sitruk-Ware&nbsp|&nbsp
That the responsibility for preventing unintended pregnancy still lies almost exclusively with women remains one of the world’s great health ...

FitBit for cows: Biohacker invents implanted sensor that tracks livestock health in real time

Laura Yan&nbsp|&nbsp
Though they look indistinguishable from the other cows on a dairy farm in Utah, three cyborg cows with implanted sensors ...
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After 25 years, will Congress revive NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)?

Marina Koren&nbsp|&nbsp
Lawmakers in the House of Representatives recently proposed legislation for NASA’s future that includes some intriguing language. The space agency, the bill recommends, ...
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Are we done bleeding horseshoe crabs for pharmaceutical use?

Sarah Zhang&nbsp|&nbsp
Contemporary humans do not deliberately kill the horseshoe crabs—as did previous centuries of farmers catching them for fertilizer or fishermen ...

5 key things we should know about the gut microbiome

Kristina Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Here are five of the most important questions that lie ahead for microbiome science. 1) What makes a gut microbiome ...
synthetic biology crispr

CRISPR may turn biology into the next Silicon Valley-like digital platform

Megan Molteni&nbsp|&nbsp
Crispr, the powerful gene-editing tool, is revolutionizing the speed and scope with which scientists can modify the DNA of organisms, including ...
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Writer agrees to be biohacked. Now she wonders if it was worth it

Kristen Brown&nbsp|&nbsp
Grinders are hackers, but the hardware they aim to hack is the human body. They are transhumanist in the most ...

‘De-extinction’ could revive vanished Tasmanian tiger—or something close to it

Kristin Hugo&nbsp|&nbsp
With the stripes of a tiger, the body shape of a dog and the pouch of a kangaroo, the Australian ...
AlterEgo is a new device that can read your internal thoughts

No words needed: AlterEgo prototype allows communication with computer as if by thought

Rachel Metz&nbsp|&nbsp
Controlling your gadgets by talking to them is so 2018. In the future, you won’t even have to move your ...
synthetic biology

Synthetic biology’s ‘promise and potential’ capture investor attention

Steven Cerier&nbsp|&nbsp
Synthetic biology has become the new frontier of genetic engineering, promising to radically change the way we make clothes, fragrances, ...
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