
Science fiction meets Julia Child: An elegant cookbook for lab-grown meats

Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft | 
Although they've not yet hit the market, a Dutch art collective has created the definitive volume on how to cook ...
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National Resource Defense Council reverses course, acknowledges ‘factory farms’ do not overuse antibiotics

Hank Campbell | 
Advocacy groups often claim antibiotic use on 'factory farms' is soaring, hurting animals and even humans who are developing resistance ...
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Will Starbucks bump latte prices to placate anti-GMO protestors?

Jon Entine | 
Anti-GMO organic activists are again fanning fears about genetic modification as part of a campaign to pressure Starbucks to dump ...

Crop breakthrough! No GMOs! Let’s celebrate!–Why advanced farm technology scares us

Marc Brazeau | 
Are journalists so gun shy about reporting the 'good news' of genetic engineering that they seek false balance in hyping ...

Central Park home to more wildlife than meets the eye

Carl Zimmer | 
In 2003, an army of 350 scientists and volunteers swept out across Central Park. Their mission, called a BioBlitz, was ...

Video: Can we ever create a real-life Jurassic Park?

Alan Grant, Brian Switek | 
For the Jurassic Park fans out there, let's be honest, most of us have considered the question Q asks, "Do ...
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African scientists engineering genetically modified livestock vaccines

Lominda Afedraru | 
Agricultural scientists in different parts of Africa have been engaged in application of biotechnology mainly for developing improved crop varieties ...
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A new kind of sex? Strange micro-organism makes imperfect clones of itself

Greg Miller | 
Oxytricha trifallax lives in ponds all over the world. Under an electron microscope it looks like a football adorned with tassels ...

How will religious authorities deal with lab-grown meat?

Rachel Gross | 
In Genesis, God granted humans dominion over animals. In modern times, that dominion has spawned one of the planet’s biggest ...
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29-year study of trillions of meals shows GE crops do not harm food-producing animals, humans

Jon Entine | 
According to GMO critics, livestock around the world are developing cancer and dropping like flies after eating genetically engineered feed ...
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Hornless cattle make case for gene editing and less restrictive regulation of GM animals

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
Will new gene editing techniques that don't involve the insertion of "foreign" genes soften the opposition to genetic modification? Researchers ...
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How did we tame wild animals?

Lydia Smith | 
Genes controlling the development of the brain and nervous system were fundamentally important for animal domestication, according to new research ...

Lizard’s genes for regeneration might help humans regrow tissue

Ilona Amos | 
Scientists have unlocked the genetic mystery that allows a lizard to regrow its tail, bringing closer the possibility of treatments ...

Are we puppets of our own gut bacteria?

Carl Zimmer | 
Your body is home to about 100 trillion bacteria and other microbes, collectively known as your microbiome. Naturalists first became aware ...

Common cleaning products disrupt pregnancy in mice. Do humans face same danger?

Lindsey Konkel | 
Mice exposed to disinfectants in commercial-grade cleaning products took longer to get pregnant, had fewer pups and suffered more miscarriages ...

Self-destructing GE fly could be effective pest control method

Melissa Hogenboom | 
A type of genetically engineered fly which eventually kills itself off could be an effective method of pest control, according ...

Mapping evolutionary history with genes for smell

Carl Zimmer | 
Animals have been smelling for hundreds of millions of years, but the evolution of that sense is difficult to trace ...
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Africa on GMOs: Scientific response to anti-technology NGOs

Abdulrazak Ibrahim | 
More than half of the acreage of genetically modified crops in the world is in the developing world, where the ...

How the environment shapes our genetic code

Dana Dovey | 
The fascinating field of epigenetics studies how different environmental influences actually have the power to change gene expressions in our ...

Fungus devastating frog populations by altering genome

Krishna Ramanujan | 
A deadly fungus has decimated certain populations of amphibians globally for the past few decades, but scientists remain unclear about ...
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“In Vitro Meat Cookbook” visualizes humane meat-eating of future

Dutch-based scientists, chefs and artists have launched the world's first cookbook for lab-grown meat - serving up a bizarre assortment ...

Protein found in dogs may trigger human nerve regeneration

Honor Whiteman | 
There are approximately six million people in the U.S. living with paralysis - the loss of muscle function caused by ...

Rethinking stigma against GM meat

Josh Barrie | 
Genetic modification is an inflammatory subject. Especially when it comes to food. Crops are one thing, but the idea of ...

What is a ‘species,’ exactly?

Emily Singer | 
Most people do not get to use the tree-climbing skills they perfected as children once they’re adults. But for Jochen Wolf, ...

Butterflies evolve at amazingly fast rate to adapt to environment

Christine Dell'Amore | 
A team of researchers who bred a species of brown African butterfly in the lab were shocked to discover that ...
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