climate change

Tampering with nature is how humans can avoid extinction

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Technology causes problems and yes we've been irresponsible to the very environment that keeps us alive. But it can also ...
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Golden Rice in India: Is it necessary? What are impediments to adoption?

Ryan Lenz | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The leading cause of life-altering disability in India is health risks linked to poor diets--which rice engineered to produce vitamin ...

Viewpoint: How feckless bureaucrats threaten the development of safer foods

Henry Miller | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
This article originally ran at Forbes and has been republished here with permission of the author. The recent regulatory approvals ...
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‘Natural’ illusions: Biologist’s failed attempt to defend organic food

Iida Ruishalme | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Swedish writer trained in biology had embraced organic food and farming for years as a safer and healthier alternative to ...
physed tmagArticle

Lifestyle changes can’t alter DNA: Claiming it can is a public disservice

Meredith Knight | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Lifestyle changes have profound effects on human health, more so than most blockbuster drugs. But despite their potency, supplements, exercise ...
Yes I used to work for Monsanto

Confessions of former Monsanto employee: “I’m freaking proud of it”

It's MomSense | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
'I used to work for Monsanto. I got to help people better understand a technology that I think holds immense ...
d f z

“Home brewed morphine” from genetically engineered yeast? What did the media get wrong?

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers report creating genetically engineered yeast strains that take us one step closer to producing opiates using microbes. How did ...
consumer reports

Viewpoint: Consumer Reports should stick to advice about cars and toilets; Its policy advocacy is misguided

This article originally ran at Forbes and has been republished here with permission of the author. The editors of the ...
GMO large

Gary Hirshberg’s Stonyfield faces hypocrisy backlash over misleading labels

Julie Kelly | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Glass house alert: Stonyfield's yogurts are filled with unknown and unlabeled chemicals. Shouldn't you "just label it", Gary? ...
sperm egg

What are the odds? Family celebrates birth of 13th consecutive son

Meredith Knight | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Beyond X and Y chromosomes, scientists postulate genes and environmental exposures play a roll in making sons or daughters more ...

Food, genetic engineering and public opinion: Do popular concerns matter?

Confounding many scientists, the public remains skeptical of GM foods yet embraces biotech medicines. Why the difference? What can we ...
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Genetics of depression: Could a test have prevented the Germanwings catastrophe?

Arvind Suresh | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Major depression affects an estimated 10 percent of the population and often runs in families. Could a genetic test could ...
white fly x

Transgenic solution to virus-threatened African cassava faces anti-GMO protests

Isaac Ongu | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The cassava, a key African staple especially valued because of its drought tolerance, is threatened by numerous viruses. Conventional agriculture ...
bee crisis

Viewpoint: The new bee crisis is just like the old one: Phony

Henry Miller | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
This article originally ran at Forbes and has been republished here with permission of the author. Never let a good ...
Health Myths

Organic foods claimed nutritional benefits rest on shaky anti-oxidant study

Iida Ruishalme | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
High Antioxidant meta-study criticized for being too inclusive, for not dismissing studies with flawed methodology used to support boasting claims ...
A model of a Neanderthal

More mystery about Neanderthal and modern humans: How reliable is ancient DNA analysis?

A. J. Smuskiewicz | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Modern humans share swaths of DNA with long-extinct Neanderthals. But what does this mean? New and complicated dating techniques and ...
SOAP superJumbo

Sustainable household products? Not if anti-GMO “green” groups have their way

XiaoZhi Lim | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The latest “green” household cleaning products are using cutting-edge biotechnology to become more environmentally friendly—but criticism from “green groups” could ...
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My journey from suburban mom and chef to GMO and science advocate

Julie Kelly | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
I’m a suburban mom. I became an accidental activist when I uncovered a nefarious corporate/government scheme to poison my food ...
What is Apple up to in its foray into personal genetics?

What is Apple up to in its foray into personal genetics?

Meredith Knight | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Tech’s highest profile company is positioning itself as a genetic testing powerhouse. Personal genomics may be coming to an iPhone ...

Can’t have a baby? Is choosing your child’s genetic parents’ characteristics racism, vanity or eugenics?

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Many people choose gametes--donated eggs and sperm--so that their child will look like them but also have a certain IQ ...
scaremongering Wordle x x

Mandatory GMO food label not backed by science

Steven Cerier | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
GMO safety, once questioned by science-minded liberals, are now widely seen as not only safe but a key tool in ...
Gmo Free Organic Label

‘GMO free’ myth busting: Labeling movement leading farmers to use more toxic chemicals

The 'non GMO' movement has been a boon to some farmers, who have dumped GMOs to grow conventional non GMO ...

Using the human mind to control how genes work

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Combining two technologies –optogenetics and neuroelectromechanical interfaces — researchers based in Switzerland and France have demonstrated a means for control ...
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Fresh human eggs for sale: The hot, new college job

David Warmflash | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
College is expensive and student loans take ages to pay back. Here's a unique solution: sell your body. No, not ...
Grandchildren involved in burning the infected plants

Documentarian Scott Hamilton Kennedy explores why activists block GMO solution to African banana wilt crisis

Isaac Ongu | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
Poor farmers are in a panic. African anti-GMO activists blocking implementation of disease resistant GMO banana, but offer no solutions ...

Anti-GMO “Right to Know” movement cashing in on scaring and confusing consumers

Kavin Senapathy | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
We have no right to know if our food is GMO. Why? Because the term “GMO” is an arbitrary classification ...

How is Chipotle’s PR gimmick going? Left and right agree food chain public face of science illiteracy

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project&nbsp|&nbsp
The food chain's "bold" move, announcing a faux ban on GMOs in its food, has blown up big time. Chipotle ...
glp menu logo outlined

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