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Fitness and health expert: 10 science-based reasons why I’m thankful for GMOs

Maria Brilaki | 
Some vocal opponents of GMO foods are in the fitness community. There is a perceived belief that engineered foods pose ...
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GMO labeling may be more about marketing than transparency

Is GMO labeling really about a consumer's right to know? Or is it about creating doubt about the safety of ...
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Pro-GMO advocates capitulate to support GMO label law: Is this science’s Munich agreement?

Julie Kelly | 
Is the GMO labeling bill, which was just passed by both houses of Congress, a loss for advocates of biotechnology ...

Myth busting: Are synthetic pesticides, used with some GMOs, more dangerous than natural ones?

Layla Katiraee | 
Both organic and conventional farmers use pesticides, but these chemicals are rampant in nature and many natural ones are far ...

How anti-modern farming agroecology NGOs spread GMO misinformation in Africa

Isaac Ongu | 
Europe and US-funded NGOs are spreading scare stories about GMO crops. Cornell Alliance for Science and other groups are trying ...
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Has WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) shifted from analysis to advocacy?

David Zaruk | 
What is IARC? What is its relationship with the World Health Organization? Was its designation of glyphosate as 'probably carcinogenic' ...
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Scientist develop ‘biofortified’ canola seed for production of oil with heart-healthy fats

Mikel Shybut | 
Canola oil is one of the healthiest plant derived oils humans regularly consume--and soon it may get even healthier ...
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Vermont not victim of GMO ‘pollution,’ as organic activist claims

Louise Calderwood | 
The increase in the state's chemical usage is largely tied to sustainable-friendly cover cropping ...
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African farmer: Europe vote blocks GMOs and modern farming, dooming us to food subsistence

Michael Ssali | 
An African journalist and farmer speaks out against the European Parliament's call to block GMO cultivation in Africa, calling it ...

Senate’s GMO labeling bill clears major hurdle, final approval expected this week

Stephanie Strom | 
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. A federal bill that ...

African farming sacrificed to European green politics, blocking GMO innovation

Diran Makinde | 
A biotech expert from Africa says European Parliament must let Africa reap the same benefits the rest of world has ...
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Six consequences for consumers of labeling GMOs

Mary Mangan | 
What will happen if GMO labeling becomes required? Here are 6 real consequences for consumers ...
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Anti-GMO activists brandish disputed Stone-Glover Golden Rice paper in attacks on Nobel laureates

Andrew Porterfield, Jon Entine | 
Anti-GMO activists are trying to discredit Nobel laureates' rebuke of Greenpeace for attempting to discredit Golden Rice humanitarian project. Here's ...
Protect agriculture and stand up against GM crops

110 Nobel Laureates to Greenpeace: Stick with science, don’t block Golden Rice

Val Giddings | 
A letter from 107 Nobel Laureates calls on Greenpeace, the UN, and Governments around the world to support and advance ...
golden rice

Adrian Dubock, Golden Rice scientist: Greenpeace, GMO critics misrepresent humanitarian project

Adrian Dubock | 
In a letter sent exclusively to GLP, a leader of the Golden Rice project speaks out against recent criticisms of ...

How Brexit will impact the future of farming, GMOs and gene editing in Britain and Europe

David Warmflash, Jon Entine | 
What does Brexit mean for crop and animal biotechnology in Britain or Europe? How might CRISPR and New Breeding Technologies ...
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When it comes to sustainability and organic farming, does size matter?

Andrew Porterfield | 
It's the way crops are farmed not the farm's size that matters when it comes to sustainability ...
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Documents uncover secret coordination among ‘independent’ anti-biotech scientists, activists

Emails reveal how activists, researchers and journalists coordinate to promote anti-biotech ideals ...
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Bipartisan Senate GMO labeling agreement under attack from activists

Nicholas Staropoli | 
A bipartisan compromise on GMO labeling has been reached in the Senate. But the bill is still far from being ...

Is the precautionary principle guiding law or a political notion?

Andrew Porterfield | 
What is the precautionary principle, and how is it being used, or misused? ...
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As Congress dickers over GMO labeling, Brazil may offer path forward

Steven Cerier | 
Can we look to Brazil, where GMOs have been labeled since 2003, to learn what the effects of GMO labeling ...
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BBC debate: Are Monsanto, Big Ag taking over the world’s seed supply?

Do corporations, like Monsanto, control too much of our food supply, seeds, and farming technology? ...

How anti-GMO activists blocked South American disease resistant papaya

Guido Núñez-Mujica | 
In 2000, Venezuela was developing a disease resistant papaya, but activists threatened scientists and spread disinformation and the project was ...
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Biotech opponents claim Monsanto ‘controls’ the world food supply? What are the facts?

Steve Savage | 
Is there truth to a common anti-GMO narrative that large multi-national companies seek to “control the food supply” through patents ...
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Ex-Friends of the Earth activist: GMO debate needs to remove ‘absolute opinions’ against biotech

Diederik van der Hoeven | 
A former activist for an anti-GMO group likens movement to debate on nuclear energy. Says conversations shouldn't start with facts, ...

Activists played ‘no role’ in delaying Golden Rice’? Evidence challenges anti-GMO claim

Amy Porterfield Levy, Julie Kelly | 
Anthropologist Glenn Stone says golden rice has not been held back by activists, but what is the real story behind ...

Non-GMO label lies to consumers, says plant scientist

Steve Savage | 
Today's genetic modification techniques are far less intense and precise than older ones, yet many foods are now misleadingly labeled ...
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