It’s not easy going ‘non-GMO,’ say US food companies

Carey Gillam&nbsp|&nbsp
U.S. food companies are rushing to offer consumers thousands of products free of genetically modified ingredients but are finding the ...

Biofortified analysis: Do GMOs offer nutritional advantages?

Anastasia Bodnar&nbsp|&nbsp
As part of Biology Fortified's serious The Promise of GMO's, geneticist Anastasia Bodnar, the co-founder of the website, asks: Have GMOs ...

Backdoor effort in Washington State to label, stigmatize GM salmon

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
House Bill 2143 says consumers have the right to know exactly what kind of fish they are getting thrown at ...

Q: Why are we still shouting about GMOs? A: Because we’re not listening.

Kelly Servick&nbsp|&nbsp
Why is it so hard for scientists and the public to agree about the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ...

St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial backs labeling but not over health concerns

The GMO-free label on Cheerios is an indication that the consumer has won a battle for more information and transparency ...

American Soybean Association joins call for federal GMO labeling solution

The American Soybean Association is urging Congress to seek a federal solution to GMO labeling. Earlier this month, the ASA ...
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New twist on the China-Viptera GMO corn controversy: Customers are talking—is Syngenta listening?

Dave Walton&nbsp|&nbsp
While China--instigator of a trade war with the US--continues to reject GMO corn exports that contain the Viptera trait, American ...
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Want your own Frank N. Foode? Kickstarter campaign brings GMO mascot to the masses

Gloria Dawson&nbsp|&nbsp
Now you can have your own Frank N. Foode--the mascot of the sound science GMO movement--with Biology Fortified's Kickstarter campaign ...
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Interactive graphic: Using agricultural technologies for sustainable food security

The International Food Policy Research has developed the Agritech Toolbox, an interactive online tool that demonstrates “how alternative agricultural practices ...

Do GMOs have to end world hunger in order to be desirable crops?

Amanda Maxham&nbsp|&nbsp
GMOs should not be held to impossible standards or justified with lofty world-saving promises—their proven, real-world value is enough to ...

GMO ban law up for vote in country of Georgia

Baia Dzagnidze&nbsp|&nbsp
Living genetically modified organisms will not be freely imported to Georgia and will only be permitted entry if planted in ...

Bad things can happen when food companies listen to anti-GMO activists instead of consumers

Julie Gunlock&nbsp|&nbsp
In removing genetically modified ingredients from Cheerios, General Mills joins the growing number of companies that are bending, not to ...

Princeton bioethicist/activist Peter Singer makes case to soften opposition to GMOs, Golden Rice

Peter Singer&nbsp|&nbsp
When genetically modified crops were first developed in the 1980’s, there were grounds for caution. Would these crops be safe ...

France passes decree banning planting of GM maize

France has published a decree to prevent the planting of modified maize as a stop-gap measure, while the government works ...
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You say potato, I say GMO: Are spuds the next battleground in the GMO debate?

Gloria Dawson&nbsp|&nbsp
A battle is being waged over a healthier, genetically modified potato that McDonald’s is reportedly exploring. And now, yet another ...
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On GMOs, France becoming scientific backwater

Agnès E. Ricroch, John Davison, Marcel Kuntz&nbsp|&nbsp
France does not walk in the footsteps of Norman Borlaug. Half a century of rising farm productivity has let France ...

Sinking food prices may prompt farmers to shift to less expensive non-GMO seeds

Tim Hoskins&nbsp|&nbsp
Economics is driving more farmers to look at growing specialty corn and soybeans in 2014. Corn and soybean prices are ...

Arizona GMO labeling ballot initiative appears likely

Howard Fischer&nbsp|&nbsp
The debate for labeling genetic modified foods, or products associated with genetically modified ingredients could take center stage in Arizona ...

GMOs and the skeptics: Will truth win out?

Keith Kloor&nbsp|&nbsp
A social movement revolving around food and health concerns has made GMO labeling a galvanizing issue. The grassroots campaign to ...

Will New York have a GMO labeling bill fight?

Dan Flynn&nbsp|&nbsp
Labeling food containing genetically modified ingredients might be a federal issue at some point, but the states are not done ...

France, Germany want right to buck European law, ban GM corn

France and Germany are to propose a new European law to allow member states to ban Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) ...

Could the Australian GMO-organic court case lead to global restrictions on biotech farming?

Rich Duprey&nbsp|&nbsp
If an organic farmer in Australia is successful for suing over "contamination" from nearby GM crops, it may create a ...

Center for Food Safety, Earth Justice renege on promise to defend Kauai’s anti-GMO law, leaving county with half million dollar bill

The promise of free legal services to defend Kauai County's controversial pesticide/GMO regulatory law has been relegated to the realm ...

Curious case of the EU’s GMO authorization system

Nathalie Moll&nbsp|&nbsp
No other regulated product category scores as high as GMOs in terms of number of product application dossiers that: a) ...

Is mutagenesis (e.g. organic Ruby Red grapefruits) the next target of anti-GMO groups?

Marieke Vos&nbsp|&nbsp
Altering the genetic makeup of plants with gamma radiation or chemicals is considered a traditional breeding technique in the United ...

Globally, 12% of farmers now grow biotech crops — more than ever before

Marc Gunther&nbsp|&nbsp
The campaigns against genetically modified foods are unrelenting, and they are having an impact on business. The retailer chain Whole ...

India’s Ag Minister: No credible reports that GM crops harmful

There are no “credible scientific reports” to prove that genetically modified (GM) crops have adverse impact on environment, human health ...
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