How 100-year-old tissue samples could rewrite the Spanish flu’s deadly history

Helen Branswell | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Late one night Michael Worobey began poking around on the internet, looking for descendants of a World War I British ...
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Video: Why infectious diseases are so troublesome for air travelers

Alex Hogan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When Emirates Flight EK203 landed at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport last September, it did not proceed to its ...

Why the CDC’s opioid guidelines may be hurting patients in pain

Chad Kollas, Diane Hoffman, Kate Nicholson | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain in March 2016, pain patients ...

NIH blocks research using fetal tissue, prompting calls of ‘scientific censorship’

Kate Sheridan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have been ordered not to acquire new fetal tissue for their research since ...

CRISPR treatment for rare genetic eye disorder gains FDA study approval

Damian Garde | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Days after a Chinese researcher incensed the world of science with claims of editing the genomes of twin girls, an American ...

Converting thought to speech: Brain implants could help paralyzed patients communicate

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[Neurosurgeon Ashesh Mehta] was operating on [an] epilepsy patient to determine the source of seizures. But the patient agreed to ...
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Using single-cell sequencing to refine the search for disease culprits

Meghana Keshavan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[S]cientists, using a powerful technology called single-cell sequencing, have begun to peel apart the precise mechanisms of how individual cells ...
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Targeting sperm in the quest for a contraceptive that doesn’t use hormones

Megan Thielking | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists are trying to create a new kind of contraception with a novel tactic: tangling up sperm so they can’t ...

Viewpoint: Why we need a 3-year moratorium on gene-edited babies

Paul Knoepfler | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Chinese researcher He [Jiankui] dropped the bomb with his claim that he produced twin CRISPR’d babies. He cited a 2017 National Academies ...
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Inside the quest to solve mystery disease paralyzing kids

Elizabeth Wells, Jessica Carpenter, Roberta Debiasi | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
To parents and the press, the “new” disease that is paralyzing kids is a mystery. Media coverage of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), ...
Specter ThePerilsandPromisesofGene DriveTechnology

Viewpoint: Why gene drives should be left in the hands of nonprofits

Kevin Esvelt | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Gene drive and other methods of editing the genomes of wild organisms could save millions of lives and prevent billions ...

Ethics and the controversial decision to make gene-edited babies

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
For someone who has caused a worldwide uproar over what many fellow scientists consider an ethical outrage, He Jiankui of ...

There’s still much we don’t know about world’s first gene-edited babies

Elizabeth Cooney | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
A Chinese scientist has shocked the world with claims he used the genome editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 to manipulate the genes ...

Start up Nebula Genomics offers free full genome sequencing, but there’s a privacy catch

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Information wants to be free, says the old internet meme, and a genomics company will now apply that to DNA: ...

How we can improve mortality rates for people with mental illnesses

Ralph Aquila, Shekhar Saxena | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[P]eople with serious mental illness die 10 to 25 years earlier than the general population. It’s not difficult to understand why. Even ...

Using machine learning to hunt for the origins of new viruses

Andrew Joseph | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When a new virus crops up in people, health authorities face an urgent question: Where did it come from? Thousands of viruses ...

Opioid controversy: FDA approves powerful new drug despite addiction concerns

Ed Silverman | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
In a highly controversial move, the Food and Drug Administration approved an especially powerful opioid painkiller despite criticism that the ...

Explaining CRISPR gene editing to beginners is no easy task

Eric Boodman | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[MIT grad student Avery] Normandin was surrounded by an entirely different kind of laypeople. These folks — or at least ...
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Viewpoint: Why the West should worry about losing the gene-editing race

André Choulika | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
I fear that the West is losing today’s version of the “space race” — this one to use and control gene ...
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Small patient pool in Alzheimer’s drug trial casts shadow on positive results

Damian Garde | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Facing pressing questions about its latest clinical trial in Alzheimer’s disease, Biogen may have sowed further doubt on the future ...

Which contraceptive is best for you? Precision medicine could provide the answer

Megan Christofield | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Approximately 900 million women around the world use contraceptives. It’s a shame that, even with the best available evidence and resources, an ...

Drugs for mental disorders: Why better access to services ‘will likely make things worse’

Robert Nikkel, Robert Whitaker | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
To reduce the rising burden of mental disorders around the world, the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable ...
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Seeking answers for sick babies through whole genome sequencing

Meghana Keshavan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When babies become intensely ill, it can be difficult to know what has gone wrong. But the answer, quite often, ...

Cartoons offer ‘simple’ whimsical look at cancer immunotherapy through the eyes of scientists

Neil Canavan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Four years ago, I was hired for a new and terrific job: to help my colleagues at Solebury Trout and ...

Why we should worry about the rapid spread of ketamine clinics

Megan Thielking | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
As ketamine clinics pop up across the U.S. to offer experimental infusions for depression, anxiety, and a slew of other conditions, training ...

Therapy dogs spread joy—and possibly superbugs—to kids in hospitals

Mike Stobbe | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Therapy dogs can bring more than joy and comfort to hospitalized kids. They can also bring stubborn germs. Doctors at ...
Viewpoint: Do male doctors tend to be paternalistic when treating 'female' diseases?

Viewpoint: Do male doctors tend to be paternalistic when treating ‘female’ diseases?

Doreen Carvajal | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When my silent assassin emerged last autumn, I pressed my surgeon about the prognosis for a form of peritoneal cancer ...
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In order to thrive, precision medicine requires ‘novel business solutions’

Kathy Giusti, Richard Hamermesh | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Oncology currently leads the way in precision medicine advancements, but its forward progress is slowed by inefficiencies such as clinical ...
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