Neuroscientists awarded Nobel Prize for discovering brain’s internal GPS

James Gallagher | 
The Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine has been awarded to three scientists who discovered the brain's "GPS system". UK-based ...

Africans dangerously underrepresented in gene research

Jessica Leber | 
Almost a decade after the first human genome was published, famed anti-apartheid leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu and three African bushmen became the first sub-saharan ...

Uses of CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering expand to editing RNA

The CRISPR/Cas9 system, a powerful tool for genome engineering and gene regulation, has been thought to be incapable of targeting RNA ...
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Will Starbucks bump latte prices to placate anti-GMO protestors?

Jon Entine | 
Anti-GMO organic activists are again fanning fears about genetic modification as part of a campaign to pressure Starbucks to dump ...

DNA sequencing saves newborns’ lives, but what happens to personal genetic information?

Sara Reardon | 
By two months of age, the boy was near death. He had spent his entire short life in the neonatal ...

Big Data revolutionizing how we research science and medicine

Amy Standen | 
"The scientific method itself is growing obsolete,” says Atul Butte, an entrepreneur and associate professor of pediatrics at the Stanford School of ...
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Beware of the biomedical industrial complex

Hank Campbell | 
Dr. Steve McKnight, President of the American Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, has written an article that must be as ...
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Personal genomics company says it will solve puzzle of Welsh origins

Meredith Knight | 
A British genetics company is asking for Welsh participants to help discover the mysterious genetic origins of the famously redheaded ...
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Do mysterious ‘jumping genes’ fast track evolution?

Meredith Knight | 
Genomes have a lot of moving parts. Some stretches of DNA try to assimilate and copy themselves in novel places, ...

Common genetic link found between stress, heart disease

A new genetic finding from Duke Medicine suggests that some people who are prone to hostility, anxiety and depression might ...
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What’s life like for the transgendered after sexual reassignment surgery?

Sarah King | 
People who identify with a gender other than the one they were born with often suffer from societal pressures and ...
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GMO ‘steak chips’: Replacing slaughterhouses with genetically engineered meat

Andras Forgacs | 
MIT Technology Review checks in with Modern Meadow CEO and cofounder Andras Forgacs. Modern Meadow aims to create leather and ...

Ancient skeleton’s DNA window into earliest modern human group

Nicky Phillips | 
The skeleton of a man who lived more than 2300 years ago and foraged food from the ocean off southern ...

Labs must now share your genome data with you–But do you really want it?

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
Genomic test results must now be shared with patients. That's the good news. It's also the bad news ...
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Can spider genes be genetically engineered to make eco-friendly cars?

Steph Gorski | 
Scientists are looking to create genetically engineered spider webs—which pound for pound is stronger than steel—to make products that might ...

Humans possess more extensive virome than previously thought

Stephanie Castillo | 
Your body is a wonderland… for viruses, found a new study published in BMC Biology. This research was a peek into The Human ...

Fly’s genome helps identify genes involved in human neurological diseases

Glenna Picton | 
The combination of fly genetics and genomics with human genome knowledge enables rapid identification of human disease-causing mutations, including those ...
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GMO farming abject “failure” claims Center for Food Safety–Is it?

Marc Brazeau | 
The Center for Food Safety makes the case that GMO crops have "failed", citing "myths" circulated by proponents. Specifically they ...

Why the US was so unprepared to handle Ebola

Brendan Greeley, Caroline Chen | 
It was a small victory in a grim and runaway catastrophe. In July, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, both American ...

Prenatal genetic testing not appropriate choice for all

A clinical trial led by UC San Francisco has found that when pregnant women are educated about their choices on ...

How the world has fumbled the Ebola crisis

Alexandra Sifferlin | 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently projected that if trends continue unimpeded, cases of Ebola could pass the million ...

Stem cells pinpoint how mutation common in East Asians increases heart disease risk

Krista Conger | 
More than 500 million people worldwide carry a genetic mutation that disables a common metabolic protein called ALDH2. The mutation, which predominantly ...
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Stem cells: Stalled promises

Meredith Knight | 
Fifteen years ago, stem cell therapies captivated the public’s perception of emerging medical treatments and offered the promise of replacing ...
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Agent Orange redux? Dr. Oz called out for fear-mongering on newest GMO products

Steve Savage | 
Dr. Oz, infamous for his promotion of alternative medicine remedies and organic foods, and for his scaring people about chemical ...

Cannabis DNA mapping could lead to more consistent “highs”

Noelle Crombie | 
Nine months ago, Mowgli Holmes, 42, started Phylos Bioscience in Southwest Portland with entrepreneur Nishan Karassik, 44, with the aim ...
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Are modern Jews converted Khazarian pagans? More evidence of Middle Eastern roots

Tabitha M. Powledge | 
A new database of Ashkenazi Jewish genomes will aid disease research. It's also strengthened the evidence that most Jews are ...
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Making friends with Frankenfood: What critics, supporters miss in conversation over GMOs

Emily Ruppel | 
What does a left-leaning, holistic food embracing American woman think about the increasingly rancorous debate over GMOs? Maybe there is ...
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