30 years of waiting for an insect-resistant tomato but questions about taste may limit its market

30 years of waiting for an insect-resistant tomato but questions about taste may limit its market

Kristin Houser | 
A tenacious plant breeder has developed more than a dozen new lines of naturally pest-resistant tomatoes — foreshadowing a future in ...
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Europe dragging its feet on CRISPR deregulation assessment. Here’s how the process has been politicized

Joost van Kasteren | 
If the European Union wants to fully utilize the genetic potential of crops, new breeding technologies (NBTs) should be treated ...
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GLP podcast and video: Golden Rice hits another roadblock; Glyphosate protects endangered species; Growing medicine in GMO crops

Cameron English, Liza Dunn | 
The Philippines recently approved the cultivation of Golden Rice to prevent blindness and death caused by vitamin A deficiency (VAD) ...
Viewpoint: Subverting the science of crop biotechnology — Leaked document from German NGO illustrates 'scandalous' strategy by anti-biotech activists to manipulate the public

Viewpoint: Subverting the science of crop biotechnology — Leaked document from German NGO illustrates ‘scandalous’ strategy by anti-biotech activists to manipulate the public

David Zaruk | 
A leaked internal document from the German anti-biotech NGO community recently found its way to the Risk-Monger’s dusty basement. As ...
Viewpoint: Decarbonizing farming — Comparing regenerative agriculture with ‘sustainable intensification’

Viewpoint: Decarbonizing farming — Comparing regenerative agriculture with ‘sustainable intensification’

Julian Little | 
An interesting report crossed my desk the other day. Entitled ‘Scaling Regenerative Agriculture: An Action Plan’, it came from the Sustainable Markets ...

Viewpoint: Anti-chemical film polemic “Into the Weeds” is wrong on the facts but a tort lawyer’s dream. Did lawyers and the organic industry fund it?

David Zaruk | 
The organic food industry lobby was in full swing in Brussels with their StopGlyphosateWeek. A collective of NGOs ran an ...
bavaria germany field farm

Germany is the major obstacle to the adoption of gene editing and other crop biotechnology innovations in the EU. When might that change?

Steven Cerier | 
Since 2000, the EU has adopted a very hostile stance towards GMO crops, and it’s carried over into its opposition ...
Viewpoint: Without glyphosate, critical wetlands and wildlife could be strangled by invasive plants

Viewpoint: Without glyphosate, critical wetlands and wildlife could be strangled by invasive plants

Susan Goldhaber | 
Almost two years ago, I wrote an article hoping “we are finally at a place when a few influential scientists with ...
Viewpoint: Rollout of agricultural gene editing in England is not yet a sure thing. This is what could derail it.

Viewpoint: Rollout of agricultural gene editing in England is not yet a sure thing. This is what could derail it.

Nigel Moore | 
Last month, the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill completed its passage through both Houses of Parliament and received Royal Assent ...
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Anti-biotech activists claim biotech crops promote “unsustainable” monoculture? Let’s separate facts from ideology

Andrew Porterfield | 
Biotech critics frequently claim that conventional agriculture and GMOs promote monoculture farming, which is harmful to biodiversity. A closer look ...
Biopharming can help pioneer new treatments but cumbersome, outdated regulations block innovation

Biopharming can help pioneer new treatments but cumbersome, outdated regulations block innovation

Henry Miller, Kathleen Hefferon | 
Obtaining medicines from plants is not new. Aspirin was first isolated from the bark of the willow tree in the ...
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Podcast and video: Animal mRNA vaccines under fire; Too many antibiotics in agriculture? Does ‘Big Ag’ control the global seed market?

Cameron English, Kevin Folta | 
The same technology that yielded COVID-19 vaccines could help protect livestock from deadly diseases, but a growing chorus of skeptics ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to detect crop diseases are on the way

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to detect crop diseases are on the way

Saugat Bolakhe | 
Swarms of locusts devastating crops in East Africa, corn rootworms wreaking havoc in the Midwestern US. Blights destroying rubber trees in Brazil and ravaging potatoes in South India ...
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Viewpoint: GMO crops are key to sustainable farming — why are some scientists afraid to talk about them?

