
What’s ‘race’ got to do with it? Sub-Saharan Africa emerges as coronavirus ‘cold spot’, offering clues to develop COVID-19 vaccines

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Do diseases discriminate on the basis of 'race'—or their genetic population, using more precise terminology? On the surface, this may ...
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Viewpoint: Darwin’s ‘Descent of Man’ is both deeply disturbing and more relevant than ever

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man is full of unexpected delights — such as the trio of hard drinking, chain-smoking koalas ...
trans sexuality

Viewpoint: Genetics can help us navigate the ‘toxic’ transgender debate in more compassionate ways

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
If we are ever to untangle the nature/nurture knot, we need to find ways past the petty politicizing exemplified by ...
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Fighting climate change with gene editing: Can we slash cows’ methane production?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Preventing ruminant methane from being produced in the first place seems a sensible way to limit its damaging effects ...

Explaining the debate over GMOs—and what is or isn’t ‘natural’— through the genetics of chickens

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Chickens (and their eggs) provide a surprisingly down-to-earth illustration of the profound implications of the modern genetic revolution ...
AquaBounty Lawsuit just another attempt to delay commercialization of GE salmon strict xxl

Maine, largest salmon farming state, won’t produce GMO AquAdvantage fish

Associated Press&nbsp|&nbsp
Genetically engineered salmon is heading to store shelves in the U.S., but it won’t be coming from the biggest salmon ...
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How languages and genetics explain our origins and evolution

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The twists and turns of both language and genetics offer stunning insights into human history ...
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What spider genetics can tell us about evolutionary relationships and cut-throat competition

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
What’s the most famous — or even the most infamous — spider in the world? The tarantula? The black widow? ...

Learning about modern genetics through the long-extinct aurochs

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The world’s first reported instance of species extinction is also a good window on today’s genetic revolution ...

What martyred Thomas Becket and his holy lice can teach us about evolution

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
It’s a tale of murder, sex, and vermin. And gorillas. Reader discretion advised ...

How Frankenstein and 200 years of horror stories have haunted the biotechnology revolution

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
It was a dark and stormy night in 1818, when something sinister was loosed upon the world. Okay, so it ...

National identity and what the genes of Aboriginal Australians tell us about ‘what it is to be human’

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Recent genetic research suggests that Aboriginal Australians have lived on their island continent for at least 50,000 years (with some ...

GMO labeling bill may be debated again in Maine

The Berkshire Eagle&nbsp|&nbsp
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Supporters of a Maine ...
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