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Electronic paternity tests and other bad ideas before the dawn of the DNA era

Nara Milanich&nbsp|&nbsp
In the first decades of the 20th century, scientists around the world proposed a fantastic array of new methods to ...
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These dietary supplements could slow your aging. But they might also increase your cancer risk.

Helen Shen&nbsp|&nbsp
As the world’s aging population grows rapidly, so has its appetite for health tips, tricks and products that could help ...

Attacking cancer tumors with next generation CAR-T cell therapies

Rafael Amado&nbsp|&nbsp
In 2017, the first immuno-oncology cell therapies, known as chimeric antigen receptor T cells, or CAR T, were approved by the ...

Do creative minds draw inspiration from a special place in the brain?

Knvul Sheikh&nbsp|&nbsp
By using the dorsomedial part of what scientists refer to as the brain’s “default network,” creative people can stretch their ...
5-22-2019 motherdaughter

Do we really seek partners who look like our parents?

Martin Gründl, Sara Goudarzi&nbsp|&nbsp
Time and again, we’ve heard the assertion that we’re attracted to partners who look like our parents. … An example ...
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FDA cracking down on unregulated dietary supplements, which it contends are almost all ineffective

Monica Reinagel&nbsp|&nbsp
The FDA recently announced that it plans to increase its oversight of the multi-billion dollar supplement industry. This would include ...

A single ‘live’ vaccine could fortify immune systems against measles and other diseases

Melinda Moyer&nbsp|&nbsp
Maria was eligible to participate in a clinical trial to test whether an extra dose of measles vaccine prevented not ...
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There’s something in elderly blood that hurts our brains. Is this protein the culprit?

Simon Makin&nbsp|&nbsp
Something in elderly blood is bad for brains. Plasma from old mice or humans worsens cognition and biological indicators of ...
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Women are freezing their eggs for use later. Will they be viable when thawed?

Liza Mundy&nbsp|&nbsp
Because eggs are one of the most important factors in female fertility, and both their quality and quantity declines with ...
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AI’s surprising development of ‘number sense’ mimics that of human babies

Dana Smith&nbsp|&nbsp
Training software that emulates brain networks to identify dog breeds or sports equipment is by now old news. But getting ...
birth control

Unintended benefits of ‘the pill’: Fewer mood swings and better relationships?

Tenille Taggart&nbsp|&nbsp
I was intrigued to learn that taking birth control pills could reduce period-related mood swings and that it had other beneficial effects ...
4-23-2019 dsc

Viewpoint: AI may boost our diagnostic abilities, but it’s not ready to replace human doctors

Elisha Waldman&nbsp|&nbsp
I read a recent article in Nature Medicine about new inroads in deploying artificial intelligence (AI) in pediatrics. In the article, researchers ...
4-22-2019 b ytpt x

Does LSD microdosing change how people see the world?

Sam Rose&nbsp|&nbsp
You’ve probably heard about microdosing, the “productivity hack” popular among Silicon Valley engineers and business leaders. Microdosers take regular small doses of LSD ...
tibet monks

When culture clashes with science: Teaching evolution to Tibetan monks

David Westmoreland&nbsp|&nbsp
“We believe that we came into existence when an ogress mated with a monkey. Is that possible?” The question comes ...
4-15-2019 screen shot at pm

Brain sync studies could lead to better connections between patients and therapists

Lydia Denworth&nbsp|&nbsp
A growing cadre of neuroscientists is using sophisticated technology ... to capture what happens in one brain, two brains, or ...
4-18-2019 a doctor explains how prescribing ketamine for depression works

Ketamine for depression—what we know about how it changes the brain

Simon Makin&nbsp|&nbsp
The FDA's approval [of ketamine for depression] marks the first genuinely new type of psychiatric drug—for any condition—to be brought ...
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‘Crystal ball’ for disease? Genetic tests could predict risk of Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer

Leo Sugrue, Rahul Desikan&nbsp|&nbsp
If a crystal ball could reveal your personal risk for developing heart disease or breast cancer or Alzheimer's disease, would ...
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Treating OCD and other anxiety disorders with brief, intensive therapy

Claudia Wallis&nbsp|&nbsp
For nearly 20 years [Thomas] Ollendick has been testing briefer, more intensive forms of [cognitive-behavioral therapy] for childhood anxiety disorders ...
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Restoring sense of smell with a brain implant

Karen Weintraub&nbsp|&nbsp
After a concussion left [Scott] Moorehead without a sense of smell six years ago, these losses were all he could ...
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‘Glioblastoma-on-a-chip’ could boost efforts to treat deadliest human cancer

Bret Stetka&nbsp|&nbsp
The most common form of malignant brain cancer—called a glioblastoma—is notoriously wily and considered the deadliest human cancer. … [R]esearchers ...
3-28-2019 polio

Why we need to get better at analyzing all of that disease data we’ve been collecting

Sara Del Valle&nbsp|&nbsp
Our ability to collect data far outpaces our ability to fully utilize it—yet those data may hold the key to ...
flashing lights and clicks could cure alzheimer header

Can ‘flashing light and pulsing sounds’ counter the effects of Alzheimer’s?

Angus Chen&nbsp|&nbsp
Bathing patients in flashing light and pulsing sounds both tuned to a frequency of 40 hertz might reverse key signs ...
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Conservation genomics: Better understanding of DNA could save some species from extinction

Jonas Korlach&nbsp|&nbsp
Disease, predators and shrinking habitats led to a complete loss of Hawaii’s only remaining lineage of the crow family, the ...
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Vulnerability to mental illness may have given humans an evolutionary advantage

Dana Smith&nbsp|&nbsp
Nearly one in five Americans currently suffers from a mental illness, and roughly half of us will be diagnosed with ...

Can adult brains grow new neurons? New study says yes.

Karen Weintraub&nbsp|&nbsp
If the memory center of the human brain can grow new cells, it might help people recover from depression and ...
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New Alzheimer’s theory: Could be the result of an infection by ‘viruses, bacteria and fungi’

Kenneth Shinozuka&nbsp|&nbsp
[I]n some places, Alzheimer’s is the leading cause of death, and the number of Alzheimer’s patients is expected to triple by 2050. However, ...
3-17-2019 lighted window in dark night

Insomnia linked to neuropsychiatric disorders rather than ‘sleep regulation’, genetic studies show

Simon Makin&nbsp|&nbsp
[T]wo studies published [March 11] in Nature Genetics provide first peeks at the biological basis of insomnia, implicating specific brain regions and ...
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