Viewpoint: ‘Scientists seeking attention resort to promoting oversimplified food fads’ — Be cautious of clickbait claims that foods accelerate dementia

Viewpoint: ‘Scientists seeking attention resort to promoting oversimplified food fads’ — Be cautious of clickbait claims that foods accelerate dementia

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
Can avoiding certain foods reduce your dementia risk? One nutritional psychiatrist seems to think so, but the evidence is much ...
Eating disorders: How advances in genetics and psychology are informing new treatments

Eating disorders: How advances in genetics and psychology are informing new treatments

Kendall Powell&nbsp|&nbsp
In 2017, Hennie Thomson checked herself into a hospital for six weeks of in-patient treatment for anorexia nervosa. She was ...
Would widespread adoption of organic farming practices be a good idea from a climate change perspective?

Would widespread adoption of organic farming practices be a good idea from a climate change perspective?

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Agriculture plays a complex role when it comes to climate change. Farming does contribute a significant share of certain greenhouse ...
Viewpoint: Environmentalist delusions? Why ‘progressive’ opposition to nuclear energy and crop biotechnology are the biggest obstacles to addressing climate change

Viewpoint: Environmentalist delusions? Why ‘progressive’ opposition to nuclear energy and crop biotechnology are the biggest obstacles to addressing climate change

Maarten Boudry&nbsp|&nbsp
In the recent Netflix smash hit Don’t Look Up, scientists try to warn the world about a comet hurtling towards ...
Viewpoint: Anti-chemical campaigners misleadingly invoke a looming ‘insect apocalypse’ to justify demands to junk targeted, synthetic pesticides

Viewpoint: Anti-chemical campaigners misleadingly invoke a looming ‘insect apocalypse’ to justify demands to junk targeted, synthetic pesticides

Bill Wirtz&nbsp|&nbsp
“Alternatives to sulfoxaflor exist, what are we waiting for?” titles a blog post on the website of the Belgian environmentalist NGO ...
Rebuffing activist claims, USDA confirms American-grown fruits and vegetables are free of harmful trace pesticides

Rebuffing activist claims, USDA confirms American-grown fruits and vegetables are free of harmful trace pesticides

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
The results of the USDA's Pesticide Data Program (PDP) for 2020 are in, and they lend themselves to two important ...
Viewpoint: Will there ever be organic GMOs? Here’s the science behind why it it's a good idea

Viewpoint: Will there ever be organic GMOs? Here’s the science behind why it it’s a good idea

Matthew Bernard&nbsp|&nbsp
What’s your preference: Food that is organic or not organic? Grown from genetically modified (engineered) seeds or not? How about ...
Can what we eat change the world?

Can what we eat change the world?

Henrik Lagerlund&nbsp|&nbsp
How should we live in relation to food and our food system? In this article I suggest a return to ...
Myth busting on pesticides: Despite demonization, organic farmers widely use them

Myth busting on pesticides: Despite demonization, organic farmers widely use them

Andrew Porterfield&nbsp|&nbsp
Anti-GMO activists like to point to organic food as free of pesticides. They are not, and some chemicals used are ...
Viewpoint: Scientific American’s bizarre promotion of ‘woke’ agricultural biotechnology rejectionism

Viewpoint: Scientific American’s bizarre promotion of ‘woke’ agricultural biotechnology rejectionism

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
Recently I highlighted four disturbing trends in science journalism that are destroying the public's trust in mainstream academic and public health ...
How CRISPR and other forms of genetic engineering are revolutionizing farming and addressing climate change

How CRISPR and other forms of genetic engineering are revolutionizing farming and addressing climate change

Emma Kovak&nbsp|&nbsp
One of the biggest challenges facing agriculture in the U.S. and around the world is how to make farming more ...
Viewpoint: The messy 'non organic' reality of imported organic food

Viewpoint: The messy ‘non organic’ reality of imported organic food

Michelle Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
I am a strong believer in consumer choice. Although I may not agree with every choice a consumer makes, it’s ...
$83 trillion in savings — Misguided attacks by ‘organic fundamentalists’ distort the revolutionary advancements of the Green Revolution

$83 trillion in savings — Misguided attacks by ‘organic fundamentalists’ distort the revolutionary advancements of the Green Revolution

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent study quantifies some of the previously undocumented benefits of the Green Revolution. The results are nothing short of ...
Viewpoint: Reflecting on science journalism in 2021 — Four trends that need to be reversed for media to regain credibility

Viewpoint: Reflecting on science journalism in 2021 — Four trends that need to be reversed for media to regain credibility

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
Science journalism is plagued by several critical problems that jeopardize its credibility. If we want the public to be more ...
Viewpoint: Canada poised to join expanding number of countries endorsing crop gene editing. That’s encouraging — but global reform remains elusive

Viewpoint: Canada poised to join expanding number of countries endorsing crop gene editing. That’s encouraging — but global reform remains elusive

Henry Miller, Kathleen Hefferon&nbsp|&nbsp
Gene editing, which allows precise edits to the genome, has been widely used for a variety of applications in laboratories ...
A new wave of cow-free milk options are hitting the market. How will traditional dairy farmers fare?

