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COVID-19 hit the US as early as January, CDC analysis suggests

Helen Branswell | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
How early did local transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus begin in the United States? For the second time [recently], scientists ...
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Adverse reactions in COVID-19 vaccine trial illustrates rocky road to developing therapies for diverse populations

Matthew Herper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Patients in clinical trials are usually faceless. But as the experimental Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Moderna Therapeutics has begun ...
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Viewpoint: We can’t simply test our way out of the coronavirus pandemic

Michael Hochman | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
In response to calls for Covid-19 testing of the entire U.S. population, several large universities, and even some employers, have ...
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Experimental Parkinson’s treatment draws ethics scrutiny with wealthy donor selected as first patient

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
A secretive experiment revealed [May 12], in which neurosurgeons transplanted brain cells into a patient with Parkinson’s disease, made medical ...

Pandemic could give a boost to remote-monitoring devices that keep patients out of the doctor’s office

Erin Brodwin | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
It was a shift that began long before the pandemic: Tech companies, health providers, and patients alike were increasingly looking ...
possibilities for stem cell therapy in parkinsons highlighted

‘This is what it feels like to be normal’: Experimental stem cell treatment shows promise against Parkinson’s

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[Researchers planned] to carry out an experimental transplant surgery unprecedented in the annals of medicine: replacing the dysfunctional brain cells ...
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There will be no vaccine widely available by fall (or anytime soon) even with a miracle breakthrough

Helen Branswell | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Vaccines to prevent Covid-19 infection are hurtling through development at speeds never before seen. But mounting promises that some vaccine ...
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What the porn industry can teach us about how to live safely with coronavirus

Usha McFarling | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Since the late 1990s, when an outbreak of HIV infections threatened to shutter the multibillion-dollar industry, the mainstream porn community ...
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Is this brain-controlled prosthetic arm—with the sensation of touch—the future of prosthetics?

Shafaq Zia | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
[T]hree years ago, [electrician Rickard] Normark received a new kind of brain-controlled prosthetic that was surgically attached to the bone, ...
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‘Impenetrable medical jargon’: Why retooling should be a priority

Alison Bateman-House, Jamie Webb | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Millions of people visit each year to find a trial that they or a loved one might be eligible ...
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Viewpoint: US failure to ‘study drugs more quickly’ means more people are dying from coronavirus

Matthew Herper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When medical historians look back at the Covid-19 pandemic, they will reckon with how the United States, with its vast ...
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Using artificial intelligence to identify promising coronavirus treatments

Casey Ross | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Treating patients with the never-before-seen Covid-19 is forcing doctors to choose between two equally unpalatable options: try an unproven therapy ...
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Gilead’s remdesivir offers little benefit for coronavirus patients in early trial

Adam Feuerstein, Ed Silverman, Matthew Herper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
The antiviral medicine remdesivir from Gilead Sciences failed to speed the improvement of patients with Covid-19 or prevent them from ...

When will experimental coronavirus drugs will be ready for the clinic?

Matthew Herper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Is there hope that something will be available soon to help us fight this virus, known as SARS-CoV-2? Here’s a ...
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Dark side of CRISPR: Rogue scientists could design something nastier than the coronavirus

Neal Baer | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
When we’ve emerged on the other side of the pandemic, Covid-19 will someday make a good story. But I worry ...
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Dealing with ‘confusing directives’, US doctors seek coronavirus advice from Chinese counterparts

Sharon Begley | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Now, fed up with what they see as inadequate and confusing directives from public health authorities, many physicians are trying ...
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CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna turns lab into coronavirus test center

Matthew Herper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
A team of academic and industry researchers led by Jennifer Doudna, the researcher best known for her role in the ...
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Viewpoint: We’re making big decisions on the coronavirus without solid data

John Ioannidis | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
At a time when everyone needs better information, from disease modelers and governments to people quarantined or just social distancing, ...
when to stop treatment

Coronavirus immunotherapy could arrive by early summer. Is ‘record time’ fast enough?

Maggie Fox | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Blood-plasma-based cures aren’t just the stuff of movies. There’s plenty of science to back the idea that blood products from ...
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Some countries have done a much better job fighting the coronavirus. Here’s what worked.

Helen Branswell | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
With Europe and the United States locked in deadly battle with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, a number of countries ...
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Hunting for DNA signatures in blood could offer early warning system for cancer

Rebecca Robbins | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
The many companies developing liquid biopsies to try to detect cancer early have so far largely mined the blood in ...
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Viewpoint: Promise of genomics and precision medicine a ‘wave of hype without substance’

Nigel Paneth, Richard Cooper | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
An undeclared civil war is breaking out in biomedicine. On one side is precision medicine, with its emphasis on tailoring treatments ...

Viewpoint: Embracing biosimilars will drive down prices, increase access to drugs

Sean McGowan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
The biosimilar category holds incredible promise, and the market for these products is on an upward trajectory. But it’s been ...
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There was an opioid epidemic 130 years ago. Can it teach us anything about today’s crisis?

Haider Warraich | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
The 1890s and 1990s were both characterized by unopposed amplification of the benefits of opioids, the transformation of physicians into ...
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Viewpoint: 4 ways the FDA must evolve to deal with fast-moving technologies and health threats

Ellen Sigal, Mark McClellan | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
As we look toward the FDA of the 2020s that can achieve further progress in addressing urgent health threats and ...

Is the quest for profits getting in the way of ending the HIV epidemic?

Douglas Krakower, Julia Marcus, Kenneth Katz | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
Four decades after the HIV epidemic began, there’s finally hope it might end. Indeed, “Getting to Zero” — meaning zero ...
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Those childhood vaccinations for tetanus and diphtheria should cover you for life, study says

Elizabeth Cooney | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
People who got all their vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria in childhood don’t need booster shots to remain protected against ...

Seeking new momentum in Alzheimer’s research after decades of slow progress

Andrew Joseph | STAT&nbsp|&nbsp
5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer’s, with a new person developing the condition about every minute of every day. There is still ...
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