FDA Reading Food Label Woman Grocery Store Nutrition Label Changes x

Will fear-based product labels fade in 2019? 5 food and farming predictions for the new year

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Welcome, 2019! [In 2018 we] experienced newer diet trends where Keto and Whole30 reigned as some of the most popular ...
sacto cant outsmart nature

Are we ‘meddling with creation’ by growing GMO crops?

Tim Durham | AGDAILY | 
[F]or some, it’s a stretch to reconcile faith with new developments in agriculture, especially when it involves (perceived) meddling with ...

‘Secret Ingredients’: Expert says the latest anti-GMO ‘shockumentary’ is clever, provocative—and wrong

Tim Durham | AGDAILY | 
We’ve all see this in a science classroom or conference: The monotone reading from a prepared script, coupled with PowerPoint ...

GMO ‘frankenwheat’ for breakfast? A closer look at popular but misleading food memes

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Ever play a game of telephone when you were a kid? You start with a message, whisper it in someone’s ...
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Non-GMO Project logo not only deceives, it ironically features a genetically modified butterfly, scientist claims

Ryan Tipps | AGDAILY | 
Perhaps no group is more in the spotlight on the topic of labeling than The Non-GMO Project, whose monarch butterfly logo ...
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How to change the minds of GMO skeptics

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Critical thinking is something I’ve prided myself on and something I discuss frequently when giving public speeches. Unfortunately, this can sometimes ...
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Why organic apple farmers spray their trees with insecticides 32 times on average during each growing season

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
A lot of people buy organic foods because they believe organic means free from chemicals and pesticides. But the truth ...
non gmo whole foods sign

Viewpoint: Demand for non-GMO food suggests consumers want ‘easy’ answers to nutrition and health

Amanda Zaluckyj | AGDAILY | 
Have you been grocery shopping lately? If so, it probably won’t come as much of a surprise that so-called “free-from” ...
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Why does America grow 90 million acres of corn every year?

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
The U.S. is the No. 1 producer of corn in the world. Planted on over 90 million acres, it is ...
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Is ‘factory farming’ an accurate description of modern agriculture?

Tim Durham | AGDAILY | 
I’ve lived in four states on the East Coast and Gulf, and I’ve never found myself wanting come harvest time ...
Non GMO Labelling

Biotech researchers petition FDA to ban ‘deceptive’ Non-GMO Project butterfly logo

The most authoritative science and technology think tank in the United States has filed a petition against the Non-GMO Project’s ...
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Myth busted: Only ‘Big Ag’ develops GMO crops

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Farmers in other parts of the world — particularly in third world countries — are experiencing REAL problems that the ...
Farmers Market

How is your food grown? A trip to the farmer’s market might teach you

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Wouldn’t that be great if we had an abundance of different types of food at our fingertips? Unfortunately .... The ...
gmo monsanto protest toronto

Viewpoint: Want to slash pesticide use? Stop trying to ban GMOs

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
On Aug. 20, I gave a speech in Dublin, Ireland, at the International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress .... where ...
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Farmers say Laura Prepon and other anti-GMO celebrities make their jobs harder

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
I really wish there were more celebrities out there who embraced the biotechnology and the benefits behind modern agriculture. ...

How anti-GMO groups copy advocacy ‘tactics’ from the anti-meat movement

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
The money trail behind [organic] food companies and activist groups is shocking, and there are similarities between the anti-GMO movement and the ...

Viewpoint: Farmers turn to social media to educate public about exaggerated benefits of organic and non-GMO labeled foods

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Years ago, before I fell in love with a farmer and became one myself, I was a big-city girl who ...
Honey bee

As honeybee population grows, scientists question link between neonicotinoids and bee health

Markie Hageman | AGDAILY | 
Some argue that an increase in insecticide use and a much-publicized Colony Collapse Disorder [CCD] issue have caused honey bees ...

Video: New education campaign gives ‘farmer moms’ a voice in the GMO debate

Ryan Tipps | AGDAILY | 
A Fresh Look is one of the newest efforts to give farmers a voice about GMOs and speak directly to the ...
blog six myths about farming busted main

‘Factory farms wreck the environment’ and other myths farmers are tired of hearing

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Here are [some] of the biggest myths spread on social media and in the mainstream media, and some stuff we ...

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue redoubles effort to promote gene editing, risk-based regulations

The USDA plans to double down efforts to work with partners globally towards science-based regulatory approaches. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture ...

Viewpoint: Consumers with special dietary needs forced to buy overpriced, less nutritious ‘non-GMO’ foods

Ryan Tipps | AGDAILY | 
Because of a tick-borne disease I contracted last year, I am no longer able to eat beef, pork, or dairy products ...
Ben and Jerrys glyphosate

Viewpoint: In act of retribution, organic trade group sues Ben & Jerry’s for false advertising

The Organic Consumers Association is up to its old tricks again and has filed a suit against Vermont-based Ben & ...
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Blundering through the food label controversy: How one poultry company exploits consumer fears over ‘natural’ and GMOs

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
I live in a super tiny town, about 1,000 people with no stoplight in the whole county...Therefore, it may sound ...

Viewpoint: Indian anti-GMO activist Vandana Shiva ‘spreads misinformation and fear’ about conventional agriculture

Amanda Sandmire | AGDAILY | 
I attended a presentation given by Vandana Shiva, a well-known anti-GMO activist, at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. It was definitely an ...

Which GMO foods are available at US grocery stores?

While GMOs typically make a disproportionate splash in the media, the reality is that there are very few different types ...
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Viewpoint: 8 things Vandana Shiva needs to know about US farmers and GMOs

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
In mid-April, famous anti-GMO activist Vandana Shiva was paid nearly $20K by my hometown university to speak on campus. While I can appreciate her ...

Viewpoint: Why are universities paying ‘anti-GMO liar’ Vandana Shiva tens of thousands of dollars to speak?

Michelle Miller | AGDAILY | 
Vandana Shiva is coming to my hometown to lie. Not cool. For those unaware, Shiva is one of the world’s ...
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