
Can gene therapy offer a cure for sickle-cell disease?

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
[I]n November, six months after [21-year-old Manny] Johnson became the first patient to receive an experimental therapy aimed at curing ...
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Boost for precision medicine? FDA approves drug targeting different cancers with shared mutation

Laurie McGinley | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The Food and Drug Administration on [November 26] approved a drug for a wide range of cancers based on a ...
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Lab-grown fish? How biotechnology might save the endangered bluefin tuna

Tim Carman | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
For several years, biotech companies have been promising “clean” meat, “cell-based” meat, “cultured” meat — whatever you want to call ...

Viewpoint: Why ancestry tests shouldn’t be ‘read as a certainty’

Debra Bruno | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Yes, I’m the kind of person who would take a DNA test with Ancestry and then, curious about whether I’d ...
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Ancient spearheads raise new questions about North America’s first inhabitants

Sarah Kaplan | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
[A]rchaeologists have uncovered evidence of a human settlement stretching back as far as 15,500 years: hammer stones and broken knives, ...

Calls for a halt to heart stem cell trial based on controversial research

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Days after Harvard Medical School said it found extensive falsified or fabricated data from the laboratory of a prominent heart researcher, ...

‘Hugely influential’ papers on cardiac stem cells declared ‘fraudulent’ by Harvard

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
An internal investigation by Harvard Medical School has determined that 31 scientific publications from the laboratory of a high-profile cardiologist ...
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Pentagon DARPA program targeting crop losses could turn insects into ‘easily weaponized’ biological army, critics claim

Joel Achenbach | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The Pentagon is studying whether insects can be enlisted to combat crop loss during agricultural emergencies. The bugs would carry ...

Can’t remember what happened last night? How alcohol creates blackouts

Carolyn Johnson, Joel Achenbach | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh have a common element of binge drinking, and highlight the ...

Pioneering cancer immunotherapy researchers awarded Nobel Prize in medicine

Laurie McGinley, Lenny Bernstein | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was awarded Monday [Oct. 1, 2018] to cancer researchers James P. Allison and ...
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Fighting the next pandemic with injection-free ‘vaccine patches’

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
When the next dead­ly pan­dem­ic flu hits, the first chal­lenge will be to de­vel­op a vac­cine. But loom­ing behind that ob­sta­cle is ...

Human eggs from blood cells? New technique could ‘transform reproduction’

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists in Japan made progress recently in the quest to combat infertility, creating the precursor to a human egg cell in a ...
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1 in 10 children diagnosed with ADHD: Why so many?

Rachel Buth | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The number of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyper­activity disorder (ADHD) has reached more than 10 percent, a significant increase during the past 20 ...

Are some people just ‘jerks’? New study identifies four major personality types

Ben Guarino | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Personality type tests are hugely popular, though if you ask working psychologists, they’ll tell you the results are little better ...
Beyond Meat Vegan Food

Success of alternative meat sparks regulatory battle over ‘future of American food’

Jan Dutkiewicz | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
On Aug. 28, a law went into effect in Missouri that makes it a crime to use the term “meat” to describe ...
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Why some researchers have urged caution with CRISPR gene editing

Jianhua Luo | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Despite all the excitement surrounding CRISPR editing, researchers have urged caution about moving too fast. Two recent studies have raised ...

Social science ‘reproducibility crisis’: Only 13 of 21 prestigious studies replicable

Joel Achenbach | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The “reproducibility crisis” in [social] science is erupting again. A research project attempted to replicate 21 social science experiments published between 2010 and ...

Cooperation in a time of chaos: Ancient Kenyan burial ground shows evidence of ‘social unity’

Sarah Kaplan | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
For millions of years, the Turkana Basin in northern Kenya has been a cradle of humanity. … Around 5,000 years ago, the ...
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Robot peer pressure and why we may need to fear ‘artificial stupidity’

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
When the robot revolution arrives, we all know the plot: Smarter machines will supersede human intelligence and outwit us, enslave ...
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‘Very reassuring’: Vaccinating pregnant women does not increase risk of autism in children

Lindsey Bever | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
New research has shown that a common childhood vaccination given to pregnant women does not put their children at any increased ...
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Tamed foxes could help unravel complex genetics behind social behavior

Carolyn Johnson | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
[D]omestication, based purely on behavioral traits, can result in other changes — like curlier tails and changes to fur color ...

Reasons to be wary of the ‘untamed wilderness’ of dog DNA tests

Kim Kavin | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
The claims that dog DNA-testing companies make can seem all but definitive: One quick cheek swab can not only tell ...

Fighting cancer with help from the body’s internal clock

Elie Dolgin | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Chi Van Dang generally declines to discuss the science that made him famous. ... Instead of doing so, Dang [a ...
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Elephants rarely get cancer. Can humans borrow their genetic strategies?

David Kohn | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Elephants have 100 times as many cells as humans. But they seldom get cancer. This is surprising, because cancer is ...

Privacy pledge: Consumer genetic-testing firms agree to new rules

Drew Harwell, Tony Romm | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Ancestry, 23andMe and other popular companies that offer genetic testing pledged on Tuesday [July 31] to be upfront when they ...
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Transgender men experience masculinity differently

Tara Bahrampour | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
We spoke with ... men who transitioned as adults to the bodies in which they feel more comfortable. ... [T]heir ...

Frozen embryos: Who owns them and do they have legal rights?

Ariana Cha | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
With the number of frozen embryos in the United States soaring into the millions, disputes over who owns them are ...

Expensive tastes? Testosterone linked to quest for status symbols

Melissa Healy | Washington Post&nbsp|&nbsp
Whether it’s in his choice of top-shelf alcohol at the club, the watch on his wrist or the clothes he ...
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