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How 1100 pound woman’s rare genetic disorder helps unravel mystery of obesity

Meredith Knight | 
The root causes of the obesity epidemic remain elusive. Studying rare one-gene cases may provide clues to help scientists understand ...
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Epigenetics Around the Web: Marie Claire’s missteps on probiotics and microbiome; Dad’s role in fetal health

Nicholas Staropoli | 
Missteps on science, journalism and advertising; Overhyping the epigenetic relationship between healthy fathers and healthy children ...
star trek transporter

Star Trek-like transporter might solve brain disease mysteries, understand religious belief

David Warmflash | 
Scientists have modeled a Star Trek-like transporter illusion to learn about how the human brain shapes our sense of spatial ...

New transplantation era beckons if we’re ok with growing organs in pigs

David Warmflash | 
Some day, human organs from pigs may fill the organ gap, and the needed science and engineering is advancing rapidly, ...
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Mendel meets Tinder: GenePeeks screen maps babies’ genetic risks — before conception

Ricki Lewis | 
Genetic screening offers prospective parents new insights into the potential disease risks facing their offspring -- and maybe a chance ...

Boy or girl: Should prenatal testing be censored for fear it may become a sex-selection tool?

Meredith Knight | 
Some prominent ethicists push for limiting the release of prenatal testing for fear the information could be used by parents ...

Epigenetics Around the Web: IFL Science doesn’t f****** understand how humans ‘inherit’ modifications

Nicholas Staropoli | 
The popular science site IFL Science whiffs at covering a major study; and can we please stop talking about 'space ...

Are we alone? If not, why hasn’t anyone dropped by Earth for a visit?

David Warmflash | 
Scientists disagree on the probability that advanced extraterrestrials exist somewhere in the universe. Among the biggest arguments against aliens is ...
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Can epigenetics help fuel personalized medicine revolution in cancer treatment?

Fabian Filipp | 
Already, doctors, to some degree, use personal genomics tests that integrate our unique genetic makeup into clinical decision-making. However, there ...

Have patients been forgotten in the quest to build private BRCA variant databases?

Ricki Lewis | 
Databases on life-threatening genetic mutations -- including the BRCA variants linked to breast cancer -- are maintained by corporations for ...

Epigenetics Around the Web: Evolution of instincts — How ‘real’ is behavioral plasticity?

Nicholas Staropoli | 
A researcher's decision to broadcast his controversial hypothesis about the evolution of instincts is irresponsible, and a study throws cold ...
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Status climb with caution: Social mobility may take a toll on our DNA

Andrew Porterfield | 
'Moving on up' is a cherished American value (and important in other societies, too). But there could be a cost ...

Behold the octopus: Problem solver, tool user and now, gene editor

Ben Locwin | 
The more we learn about octopuses and squids, the more mysterious they become. The ability to edit their own RNA ...
ethiopian jews

Ethiopian Jewry: Genetics of the Beta Israel muddied by historical slave ownership

Ibrahim Omer | 
Rarely mentioned by academics is the fact that Ethiopian Jews historically owned slaves. From a genetics perspective, it means this ...

Epigenetics Around the Web: Epigenetics and health in 2030, botched vitamin B cure, and more

Nicholas Staropoli | 
This week’s features: Vitamin B still won't protect you from air pollution, and epigenetics and the city of 2030. Plus, ...

Are we ready to welcome intelligent robots into the human family?

David Warmflash | 
Artificial intelligence (AI) may become so advanced that some computer minds achieve consciousness and self-awareness. Would these machines be granted ...

Are we ready, without professional help, to decide what to do when our genes tell us we have a potential disorder?

Tim Barker | 
The FDA's decision to allow 23andMe to offer consumers disease screening has triggered a debate over whether the public is ...
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DNA test limits: Current direct-to-consumer tests provide only a glimpse into our ancestry

Meredith Knight | 
In a recent story that made headlines, a woman’s DNA test showed she was a descendant of a lost tribe ...

Epigenetics Around the Web: No, income inequality does not cause epigenetic changes, botching Lamarck, and more

Nicholas Staropoli | 
A psychology professor claims that income inequality is causing epigenetic changes and a Huffington Post article on climate change and ...

Glowing trees, no more colonoscopies and other wonders of synthetic biology

David Warmflash | 
Synthetic biology offers the opportunity to create a wide array of novel life forms, products and approaches to medicine -- ...
mind chatter

Seeing patterns that aren’t there? Understanding how the brain forms opinions — And implications for science

David Warmflash | 
Humans have a natural inclination to 'order the world,' our minds imposing familiar patterns on the chaos of life. Could ...
flu shot vaccine

This year’s flu vaccine has been 50% effective, and that’s not shabby

Ben Locwin | 
This season's vaccine was more effective than those of the previous two years at reducing influenza-related hospitalizations ...

Time to amend human embryo research ’14-day rule’?

David Warmflash | 
The rule that cuts off research on human embryos at 14 days gestation is based on an arbitrary time limit ...
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‘Rape gene’? Law and Order SVU episode muddies genetic literacy waters

Ricki Lewis | 
A popular television show delivers a questionable message on genetic determinism and the the issue of why some men resort ...

Epigenetics Around the Web: No, Dr. Sarah Gottfried, we can’t control genes with lifestyle tweaks, and more

Nicholas Staropoli | 
This week’s features: An MD is pushing pseudoscience to sell her new book and a word of caution about epigenetics ...

Born killer or normal mind? Genes, brain scans and mental health

Andrew Porterfield | 
What's a normal mind? Do brain scans provide any insight? The answer is stranger than you think ...

4 human genetics organizations that put ideology ahead of science

Andrew Porterfield | 
There are legitimate concerns about the rapid pace of genetics research. But some of the most well known groups seen ...
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