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Viewpoint: Impossible and Beyond Burgers are delicious, but are they good for you?

Chana Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
The leading companies offering fake meat are mission-driven, with vegan roots. Any benefits to human health are icing on the ...
Viewpoint: Why organic farming won't help preserve the world's biodiversity

Viewpoint: Why organic farming won’t help preserve the world’s biodiversity

Hank Campbell&nbsp|&nbsp
A recent paper finds that if just 15 percent of farmland reverted to nature, it would wipe out nearly a third ...
Golden Rice could fight deadly vitamin A deficiency now. Why do farmers have to wait another 3 years to grow it?

Golden Rice could fight deadly vitamin A deficiency now. Why do farmers have to wait another 3 years to grow it?

Matthew Rees, Phil Harvey&nbsp|&nbsp
It’s one of the world’s most preventable tragedies. Every year, as many as 500,000 children go blind because their diet ...
Viewpoint: Do we really need GM fish? The case for growing (and eating) AquaBounty’s biotech, fast-growing salmon

Viewpoint: Do we really need GM fish? The case for growing (and eating) AquaBounty’s biotech, fast-growing salmon

Lucy Stitzer&nbsp|&nbsp
Innovation and creative thinking in the protein industry is ever-evolving. You may have read some of our posts on the ...

Viewpoint: Depopulation conspiracy debunked. Western billionaires aren’t using GMOs to control Africa’s food supply

Uchechi Moses&nbsp|&nbsp
The truth is that African farmers need biotech crops as climate change makes farming an increasingly difficult profession ...
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Viewpoint: Europe’s blanket opposition to gene editing, pesticides means higher food prices for world’s poorest people

Fred Roeder&nbsp|&nbsp
By 2070 the world will be populated by approximately 10.5 billion people. This means that we will need to be ...

Brain food or health fad: Can you really boost cognition with nootropics?

Hayley Philip&nbsp|&nbsp
What if you could think better, faster, and have a stronger memory? Nootropics, found in foods and supplements, are believed ...
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As the CRISPR revolution advances, here’s how gene editing will actually help farmers and consumers

Luis Ventura&nbsp|&nbsp
2020 has been an eventful year for gene editing. The recent Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier ...
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Viewpoint: Glyphosate-cancer trials illustrate how tort lawyers undermine science in the courtroom

Richard Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
Should we be fair to chemical manufacturers when they are sued? First of all, who are they? Since everything in ...
Viewpoint: Europe's globally important wine industry threatened by pesticide, biotech phobias

Viewpoint: Europe’s globally important wine industry threatened by pesticide, biotech phobias

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
“Make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly.” That's the lofty goal of the European Union's (EU) Farm to Fork Strategy, ...
Podcast: Trans women in female-only sports; Men and women need distinct brain tumor therapies; Illegal GMOs in Peru

Podcast: Trans women in female-only sports; Men and women need distinct brain tumor therapies; Illegal GMOs in Peru

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Should trans women be allowed to compete in female-only sports? It's a polarizing question with no easy answer in a ...
Viewpoint: Nobel Prize for CRISPR refutes anti-GMO activist rhetoric about crop gene editing

Viewpoint: Nobel Prize for CRISPR refutes anti-GMO activist rhetoric about crop gene editing

Stuart Smyth&nbsp|&nbsp
The year is coming to an end, and 2020 has popped a balloon filled with myths, untruths and lies deliberately ...
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Sustainability gap on Farm to Fork: What are the global consequences of Europe’s embrace of ‘green political correctness’

Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
European Union politicians call it a “protein transition” strategy—the continent’s sustainable farming blueprint embodied in the Green Deal, the heart ...

Viewpoint: Genetics and AI have launched an agricultural revolution. But ‘blind techno-optimism’ could have harmful consequences

Charlotte-Anne Chivers, David Rose&nbsp|&nbsp
Depending on who you listen to, artificial intelligence may either free us from monotonous labour and unleash huge productivity gains, ...

Our Stone Age ancestors thrived on ‘chunks of meat,’ but plants were just as key to their survival

Alex Whiting&nbsp|&nbsp
Early humans wouldn't be able to survive without glucose from plants ...
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Podcast: COVID killed anti-GMO activism? Environmentalists split over glyphosate; Predatory journal Pokémon hoax

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Could the COVID-19 pandemic end anti-GMO activism as we know it? Environmentalists are split over the controversial weedkiller glyphosate; some ...
Battle over 15-year GMO ban extension rages in Peru as farmers breed and cultivate illegal biotech seed

Battle over 15-year GMO ban extension rages in Peru as farmers breed and cultivate illegal biotech seed

Sherly Montaguth&nbsp|&nbsp
In the midst of a ferocious debate over the future of biotechnology in Latin America, the Peruvian Congress recently extended ...
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Viewpoint: Despite its ‘social justice pretense’ agroecology promotes poverty in developing countries

David Zaruk&nbsp|&nbsp
The world is made up of sunshine and butterflies, roses and rainbows. If we can stop Father Profit from raping ...
Podcast: Lockdown skeptics are COVID 'deniers'? Plant burgers don't cause 'man boobs.' GMOs and terrorism

Podcast: Lockdown skeptics are COVID ‘deniers’? Plant burgers don’t cause ‘man boobs.’ GMOs and terrorism

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
If you oppose lockdowns to stop the spread of COVID, are you a science denier, a covidiot? Potentially dangerous genetically ...
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Viewpoint: AquaBounty’s GM salmon slated for 2021 debut, but animal biotech still stymied by byzantine regulation

Steven Cerier&nbsp|&nbsp
After 30 years, AquaBounty's genetically engineered (GE) AquAdvantage salmon may be just months away from hitting US grocery stores, making ...
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Push to reform EU biotech crop rules gains strength as some environmentalists, public officials endorse gene editing

Luis Ventura&nbsp|&nbsp
After two decades as "the center" of GMO skepticism, it seems the EU may be ready to acknowledge the benefits ...
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Viewpoint: Italy’s GMO restrictions cripple efforts to expand sustainable farming

Bruno Mezzetti, Eddo Rugini&nbsp|&nbsp
GMO and GE technologies are complementary and indispensable for the release of new plants able to solve new emergencies that ...

Viewpoint: Climate change threatens our forests. Smarter fire control and sustainable logging can help us fight back

Lauren Anderson&nbsp|&nbsp
There has been an ongoing debate about the viability of tree planting and forest restoration to fight climate change. But ...
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Podcast: GM salmon coming soon? Food ingredients you can’t pronounce are safe; Monsanto patent lawsuit myths

Cameron English, Kevin Folta&nbsp|&nbsp
Monsanto never sued farmers because their fields were accidentally contaminated with the company's GM seed. AquaBounty's genetically engineered AquAdvantage salmon ...
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Monsanto wrongly sued farmers for patent infringement? Federal courts put down David v Goliath myth for good

Marc Brazeau&nbsp|&nbsp
Does greedy Monsanto sue small-time farmers for patent infringement because their fields are accidentally contaminated with the company's GM seeds? ...
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Viewpoint: How postmodernism birthed Europe’s anti-GMO movement

Marcel Kuntz&nbsp|&nbsp
Tounderstand why Europe is restricting the use of some technologies, while the United States are not following the same path ...
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Viewpoint: 3 biotech foods you can’t buy at Costco thanks to anti-GMO activism

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
The opponents of this method of improving food have been successful in suppressing even the most logical applications ...
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