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Real story of anti-GMO sensation Rachel Parent: Idealist or pawn of ‘natural’ marketers?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Teen anti-GMO activist Rachel Parent tours the world, 'testifying' at anti-GMO tribunals and delivers Ted Talks about the dangers of ...
Complex equation: How important are genetics in determining math skills?

Complex equation: How important are genetics in determining math skills?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
What role does genetics play in determining mathematical aptitude? A cursory search will turn up articles claiming that genes account ...
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Smart drugs: Is it smart to use them?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Brain-boosting drugs are routine in treating conditions with deficits in cognition or alertness, such as ADHD and narcolepsy. They also ...
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Are flu shots effective? Your genetics determine how the immune system responds

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Not all people are the same in terms of how well a vaccine works. The research also suggests a tactic ...
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Human hibernation: How it can change the world of medicine

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Many films and shows feature human hibernation as a means to help astronauts travel deep into space. While this could ...
gene editing

CRISPR-Cas9 is hot but it’s not the only way to edit a genome

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Despite its growing track record and huge potential, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing may not be the magic bullet for all applications ...

What are humanity’s greatest existential threats?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Climate change is not the greatest threat to our species. There are forces, both natural and human-made that could destroy ...

2016 Presidential Race: Clinton, Trump, Stein and Johnson on Vaccines and Bio-Pharmaceuticals

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Professional medical organizations could not be stronger in support of childhood immunizations, including mandatory vaccinations of school children. Only Clinton ...

2016 Presidential Race: Clinton, Trump, Stein and Johnson on Biomedical Research

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
GLP continues its series on the presidential candidate's positions on genetics and biotechnology. Today we assess Trump, Clinton, Johnson, and ...
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2016 Presidential Race: Clinton, Trump, Stein, and Johnson on Food, Farming and GMOs

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Here is a GMO policy primer, lining up not just Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, but also Libertarian Party candidate ...

Humans on Mars? NASA must find way to protect us from radiation

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Radiation exposure has proven dangerous for Apollo astronauts who traveled to the Moon. But radiation encountered by astronauts flying in ...
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Men are from Earth, women are too: Sexes not so different when it comes to sex

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
There are gender differences in sexual behavior, to be sure, but with certain phenomena, women are far more similar to ...
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Artificial intelligence: Should we worry?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Hollywood has a long history of depicting artificial intelligence. But as it inches closer to making the jump from the ...
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Chemical residues on foods and why dose matters

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Dosage is what decides whether a compound actually produces toxic effects in the short-term, or long-term effects, such as cancer ...
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Venus may have once been habitable: Can we make it that way again?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Much of the focus in astrobiology has been about life on Mars, but what about life on Earth's other neighbor, ...
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Gene doping in sports entails challenges and dangers but may not be so dopey

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Athletes experimenting with gene doping may not be ethical, but it could lead to potential treatments of human disease ...
doudna crispr

How will we use gene editing to treat human disease?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Technology for safe effective germline editing is not ready yet, but once it is, these are some of things we ...
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Chemical fingerprints: Sensing emotions in a theater and life across interstellar space

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
How can studying carbon dioxide release from people watching a movie help us detect life on other planets? ...
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Genome editing: Is it a national security threat?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Is genome editing really so powerful that it could do major damage, either accidentally, or through foul play? Or is ...
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GMO high tech farm animals stuck on the shelf

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Various genetically engineered animals have shown promise in research. But they wait in the wings with no certainly of whether ...
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Chimeric organ transplants: Science and ethics of growing human organs in pigs

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists may soon offer a solution to the organ shortage by growing human organs in pigs. But that poses prickly ...
Genomic Tape Recorder

CRISPR genome editing could be game changer in war against antibiotic resistance

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Using CRISPR genome editing, researchers are starting a new trend, which is to strip pathogenic bacteria of their acquired armor ...
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Does CRISPR gene editing = GMO? Biotechnology skeptics may split on how to regulate New Breeding Technologies

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The movement opposed to products that have been called "GM" maybe splitting into two, with one faction considering to taking ...
crops on mars

Designing GMOs for human Mars colonies: Follow the ‘toxic salt’

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Before we grow staple grains such as wheat and corn on Mars , we need to deal with the soil's ...
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DIY CRISPR-Cas9: Should we fear or embrace programmable gene editing kits for the home?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
When you hear about do-it-yourself CRISPR, you may imagine amateurs cooking up something dangerous in their kitchens. But that is ...

Gene therapy 2.0: Will CRISPR make expensive treatment accessible to all?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Gene therapy, at a million dollars a treatment, will run up a patient's medical bill quickly. Can CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing ...
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Olympic health update: Zika vaccines, GMO mosquitoes, and snake oils

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
There's progress on a vaccine to combat as well as biotech solutions but there are also fake Zika solutions being ...
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Will epigenetics play central role in advancement of precision medicine?

Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
For many treatments it remains to be proven whether a drug's epigenetic actions, rather than another mechanism such as stimulation ...
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