Top 6 stories on the GLP, January 18, 2015

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
This past week, here are the #TOP6 among many great stories on human and agriculture genetics around the world. Please ...
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Girls Scouts reject attempts by anti-GMO parents to use their kids in fear campaign

Jon Entine, Kavin Senapathy | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The Girl Scouts cookie-selling fund-raising season kicked off this week, again pitting anti-GMO moms against the venerable scouting organization in ...
Cancer Paper

Cancer, bad luck and some lessons in science reporting

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The controversy surrounding a study that suggests cancer is mostly due to bad luck has some lessons for science reporting ...
nanoparticles x

Worried you have cancer? Take a Google pill!

Jane Palmer | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Google X, Google’s research unit, is working on technology that combines disease-detecting nanoparticles, which would enter a patient's bloodstream via ...
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Can humans really tell apart a trillion smells?

Jane Palmer | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
New research questions study that claimed humans can discriminate 1 trillion smells. Scientists do belieive that there is a chance ...
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Could genetically engineered chickens reverse the avian flu epidemic?

Rebecca Randall | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Genetically engineered chicken could be more effective than vaccines at preventing transmissions of avian flu—a disease that can be devastating ...
hiv infected full

Why did some experimental HIV vaccines increase risk of infection?

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Several experimental HIV vaccines have not only failed but in some cases have increased the risk of infection. A new ...
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Conflicting views on GMOs: How do we know what to believe?

Peter J Davies | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
How do we know who or what to believe, seeing that GMO advocates and opponents make very contrasting claims and ...
cord blood banking by drcornelius

Private umbilical cord cell banking: Good idea or scam?

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
You only have to Google search “cord blood” or similar phrases, or even just read an article about pregnancy and ...
Melting Pot

Melting pot? Not in the USA. Yet. But coming soon?

Tabitha M. Powledge | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent study further debunks the myth that the U.S. is a genetic melting pot. The study, the largest ever ...
brain smart

Viruses that make us smarter? Not really

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
News reports about viral gene fragments in the human genome making us smarter exagerate claims made by the research study ...
british farmers sign

Why Britain is going its own way on GMOs

Rebecca Randall | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Britain will grow GMOs now the EU compromise is official. Support in Britain over the last few years has only ...
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Cornucopia Institute: Organic farms industrializing–As sustainability benefits of GMO crops rise

Rebecca Randall | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
According to key organic supporters, organic farming is no longer the idyllic image that the multi-billion dollar industry promotes. And ...
GMO shill

The long-elusive GMO shill

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp

Apple juice may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease

Ben Locwin | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Emerging evidence suggests nutrition plays a more critical role in neurodegeneration than originally thought. As little as two glasses of ...

African Christian asks: Is genetic engineering contrary to the Bible?

Isaac Ongu | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
In Africa, where the battle over GMOs is intensifying, some critics claim genetic engineering violates Christian dogma. Is that accurate? ...

Is obesity rooted in your genes? Not exactly

Ben Locwin | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
In what seems to be another piece of evidence in favor of genes being impacted in differential ways over time ...
ap world championships

Can we yet use genetics to determine which sports are best for our kids?

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Can you choose sport based on your biology, or better yet a sport that might be good for your kids? ...

Anti anti-GMO organic farmer’s 2015 plea: ‘Let’s end the war over food’

Rob Wallbridge | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
I can't really tell if it was the "packed with pesticides" or the "bashing mom bashes good" phrase that finally ...
Science Fotolia XS

How to spot a science ideologue

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Critics of consensus science--those who challenge the certainty of evolution, the reality of human caused global warming, or the safety ...

Will my child be born autistic if I eat GMOs? A scientist’s view

Layla Katiraee | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The Internet is aflame with claims linking autism to GMOs and the herbicide glyphosate, frightening many parents. Contributing columnist and ...
simplot gm potato versus old technology

Avoiding “foreign genes” trap: Tale of two potatoes highlights new era of GE crops

Rebecca Randall | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
J.R. Simplot’s recently approved Innate potato could be the first in a new generation of GMO crops bred using new ...

Scientists urge revamped regulations for genetic engineering

Tabitha M. Powledge | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists are calling for revamped regulation of genetic modification, especially the new techniques not subject to current rules ...
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Genes have a time clock, new obesity study reveals

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Although genes drive many human behaviors, new research suggests their impact changes over time—when the environment changes so does the ...

Mother’s science-based view: Organics and Whole Foods are ‘scam of the decade’

Kavin Senapathy | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
"USDA Certified Organic." These words may conjure notions of wholesomeness, healthiness, freshness and responsible consumer habits. So why is this ...
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