europe england proposed referendum on united kingdom membership of the european union referendum exit whereabouts

Who will have the most progressive crop gene editing regulations: England or the European Union?

When UK Ministers first unveiled plans to diverge from restrictive EU rules classifying gene edited products as GMOs, it was ...

6 fake news websites stoking fear about crops grown from genetically-engineered seeds

"Fake news" may be new to most people, but not to followers of the anti-GMO debate. Here are some of ...
indiana jones and the circus crusade

Dial of Destiny decoded: What does Indiana Jones get right and wrong about archaeology?

As Dr. Jones returns to the big screen, a real archaeologist acknowledges the movie franchise's shortcomings while espousing its merits ...
Viewpoint: 'Why farmers are essential partners in the fight against climate change'

Viewpoint: ‘Why farmers are essential partners in the fight against climate change’

The “Farm to Fork” strategy is an important part of the EU Green Deal. As a farmer, I endorse the ...
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GLP podcast and video: 10 myths about modern farming, debunked; New malaria and polio vaccines could save thousands of lives

Many harmful myths about farming persist on social media. Let's explore some of the most common falsehoods about agriculture you're ...
group of dead adult mosquitoes scattered uniformly throught the field of view during a vector control study

Unleashing the swarm: Battling the global mosquito menace and defending public health

The Greek Ministry of Health has issued a stark warning: rapidly multiplying, stealthily infiltrating and carrying a deadly payload of ...
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Russia banned GMOs years ago to distinguish itself from the United States. What’s its current stance toward genetic engineering, CRISPR and other New Breeding Techniques?

Russia's decision to ban importation and cultivation of GMOs made sense from a political perspective. But it's a decision the ...
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Will science ever be able to create an artificial womb?

In the coming years, the obstacles to ectogenesis --development outside of a mother from fertilization to full-term infancy-- will be ...
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Is a split developing between the European organic establishment and the farmers it claims to represent over the regulation of CRISPR and other New Genomic Techniques?

Anti-GE activists spin a narrative that large agribusiness companies have seduced farmers into planting GMO crops where it’s legal, such ...
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GLP podcast and video: Aspartame doesn’t cause cancer; Alcohol is good…and bad for you? An expert checklist for spotting health scares

Does the sweetener aspartame, found in all sorts of foods and drinks, cause cancer? Controversy over the chemical's safety has ...
Viewpoint: ‘It’s time for transparency’ — How promoting alleged benefits of organic food misleads shoppers and undermines our farm system

Viewpoint: ‘It’s time for transparency’ — How promoting alleged benefits of organic food misleads shoppers and undermines our farm system

Rather predictable howls of protest from organic lobbyists greeted the recent decision to allow the temporary use of neonic seed ...

Should you get COVID and flu shots together?

Over the past several years, the medical community has learned, to its dismay, that we can experience a “twindemic” of ...
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Viewpoint: Misleading guidance — Why so many nutrition studies get the basic science so wrong

How does what we eat affect our healthspan and longevity? The answer to this relatively concise question is unavoidably complex.” ...
Immorality, lack of empathy, anti-social behavior: How has evolution shaped the history of psychopathological behavior

Immorality, lack of empathy, anti-social behavior: The evolution of psychopathological tendencies

By one estimate, as many as 20% of business leaders have “clinically relevant levels” of psychopathic tendencies ...
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Do GMOs cause ‘superweeds’?

GMO FAQs | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Crop biotechnology critics argue that the use of genetically modified seeds, which now represent nearly 95 percent of soybeans and ...
Revelations from the embryo: Glimpses into the prenatal period

Revelations from the embryo: Glimpses into the prenatal period

Two weeks after sperm fertilizes egg is a critical time in human prenatal development. Intricate waves of signals stamp cells ...
Can regenerative agriculture live up to its hype and help feed a globally growing population?

Can regenerative agriculture live up to its hype and help feed a globally growing population?

Anja Bless | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Decades of industrial agriculture have caused environmental and social damage across the globe. Soils have deteriorated and plant and animal species are ...
Why is an infant’s earliest months such a crucial time for brain development?

Why are infants’ earliest months such a crucial time for brain development?

New tools are helping neuroscientists investigate why early life is such a crucial time for neural development ...
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GLP podcast and video: Allergy-free, gene-edited eggs; Mosquito-borne illness on the rise? Doctors should debate RFK, Jr.

Gene editing has yielded allergy-free eggs that might prevent severe episodes of anaphylaxis in young children. Ticks and mosquitoes are ...

Viewpoint: IARC’s aspartame report echoes globally-rejected glyphosate cancer determination

Food additives like artificial sweeteners are relentlessly tested by health authorities, researchers, independent labs and activist scientists (while we rarely ...
Viewpoint: Genetics of COVID — Research into why some people never got the virus should expand to explore the genetic predisposition of some to long COVID

Viewpoint: Genetics of COVID — Research into why some people never got the virus should explore genetic predisposition to long COVID

Genetics might explain why some people have never had COVID – but we shouldn’t be too focused on finding out ...
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Leaked European Commission document recommends softening EU regulations of gene edited crops and other products of New Genomic Techniques: “The current EU GMO regulation is not fit for purpose”

GLP Team | Genetic Literacy Project | 
The Genetic Literacy Project did not break the confidentiality restriction set by the European Commission (EC). A draft of proposed ...
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Humans have been genetically modifying crops for thousands of years. Here are some examples of what some popular foods used to look like.

GLP Team | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Ever wonder how your food would look and taste if humans had not genetically modified them over the course of ...
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Ramazzini — The backstory of the ‘independent’ Italian organization that partners with IARC, the multi-billion dollar ‘toxic predatort’ industry, and anti-chemical environmental groups

In recent years, the Bologna-based Ramazzini Institute has found the following substance or situations "linked to" or "associated with" with ...
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GLP podcast and video: Pesticide ban crushes French sugar production; Activist group ‘greenwashing’; How farming affects presidential elections

A pesticide ban in France has sent the country's sugar beet production to a 14-year low, a troubling result that ...
Race science: Who bankrolled the early days of ‘race science’? And who backs that movement today?

Who bankrolled the early days of ‘race science’? And who backs that movement today?

Wickliffe Draper spent his inheritance helping to skew the science of human difference. That mission continues ...
Viewpoint: The difference between the science cited by academic researchers and activists? Peer reviewed, consensus evidence

Viewpoint: The difference between the science cited by academic researchers and activists? Peer reviewed, consensus evidence

In the 1660s, Robert Boyle advocated that the use of repeated experiments and written summary of the process, method and results, is ...
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