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Addiction can be measured by epigenetics

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Both alcohol and cocaine dependence are regulated by epigenetic changes in the brain that begin with abuse. Matched with the ...
Listeria blamed for US smoked salmon recalls strict xxl

US Ebola hysteria and money pit highlight lack of resources to confront diseases that kill far more people

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
The Ebola hysteria underscores how frenzy rather than need drives government responses and resources. Listeria is a disease that's not ...
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Women carry fetal DNA long after children’s birth

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Women and their offspring exchange small amounts of DNA during pregnancy. Those fetal DNA signatures can last a lifetime in ...
mitochondrial dna NHGRI

An end to fat shaming? The 50 year DNA mystery of metabolic dysfunction may soon be solved

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Eat all of the pizza you want? Unlikely, but some people do have a biological disadvantage when it comes to ...
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Closer examination of risk factors for Latinos underscores cultural diversity

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Investigations into the genetics of disease in Latino populations are yielding interesting patterns of risk and protection from disease. The ...
franken corn DNA

Mutagenesis: One way Europeans wish it was 1936 again

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Want to use ionizing radiation and mutagenic chemicals to create herbicide-resistant crops without the messy GMO protests? Mutagenesis is the ...
enlist duo

Natural Resources Defense Council sues EPA to block rollout of Dow Enlist Duo GMO system

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
The NRDC filed what is expected to be the first of numerous suits challenging the EPA's approval of Enlist Duo, ...

Why random walks in evolution lead to the same place–and why biotechnology opponents should take note

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent study found that evolution is not as random and chaotic as critics of biology like to contend. In ...
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Beyond universal donors, some people are programed with no blood type at all

Penny Bailey&nbsp|&nbsp
People genetically coded with the RH-null blood type have a blood type more rare than extremely rare disease. Their numbers ...

Sperm mislabeling causes consternation for all-white family with mixed race child

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Sperm is a product, but not a well-regulated one. After receiving donor sperm from an African American donor, a Caucasian ...
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If not for the NIH, we might have an Ebola vaccine

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Because it is election season, government-funded academia and science media have been claiming that politics can be blamed for the ...
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CDC faced a nearly impossible balancing act with Ebola, and failed

Alex Berezow&nbsp|&nbsp
In an attempt to claim public concerns from turning into mass hysteria, the CDC made some major blunders--some medical and ...
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Ebola infographic: Is this outbreak poised for pandemic?

A second Texas healthcare worker tests positive for the virus amid predictions that as many as 10,000 people a day ...
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Is organic agriculture leading to an increase in antibiotic resistance?

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Conventional agriculture is under attack by organic and anti-GMO activists for contributing to antibiotic resistance as the result of animals ...
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Media overhypes stem cell breakthrough for Type 1 diabetes

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
As the Harvard Stem Cell Institute announced it's cured diabetes in mice with stem cells reprogrammed to produce insulin, the ...
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Peer review on controversial science issues letting all of us down

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
There have been a slew of reports raising questions about the reproducibility of peer reviewed studies. But there is another ...
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Is ‘Frankenbacteria’ our best hope to defeat future bioterrorism?

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Bioterrorism is terror by science, the intentional release of toxins, bacteria or toxins to cause illness, death and panic. When ...
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Can’t start the day without a cup of Joe? Zest for coffee linked to genes

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
The number of cups of coffee you have in a day is informed by your genetics as a combination of ...
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Tall Genes: Thousands found responsible for height differences

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
There are more 600 of spots on the genome responsible for about a fifth of the variation in human height ...
Our GPS brain: What is the ‘doorway effect’ and how do we orient ourselves

Our GPS brain: What is the ‘doorway effect’ and how do we orient ourselves

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
How does memory and what amounts to a GPS system in our brain root us in the world? That's the ...

Science fiction meets Julia Child: An elegant cookbook for lab-grown meats

Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft&nbsp|&nbsp
Although they've not yet hit the market, a Dutch art collective has created the definitive volume on how to cook ...
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National Resource Defense Council reverses course, acknowledges ‘factory farms’ do not overuse antibiotics

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Advocacy groups often claim antibiotic use on 'factory farms' is soaring, hurting animals and even humans who are developing resistance ...
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Controversial fetal cell transplants revived for Parkinson’s trials

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Fetal brain cell transplants fell out of favor as a potential therapy for Parkinson’s disease after mixed reviews from trials ...
winter tornado

Beware of the biomedical industrial complex

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
Dr. Steve McKnight, President of the American Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, has written an article that must be as ...
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DIY fecal transplant: Taking love of the microbiome a bit too far

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
Anthropologist Jeff Leach ended his last trip to Africa with a bit of self-experimentation. He gave himself a fecal transplant ...
Are Ebola drug researchers developing 'death drugs' that could wipe out humanity? Yes, by logic of anti-GMOers

Are Ebola drug researchers developing ‘death drugs’ that could wipe out humanity? Yes, by logic of anti-GMOers

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
It's perplexing that strident anti-GMO critics who regularly harp on the "danger" of harvesting a "foreign" gene from one species ...
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Personal genomics company says it will solve puzzle of Welsh origins

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
A British genetics company is asking for Welsh participants to help discover the mysterious genetic origins of the famously redheaded ...
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