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It’s time to talk about the ethics of CRISPR-edited human embryos

Jessica Berg&nbsp|&nbsp
With groundbreaking human gene editing research moving forward, and human enhancement becoming a reality, decisions need to be made about ...
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Micro RNA: Genetic suppression might control insect-borne diseases and limit pesticide use

Richard Levine&nbsp|&nbsp
New methods of controlling mosquitos without chemicals include releasing sterile males, spreading confusing pheromones and, most recently, disrupting egg development ...

Three-person IVF as an infertility solution has a long way to go

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
The procedure is typically targeted at parents who want to avoid passing a potentially fatal mitochondrial disease to their child ...

Could gene editing have saved Charlie Gard?

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
The British infant died of a mitochondrial disease as news broke that US scientists had successfully edited a human embryo ...

Sports and war: With concussions, there’s little difference between football, fighting

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
Evidence suggests "early aging" in the brains of troops is a result of experiencing bomb blasts. It may be similar ...
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CRISPR revolution: How scientists are turning gene-editing hype into food and medical breakthroughs

Ian Haydon&nbsp|&nbsp
The powerful gene-editing tool is becoming ubiquitous, appearing in the media with ever increasing frequency. But it's more than just ...
breast cancer

Have the BRCA mutation? Debating a precautionary mastectomy? Your genes may provide a guide

Jennifer Cable&nbsp|&nbsp
A new study offers a better understanding of the risks, by age, associated with the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. It ...

Pioneering gene therapy restores vision to people with rare retinal blindness

Kathrine High, Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Spark Therapeutics is moving forward with its treatment for a type of inherited retinal dystrophy. In the wake of the ...
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The obesity paradox: Why being fit may be more important than losing weight

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
Instead of focusing purely on weight, a better approach is one that also considers a person's physical fitness when assessing ...

How can the human race survive? By overcoming biological urge to procreate

John Baird&nbsp|&nbsp
Physicist Stephen Hawking adds to a growing chorus of catastrophists in claiming that humans could face extinction in the next ...
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Designer babies? US scientists swap DNA in embryos, replacing mutation that causes heart problems

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
The breakthrough procedure might better be called 'gene correction' rather than gene editing. It could revolutionize genetic disease treatments, but ...

‘We are all mutants’: Why genetic testing struggles to provide answers

Carrie Arnold&nbsp|&nbsp
Genetic tests often can help us diagnose disorders and determine risk factors for disease. But uncertainties surrounding genetic mutations makes ...
dna bible

Are our views on religion, astrology and new-age beliefs hardwired?

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
Our beliefs, including irrational ones such as an embrace of pseudoscience and 'fake news', have been shown to be somewhat ...
flu outbreak

Isolated influenza mutations may help predict future global flu trends

Jesse Bloom, Katherine Xue&nbsp|&nbsp
A study of flu evolution in four patients with long-term infections revealed mutations that later appeared, independently, around the world ...

How facial recognition software may help identify genetic disorders

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
The technology might help in diagnosing rare genetic disorders. But the depiction of its promises and challenges by the media ...

Ignore at your own peril: Race plays role in cancer and other health risks

Alex Berezow&nbsp|&nbsp
It may be uncomfortable to discuss, but there are genetic and biological differences among races and genders. Ignoring these factors ...
johanna eva gill

Why identifying ‘autism genes’ is so elusive

Ben Locwin, Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers are unlocking the mystery of autism's origin. Yes, it's mostly 'in the genes,' but what that means is one ...
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Did life originate on Earth? It’s becoming more difficult to say ‘yes’

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
Discovery of Earth-sized planets and of microbial fossils as old as 4.5 billion years may shed light on the question ...
gut bacteria and weight gain

Gut feeling: Microbiota could aid fight against depression, high blood pressure and weight gain

Christopher Martynuik, Jasenka Zubcevic&nbsp|&nbsp
The trillions of microorganisms in the gut affect our physical and mental state in myriad ways. Can we influence this ...

Rare genetic diseases can arise from unsuspecting carriers

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
Discovery of the rare disease -- marked by blindness, deafness, fragile bones and albinism -- could lead to genetic screening ...

Are your food choices killing you?

Andrew Porterfield&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists, the media and policymakers often make glib connections between certain foods, nutrition and disease. The links are a lot ...

To combat evolution denial, teach kids genetics first

Laurence D. Hurst, Momna Hejmadi, Rebecca Mead&nbsp|&nbsp
A new study suggests teaching children genetics first may help them better understand how and why humans have evolved ...
pot original

Smoking and health: Genetic revolution transforming medical marijuana and tobacco

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Our increased understanding of plant genetics has potential to help smokers quit and provide patients with the medicinal benefits of ...

Evolution and war: The ‘deep roots’ theory of human violence

Meredith Knight&nbsp|&nbsp
War has long been viewed as a way for societies to acquire wealth and power, even though it often doesn't ...

Drug weapons: Computer designed proteins prepare to battle the next pandemic

Ian Haydon&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers are using computer modeling to design new antiviral proteins that could slow down, or stop, global outbreaks of deadly ...
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Bladder control: Is there a genetic treatment for urinary incontinence?

Ricki Lewis&nbsp|&nbsp
Treatment options for urinary incontinence may be revealed through a genome-wide association study searching for genes that may contribute to ...
Transgenic spider silk: About superheroes, medical devices and space elevators

Transgenic spider silk: About superheroes, medical devices and space elevators

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
Maybe you'd like to be bullet proof like Superman or shoot silk from your body to fling between buildings like ...
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