
How to create alien life? Use human DNA, of course

Carl Zimmer&nbsp|&nbsp
Five decades after cracking the genetic code, scientists have discovered how to re-code DNA cells and build new proteins. The ...
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Would prenatal testing for sexual orientation undermine gay rights?

Alice Dreger&nbsp|&nbsp
We're approaching a time when we can identify the genetics behind conditions that typically become identities, like sexual orientation. Will ...

Promise and peril of synthetic biology

Laurie Garret&nbsp|&nbsp
Work in the field of synthetic biology creates a dual use ethical dilemma--the techniques that help us learn to cure ...
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Study uses herpes virus to track human migration across the globe

Joshua Keating&nbsp|&nbsp
The genomic analysis of different strains of the herpes virus reveals migration patterns of early humans ...
livescience panda

Giant pandas’ genetic diversity helps them adapt to environmental change

Laura Poppick&nbsp|&nbsp
Despite the dwindling number of giant pandas, researchers think the species has more genetic diversity than some other endangered animals ...
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Project BabySeq to test how knowing your genome from birth changes your life

Carl Zimmer&nbsp|&nbsp
Brigham and Women’s Hospital's Robert Green wants to know how having your complete genome sequenced at birth changes the course ...
eBay genome auction

Gene testing revolution: Disease prediction results skyrocket for whole genome and whole exome sequencing

Katherine Wendelsdorf&nbsp|&nbsp
New research suggests that focusing on the protein-coding region of our DNA that makes up about 1.5 percent of each ...
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Quest Diagnostics challenges Myriad’s monopoly of breast cancer gene tests

Matthew Herper&nbsp|&nbsp
Myriad Genetics, whose patents on two cancer-related genes were invalidated by the Supreme Court in June, could face a strong ...
Robert Neubecker slate

How do traits trickle down from grandparents to grandchildren? Partially by chance.

Razib Khan&nbsp|&nbsp
Personal genome sequencing allows us to take a closer look at inheritance and highlights the situations in which genetic and ...
Day West Midlands Police Facewatch App

New app allows users to access their genetic info from smartphone

A new smartphone app, developed by researchers at Tel Aviv University, will allow individuals who’ve had their genome sequenced to ...
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Does finding cancer mutations lead to cures?

Jessica Wapner&nbsp|&nbsp
We don't have drugs to treat most cancer mutations. So how does hunting for mutations help? ...

Being a good Samaritan could be influenced by genetics

Patrick J. Kiger&nbsp|&nbsp
Everyone knows the biblical parable of the good Samaritan. A new study suggests that a single variation in a specific ...

Craig Venter working on device that could send DNA over the internet

Zoe Corbyn&nbsp|&nbsp
Craig Venter, who created the world’s first synthetic life, is working on a “DNA box” that could transport genetic sequences ...
Telgraph Alamy

There’s much more to IQ than biology and DNA

Steve Jones&nbsp|&nbsp
Genetics doesn't matter more than teaching. Nature doesn't matter more than nurture does. They both contribute to intelligence ...

How climate change is causing species to evolve

Michael White&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers in the new field of "landscape genetics" find that global warming is causing effects that spur species to evolve ...
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California Governor vetoes biotech bill that would have encouraged generic biosimilars

Andrew Pollack&nbsp|&nbsp
California bill SB 598, which would have required pharmacists to inform patients if they were being given 'biosimilars' instead of ...
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Engineered mice show jet lag could become a thing of the past

Jeremy Summers&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists have discovered a genetic mechanism that regulates the effects of jet lag. While a cure for the disorder is ...
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Diamonds in the junkyard of noncoding DNA? About humped bladdeworts and being human

Tabitha M. Powledge&nbsp|&nbsp
Genes comprise only about two percent of the human genome. The other 98% is noncoding DNA, often referred to as ...
regulate designer babies

Corporate governance, transparency issues shadow ‘designer baby’ innovations

Barbara Prainsac&nbsp|&nbsp
The “designer baby” debate, which has reached new heights in recent weeks, has focused largely on the ethical questions raised ...
meet the parents

Why good girls like bad guys—Does evolution explain?

Piet van den Berg, Tim W. Fawcett&nbsp|&nbsp
In different cultures around the world, women are drawn to bad boys. The phenomenon is so common, in fact, that ...

Misunderstandings retard growth of personal genomics

George Church&nbsp|&nbsp
Genome sequencing has improved over the years. But misunderstandings about the accuracy and value of the tests abound ...
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The latest on Google’s battle plan against death: analyzing the genetics of aging

Dan Primack&nbsp|&nbsp
Google Venture's Calico plans to capitalize take on the problem of aging and age-related disease by studying genetics. What's known ...
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Breakthroughs in prenatal screening

Jane Brody&nbsp|&nbsp
Improvements in medical science make it prenatal screening tests that can detect chromosomal problems in the fetus accurate and commonplace ...
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Myriad attempt to block expansion of breast cancer screening tests hinges on ethical, legal questions

Jeremy Summers&nbsp|&nbsp
In June, the Supreme Court ruled that genes could not be patented, opening the door for companies to offer alternatives ...
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Ethical issues as scientists peek into baby genes

Lauran Neergaard&nbsp|&nbsp
Should genome sequencing become a routine part of newborn care? Is it legal, ethical, or even good medical practice? ...
jewish genes

Ashkenazi Jewish women descended mostly from Italian converts, new study asserts

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
A new paper in Nature Communications recharges a debate regarding the ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews, tracing maternal lineages back to ...
DNA purification

The delicious, religious debate over junk DNA

Sam Kean&nbsp|&nbsp
What exactly do "non-coding" regions of DNA do? As scientists sequence more genomes, we get closer to the answer to ...
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