Mandatory label may improve consumer confidence in GMO foods, study finds

Mandatory label may improve consumer confidence in GMO foods, study finds

Mark Lynas&nbsp|&nbsp
Today’s findings suggest ... that the presence of labels may serve to dispel consumer concerns about GMOs by increasing their ...
gmo action

Impossible Foods: Friends of the Earth is ‘anti-science fundamentalist’ group

Rachel Konrad&nbsp|&nbsp
For more than a year, the non-governmental organization Friends of the Earth (FOE) has been trying to malign and defame ...
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How GMO crops can help Nigeria achieve food security

Caleb Onwe&nbsp|&nbsp
The tortuous journey to creating food security through bio-technology has been undulating, but it is a sacrifice worth making by ...

Viewpoint: David Zaruk’s defense of science, glyphosate make him a ‘true farming hero’

David Alvis&nbsp|&nbsp
Compared with some of history’s more notable rivalries – Wellington and Napoleon, Gladstone and Disraeli, Ali and Frazier – a ...
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‘Environmental progress without organic’: Rachel Carson’s testy relationship with the organic food and farming movement

Robert Paarlberg&nbsp|&nbsp
Rachel Carson, who launched the modern environmental movement with her 1962 book “Silent Spring,” was a highly private person. But ...
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What’s behind public fear of GMO foods in developing countries?

Margaret Karembu&nbsp|&nbsp
The genetically modified organism (GMO) debate remains engulfed in a maelstrom of controversies. Sadly, what is largely a First-World debate ...
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Viewpoint: How EU can return to evidence-based policy-making

Daniel Guéguen&nbsp|&nbsp
The word ‘evidence’ implies objectivity based on facts and science. But the reality reveals a wide gap between theory and ...
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Signs of trouble ahead for organic dairy farmers

Gil Rivière Wekstein&nbsp|&nbsp
It’s an indisputable fact that organic farming is on the up, now more than ever. With sales of 8.2 billion ...
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Talking Biotech: Why Irish scientist Rosalind Franklin didn’t get the credit she deserved for the discovery of the structure of DNA

Kevin Folta, Mark Lawler&nbsp|&nbsp
Geneticist Mark Lawler: Despite being instrumental in the discovery of DNA’s double-helical structure, Rosalind Franklin died at the age of ...

Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein: USDA’s GMO labeling proposal provides no benefits, high cost to consumers

Cass Sunstein&nbsp|&nbsp
Should a federal agency issue a regulation that will impose up to $3.5 billion in costs next year and billions ...

Why it’s OK to change your mind, from a former anti-GMO activist

Nathanael Johnson&nbsp|&nbsp
Once upon a time, shortly after the age of bloodletting, people thought that facts could change minds. It may seem ...
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Why are so many people still so skeptical of GMOs?

Katarina Gmeiner&nbsp|&nbsp
[W]hy are so many people highly sceptical of GMOs? One reason could be non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Although they are perceived ...
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Could the rise of New Breeding Techniques like CRISPR soften opposition to crop biotechnology?

Sarantis Michalopoulos&nbsp|&nbsp
“Mother Nature” is changing quickly and this requires the adoption of technology-driven solutions that will help both growers and consumers, ...
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Video: Can blight-resistant GMO trees save the American Chestnut?

The American Chestnut tree used to be a staple in American forests until it essentially became extinct due to blight ...
DIY biotech

Viewpoint: Do-it-yourself biotech movement an ‘unlikely biosecurity threat’

Contrary to alarmist headlines, the DIYbio movement is an unlikely biosecurity threat. The 'do-it-yourself' biology (DIYbio) community has had its ...
india eggplant market

Indian scientists criticize government for leaving GMO seeds ‘sitting on the shelf’

Ashish Gupta&nbsp|&nbsp
Farming may go high-tech, but unless seeds keep pace, all improvements will be cosmetic. Or that’s what scientists at research ...
honey bees fungicides

Why glyphosate and herbicide-tolerant GMO seeds aren’t threats to bees

Iida Ruishalme&nbsp|&nbsp
Glyphosate is a herbicide, in other words, it is toxic to plants. Its target enzyme is not found in insects ...

Federal judge rules California can’t label glyphosate herbicide as cancer-causing

Steve Davies&nbsp|&nbsp
California cannot require companies to place warning labels on glyphosate products, a federal judge affirmed in a ruling issued Tuesday [June 12] ...
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Viewpoint: Post-Brexit UK can help farmers by giving them access to GMO crops

Alex Tiley&nbsp|&nbsp
With timeframes beginning to take shape for the Agriculture Bill and Environment Act, Michael Gove is presented with a number ...
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Viewpoint: Why was pro-GMO professor David Zaruk fired?

Alex Berezow&nbsp|&nbsp
David Zaruk is an expert in European Union regulations and risk communication. He writes a blog, titled The Risk-Monger, which largely ...
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Lawsuit against Dannon alleging misleading non-GMO label dismissed by New York court

Adrian Felix, Melissa Pallett-Vasquez&nbsp|&nbsp
The Southern District of New York joins the list of federal courts that have recently rejected potential class action suits ...

Why is the first US genetically engineered salmon farm in Indiana?

Samantha Horton&nbsp|&nbsp
The first genetically-modified animal for human consumption could be arriving in grocery stores across the United States as early as ...
Can new IARC director bridge gap between controversial cancer agency and rest of scientific community?

Can new IARC director bridge gap between controversial cancer agency and rest of scientific community?

Geoffrey Kabat&nbsp|&nbsp
A look at IARC’s recent record suggests that skepticism is in order ...

Non-GMO Project: USDA’s labeling proposal makes us ‘more relevant than ever’

Elaine Watson&nbsp|&nbsp
The Non-GMO Project will “only become more relevant” as mandatory GMO labeling kicks in, in part because its scope could ...
charles mann

Viewpoint: What Charles Mann’s ‘Wizard and Prophet’ book gets wrong about food and agriculture

Jayson Lusk&nbsp|&nbsp
I've been reading Charles Mann's latest book Wizards and Prophets, which was released earlier this year. ... While I thought the ...
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Debunking the myth that India is awash in pesticides

Rajju Shroff&nbsp|&nbsp
India has made rapid progress in the field of agriculture in recent years. Unfortunately, this largely remains unknown and uncelebrated ...
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Will Gene Editing and Other New Breeding Techniques Provide a ‘Second Chance’ for Worldwide Embrace of Genetically Engineered Crops?

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
Jon Entine, Executive Director of the Genetic Literacy Project | June 13, 2018Highlights: Anti-GMO activists, aided by Russian propaganda, have ...
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