Colin Carter, Henry Miller | 
A shallow piece in the journal Science downplaying the importance of GMO crops belongs in a New Age publication ...

Re-examining 10 science-challenged studies suggesting GMOs are harmful

Layla Katiraee | 
The blog "10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Can Be Harmful To Human Health" is now a fixture on cyberspace. A ...
"GMOs", "contamination" and "coexistence": Challenging the misuse of concepts and wrongheaded regulation of agriculture and food

“GMOs”, “contamination” and “coexistence”: Challenging the misuse of concepts and wrongheaded regulation of agriculture and food

Giovanni Molteni Tagliabue | 
The term “genetically modified organisms” (or “GMOs”) has come into wide use over the past two decades although it is ...
Does conventional livestock farming use drugs at ‘unnecessarily high levels’, endangering human health, as activist critics claim?

Does conventional livestock farming use drugs at ‘unnecessarily high levels’, endangering human health, as activist critics claim?

Harriet Bartlett | 
Livestock farming generates some striking external impacts: while production provides 30% of human dietary protein, it occupies 75% of agricultural ...
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GLP podcast and video: ESG undermines sustainable farming? Top-10 anti-biotech propagandists; FDA’s ‘healthy’ food labels

Cameron English, Kevin Folta | 
Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) metrics are supposed to help promote sustainable industry, but could they actually undermine efforts to make farming more ...
Here’s how the GMO purple tomato soon to be in US grocery stores came to fruition

Here’s how the GMO purple tomato soon to be in US grocery stores came to fruition

John Cumbers | 
Norfolk Healthy Produce’s purple tomato first appeared in The New York Times Magazine eight months ago. Genetically engineered to naturally produce ...

Agriculture and climate change: Taking the best of all farming systems could tip the carbon scale in the right direction

Andrew Porterfield | 
Agriculture contributes a significant portion of the world's climate-changing greenhouse gases. In turn, changes in climate will reduce agricultural yields ...
Crops that tolerate droughts and climate change? Here's how cactus genes could help

Crops that tolerate droughts and climate change? Here’s how cactus genes could help

Kurt Kleiner | 
This past summer, a widespread drought across the United States lowered crop yields by as much as one-third as corn, ...
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Why the European Union needs to grow genetically-engineered crops

Steven Cerier | 
The United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Japan, and India are among the growing number of countries that have deregulated ...
Viewpoint: Biotechnology rejectionists claim the Green Revolution caused more harm than good. Here are the facts.

Viewpoint: Biotechnology rejectionists claim the Green Revolution caused more harm than good. Here are the facts.

Nazimi Açıkgöz | 
After the Second World War, regional famines began to occur. Believing that increasing agricultural performance can be the solution to ...
French Academy of Agriculture scientist challenges government to 'follow the science' and revise its regulatory opposition to genetically edited crops

French Academy of Agriculture scientist challenges government to ‘follow the science’ and revise its regulatory opposition to genetically edited crops

Catherine Regnault-Roger | 
While a debate is in progress at the European level about the genetically edited products, it is time for the ...
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GLP podcast: ‘Only 60 harvests left,’ debunked; Beating pesticide resistance; ‘Regulation through litigation’ threatens sustainable farming?

Cameron English, Kevin Folta | 
Have we so badly depleted the world's soil that we only have 60 harvests left? No. New "green" pesticides could ...
Lab-grown meat and other alternatives to farming could free up Earth’s farmland for conservation or development

Lab-grown meat and other alternatives to farming could free up Earth’s farmland for conservation or development

Chris Thomas, Jack Hatfield, Katie Noble | 
Here’s the basic problem for conservation at a global level: food production, biodiversity and carbon storage in ecosystems are competing for ...
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Viewpoint: How tort lawyers came to fund environmental activist fundamentalist attacks on science and agriculture

David Zaruk | 
Since the period of stakeholder dialogue in the 1990s and early 2000s, environmental activists engaged in the policy process to ...
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