Lucid dreaming linked to higher creativity

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Have you ever had a dream so real, you mistook it for reality? This is a state called lucid dreaming. Truth be told, little is known about sleep, a condition we’re in for about a third of our lifetime.

A German study found that those who are naturally prone to lucid dreams have a larger pre-frontal cortex, and may outpace others in certain cognitive abilities, such as self-reflection and meta-cognition or pondering one’s own thinking processes. A few studies have found that focusing on problems within a lucid dream can offer results in the real world. Creative types may also be more prone to lucid dreams.

You can also make a conscious effort to better recognize when you’re dreaming and when you’re conscious. To do so, be extra cognizant of your surroundings when awake.

If you have someone on the outside that’s willing to help in your sleep bound quest, you could set up a situation where while you’re in a deep sleep, they whisper certain important words to you, or spray a little water on you, shine light is shone in your eyes, or play a recorded message, or even exert pressure to one of your limbs. Any of these may induce the lucid state. Or piss you off.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: Can You Learn How to Control Your Dreams?

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