Staphylococcus aureus x

What is a ‘healthy’ microbiome?

Ed Yong&nbsp|&nbsp
A group of culturally isolated villagers in the Amazon may hold the key to showing us what a healthy microbiome, ...
WEB cover art suggestion

Acid bath turns adult cells into stem cells

David Cyranoski&nbsp|&nbsp
Japanese researchers report transforming adult cells into a flexible, embryonic state via a surprisingly simple method of exposing the cells ...

Finding more disease genes, faster

Ed Yong&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers string together disease genes to create networks that help explain the interactions between the genes, and, better yet, find ...

British biotech company focuses on creating cellular factories

James Bevan&nbsp|&nbsp
Imagine bacteria that eats pollution in water or can recycle gold from electronics -- the scope of synthetic biology is ...
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One-fifth of Neanderthal genome persists in modern human genome

Evan Callaway&nbsp|&nbsp
By piecing together the fragments of Neanderthal DNA in the modern genome, researchers found that the stocky hunter-gatherers gave us ...

Genetics gives hope of species-specific pesticides, minimal collateral damage

Kenrick Vezina&nbsp|&nbsp
Imagine a future in which we no longer use pesticides. Instead, we use weevilicides or rootwormicides, targeted with exquisite precision ...
black death ala

Ancient bacterial DNA suggest black death might not be gone for good

Steve Connor&nbsp|&nbsp
DNA analysis of the bacteria strains behind two black plague pandemics emerged, independently, from the black rat. That means another ...

Old brains may be slow, but still smart

Susan Brink&nbsp|&nbsp
Modern memory tests are selling old brains short. It could be that older, wiser heads are so chock full of ...
blue eyed spaniard x

Surprise: Ancient europeans had dark skin and blue eyes

Dan Vergano&nbsp|&nbsp
Ancient Europeans may have been dark-skinned and blue-eyed (a combination rarely found in modern times) according to DNA from a ...
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The complex and confusing genetics of schizophrenia

Annabel Bligh&nbsp|&nbsp
Schizophrenia is even more complex than already believed, with rare gene mutations contributing to the disorder. In two studies published ...

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing just not ready for prime time

Pete Shanks&nbsp|&nbsp
Stories keep coming in from people who signed up for genetic testing and received strange, conflicting, or just plain wrong ...
focus full

Overclocking your brain? Be careful

Christian Jarrett&nbsp|&nbsp
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) head-sets send electrical currents straight through your skull and into your brain, but do they ...
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Truths and myths about left-brain, right-brain functions

Michael C. Corballis&nbsp|&nbsp
Handedness and brain asymmetry are widely regarded as unique to humans, and associated with left-brain and right-brain functions. But which ...

Extinguishing the memory of fear, with a drug that changes the epigenome

Virginia Hughes&nbsp|&nbsp
A new drug changes the chemical markers that attach to DNA, making it possible to treat even old traumatic memories ...
JPCHRO master

Deciphering the mysterious X chromosome

Carl Zimmer&nbsp|&nbsp
The X chromosome is part of the system that determines gender. Yet, despite its significance in human life, the X ...

Giant leaps of evolution make cancer cells deadly

Michael Slezak&nbsp|&nbsp
The complex invasion of multiple body tissues that occurs when cancer metastasizes is driven by huge leaps of evolution. Maybe ...

Complications of finding a doctor who supports genetic screening during IVF

Amy Klein&nbsp|&nbsp
Genetic screening can reduce the chances of initiating an IVF pregnancy that may end in miscarriage but, as one woman ...
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Monsanto’s kitchen: All the advantages of genetic modification without the Frankenfood ick factor

Ben Paynter&nbsp|&nbsp
The company whose name is synonymous with Big Ag has revolutionized the way we grow food—for better or worse. Now, ...
AP Sweden Womb Transplant

Womb transplants prove successful for nine women

Rosie Morley&nbsp|&nbsp
Nine women have received transplants of uteruses donated by their mothers or other living relatives in an ongoing trial of ...
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My risk-benefit ratio for personal genetics

Virginia Hughes&nbsp|&nbsp
Personal genomics is going to play a role in future medical care. If 23andMe can't provide medical results to customers, ...
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FDA backs genetic screening, but struggles against ‘wild west’ of consumer genomics

Michael White&nbsp|&nbsp
The FDA's tussle with personal genetics company 23andMe may make the headlines. But in many other ways the agency is ...
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‘Swiss-army-knife’ molecule could help researchers assess how cells really work

Researchers have discovered a first-of-its-kind way to isolate RNA from live cells in their natural tissue microenvironment without damaging nearby ...
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Genes show dogs are descendants of now-extinct wolf breed

Alan Boyle&nbsp|&nbsp
The latest genetic study to trace the origins of dogs confirms the view that they were domesticated by hunter-gatherers at ...
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2014: One step closer to genetically engineered athletes

Roger Groves&nbsp|&nbsp
We're closer than ever to having the science to support genetically engineering athletes. Are we responsible enough to handle it? ...

FDA clampdown on consumer genetics is overcautious

Nita Farahany, Robert Green&nbsp|&nbsp
The FDA's precautionary approach to 23andMe may present more of a threat to consumer health than 23andMe's test results ever ...
Human eye

Using gene therapy, patients with rare sight disorders get vision partly restored

Ian Sample&nbsp|&nbsp
Two men with progressive blindness have regained some of their vision after taking part in the first clinical trial of ...
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Video: Ramez Naam discusses linking human brains

Ramez Naam&nbsp|&nbsp
At a recent TEDxRainier talk, author and technologist Ramez Naam discussed the current science of sending sights, sounds, and sensations ...
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