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Viewpoint: Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis’ COVID-19 controversy illustrates the politicization of science

Jeanne Lenzer, Shannon Brownlee&nbsp|&nbsp
The critical questions the Stanford professor is raising about Covid-19 have gotten lost amid partisan bickering ...

‘Diagnostic conundrum’: COVID-19 pandemic has given us a lot of clinically depressed people

James Hamblin&nbsp|&nbsp
As a rough average, during pre-pandemic life, 5 to 7 percent of people met the criteria for a diagnosis of ...
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Living at high altitudes may offer natural defense against COVID-19

Simeon Tegel&nbsp|&nbsp
Just 916 of Peru’s 141,000 cases come from the Cusco region, meaning its contagion rate is more than 80 percent ...

3 experimental COVID-19 vaccines set for critical testing phase this summer

Peter Loftus&nbsp|&nbsp
The federal government plans to fund and conduct the decisive studies of three experimental coronavirus vaccines starting this summer, according ...

COVID-19 treatment could be ready by September if Eli Lilly’s experimental antibody therapies are a success

Carl O'Donnell, Michael Erman&nbsp|&nbsp
Eli Lilly and Co could have a drug specifically designed to treat COVID-19 authorized for use as early as September ...
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Supercomputers take first steps toward replacing human clinical drug trials

Ray Kurzweil&nbsp|&nbsp
We are seeing the beginnings of a profound paradigm shift in health technology. AI simulations have the potential to test ...

COVID-19 evolving to be less deadly? Experts challenge Italian doctor’s claims

Has the novel coronavirus in Italy changed in some significant way? That was the suggestion of a top doctor in ...
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Ethical pros and cons of infecting healthy volunteers in quest for COVID-19 vaccine

Jonathan Lambert&nbsp|&nbsp
Instead of vaccinating hundreds to thousands of people and waiting to see if they naturally catch the virus, scientists would ...
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Video: How can we figure out the real fatality rate of COVID-19 and how lethal it is?

Wessam Atif&nbsp|&nbsp
Dr. Wessam Atif breaks down what we do and don't know about the worldwide death rate, or case fatality rate, ...
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‘A misunderstanding’: WHO backtracks on claim that asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus is ‘very rare’

Ed Cara&nbsp|&nbsp
The World Health Organization held a press conference on Tuesday [June 9] to clarify a surprising announcement it made a ...
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Some COVID-19 survivors may never regain taste or smell, doctors say

Preetika Rana&nbsp|&nbsp
Clinicians racing to understand the novel disease are starting to discern an unusual trend: one common symptom—the loss of smell ...
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The problem with winter: Indoor heating creates an easy pathway for coronavirus to spread

Akiko Iwasaki&nbsp|&nbsp
It is obvious that in winter, indoor heating causes a difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. But what we are ...
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‘It’s been so chaotic’: US government ‘Operation Warp Speed’ may not be focusing on developing the most promising COVID-19 vaccines

Jon Cohen&nbsp|&nbsp
When the news broke [June 3] that Operation Warp Speed had selected five experimental COVID-19 vaccines to fast-track through testing ...
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COVID-19 vaccines unlikely to be ‘cure-alls’. That might not be such a bad thing

Helen Branswell&nbsp|&nbsp
With a little luck and a lot of science, the world might in the not-too-distant future get vaccines against Covid-19 ...
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Coronavirus antibodies from GMO cows set for summer clinical trials

Mitch Leslie&nbsp|&nbsp
The latest recruits in the fight against COVID-19 are munching hay in a South Dakota barn. A biotech company has ...
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How a rare bird and the coronavirus remind us that our safety depends on science—not wishful thinking

Patrick Whittle&nbsp|&nbsp
There are worse places to spend a COVID-19 lockdown than next to a sanctuary with one of the world’s rarest ...
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‘Partnership with sunlight’: Why staying inside all the time makes us vulnerable to infections

Linda Geddes&nbsp|&nbsp
For the past two months, a sizable chunk of the world’s population has been shuttered inside their homes, only stepping ...
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Could COVID-19 cause wives to cheat? How pandemics affect sexual desire

Martin Graff&nbsp|&nbsp
The coronavirus has impacted society and affected our behaviour in many ways from an increase in our use of social ...
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‘A new way of life’: UK launches COVID-19 contact tracing system with voluntary self-isolation

Bérengère Sim, Callum Keown&nbsp|&nbsp
A test-and-trace system to find and isolate people who come into contact with coronavirus will be launched in the U.K ...
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Intriguing links between blood types and COVID-19 outcomes

Carl Zimmer&nbsp|&nbsp
Why do some people infected with the coronavirus suffer only mild symptoms, while others become deathly ill? Geneticists have been ...
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‘Valuable feedback’: Coronavirus conspiracy theories and rumors illustrate ‘legitimate anxieties’

Anita Makri&nbsp|&nbsp
The tactic of simply throwing facts at the misinformation problem can be ineffective, and even counterproductive ...
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First gene-edited CRISPR COVID-19 mouse created; Opens door to study infections and develop therapies

Human cells and mice cells each express their own version of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the membrane-bound receptor that ...
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On second thought: Sweden’s top epidemiologist says nation should have done more to slow COVID-19

Michael Birnbaum&nbsp|&nbsp
For months, the world has watched Sweden's light-touch approach to fighting the coronavirus pandemic, wondering whether it was genius or ...
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Lancet medical journal retracts much-questioned COVID-19 ‘observational study’ that raised safety alarms about hydroxychloroquine

Andrew Joseph&nbsp|&nbsp
The Lancet, one of the world’s top medical journals, on [June 4] retracted an influential study that raised alarms about ...
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Video: Why we should ignore most reported COVID-19 statistics

Wessam Atif&nbsp|&nbsp
Every day we wake up and check COVID-19 updates. Governments usually announce 6 main numbers: 1) New cases 2) Total ...
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Sewage monitoring could give early warning of fresh coronavirus outbreaks

Chris Baraniuk&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists in Spain are expecting to begin regularly analyzing sewage for traces of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, The Scientist ...

Herd immunity alone isn’t enough to save us. Why a vaccine is critical

Julia Wolfe, Kaleigh Rogers, Laura Bronner&nbsp|&nbsp
[G]etting to herd immunity without a vaccine isn’t as simple as the idea itself. A number of variables can affect ...
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