A new wave of cow-free milk options are hitting the market. How will traditional dairy farmers fare?

A new wave of cow-less dairy is hitting the market. In the United States, Perfect Day is using genetically modified fungi ...
Viewpoint: How the hazard-based, European-promoted 'Precautionary Principle' has undermined global agriculture — and why we should kill it

Viewpoint: How the hazard-based, European-promoted ‘Precautionary Principle’ has undermined global agriculture — and why we should kill it

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
Twenty years is a long time in the wilderness. Since 2001 and the European Environment Agency’s publication, Late Lessons from Early ...
GMO 25-year safety endorsement: 280 science institutions, more than 3,000 studies

GMO 25-year safety endorsement: 280 science institutions, more than 3,000 studies

Daniel Norero&nbsp|&nbsp
Despite vehement public debate, there is an overwhelming scientific consensus that GE foods present no greater risk than non-GMO crops, ...
Viewpoint: When it comes to chemical safety, there’s a difference between ‘movie science’ and the real thing

Viewpoint: When it comes to chemical safety, there’s a difference between ‘movie science’ and the real thing

Richard Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
I loved the movie Erin Brockovich played by Julia Roberts who played a lawyer’s assistant fighting the interplay of corporate greed ...
Pandemic has highlighted resilience — as well as weaknesses — of the global food system: UN Food and Agriculture Organization report

Pandemic has highlighted resilience — as well as weaknesses — of the global food system: UN Food and Agriculture Organization report

Nicholas Rigillo&nbsp|&nbsp
Countries need to make their agrifood systems more resilient to sudden shocks of the kind witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, ...
Video: Dramatic visual evidence of the insect-resistant power of Bt maize, without chemical treatment

Video: Dramatic visual evidence of the insect-resistant power of Bt maize, without chemical treatment

Peter Davies&nbsp|&nbsp
In clearing out my office recently I came across a DVD of the video Life in a standard and in ...
Viewpoint: If you seriously care about threats posed by climate change, steer clear of organic farming

Viewpoint: If you seriously care about threats posed by climate change, steer clear of organic farming

Cameron English&nbsp|&nbsp
Reporters like to lecture the public about the importance of science while promoting obviously unscientific ideas when it suits them ...
Breakthrough technologies reduce the carbon footprint of US beef production

Breakthrough technologies reduce the carbon footprint of US beef production

Alex Smith, Dan Blaustein-Rejto, Emma Kovak&nbsp|&nbsp
In 2019, the United States produced approximately $111 billion worth of beef, exporting about 3 billion pounds and employing hundreds ...
'Pesticide' has become a dirty word. Here's why most fears are misplaced

‘Pesticide’ has become a dirty word. Here’s why most fears are misplaced

Michelle Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
Chemophobia is rampant. Some environmental groups, organic promoters and sloppy journalists have successfully made many consumers scared of products that ...
Viewpoint: ‘The bioengineered food label is not expected to have any benefits to human health or the environment’ — The cowardly, useless stupidity behind the new genetic modification law

Viewpoint: ‘The bioengineered food label is not expected to have any benefits to human health or the environment’ — The cowardly, useless stupidity behind the new genetic modification law

Drew Kershen, Henry Miller&nbsp|&nbsp
It’s no secret that Congress sometimes does things – including creating laws – that make little sense and that are contrary ...
Viewpoint: What drives agricultural sustainability? Not what many ‘environmental organizations’ promote

Viewpoint: What drives agricultural sustainability? Not what many ‘environmental organizations’ promote

Stuart Smyth&nbsp|&nbsp
Anyone who has flown over the Canadian prairies in any of the previous summers will notice the tremendous number of ...
GLP Podcast: COVID vaccines; Lab leak scandal; UK embraces CRISPR crops—the biggest stories of 2021

GLP Podcast: COVID vaccines; Lab leak scandal; UK embraces CRISPR crops—the biggest stories of 2021

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
The COVID-19 vaccines saved a lot of lives in 2021, but convincing some Americans to take them proved to be ...
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