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Infographic: How to avoid GMO corn? Turn back the clock 9000 years

Genetic Literacy Project | 
In 9000 years, humans have altered sweetcorn to make it 1000 times larger, 3.5 times sweeter, much easier to peel and ...
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Is ‘Frankenbacteria’ our best hope to defeat future bioterrorism?

Hank Campbell | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Bioterrorism is terror by science, the intentional release of toxins, bacteria or toxins to cause illness, death and panic. When ...
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Can’t start the day without a cup of Joe? Zest for coffee linked to genes

Meredith Knight | Genetic Literacy Project | 
The number of cups of coffee you have in a day is informed by your genetics as a combination of ...
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Norman Borlaug, father of the green revolution

Genetic Literacy Project | 
In honor of the World Food Prize, which was inspired by his work, being awarded next week in Iowa, Genetic ...
Can psychology explain strident opposition by some to GMOs?

Can psychology explain strident opposition by some to GMOs?

Hank Campbell | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Strident opponents of crop biotechnology often claim that they can actually taste the difference between foods with genetically modified ingredients ...
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Tall Genes: Thousands found responsible for height differences

There are more 600 of spots on the genome responsible for about a fifth of the variation in human height ...
Our GPS brain: What is the ‘doorway effect’ and how do we orient ourselves

Our GPS brain: What is the ‘doorway effect’ and how do we orient ourselves

Ben Locwin | Genetic Literacy Project | 
How does memory and what amounts to a GPS system in our brain root us in the world? That's the ...
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Leaked memo highlights new axis of pseudoscience between Dr. Oz and Consumer Reports?

Marc Brazeau | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Are Consumer Reports and Dr. Oz teaming up to spread pseudoscience? The GLP has obtained an in house Consumer Reports ...
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National Resource Defense Council reverses course, acknowledges ‘factory farms’ do not overuse antibiotics

Hank Campbell | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Advocacy groups often claim antibiotic use on 'factory farms' is soaring, hurting animals and even humans who are developing resistance ...
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Genome Prairie examines challenges of communicating science of agriculture

Agriculture relies upon science and technology to meet demand in an efficient and sustainable manner, but these technological advances are ...
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Controversial fetal cell transplants revived for Parkinson’s trials

Fetal brain cell transplants fell out of favor as a potential therapy for Parkinson’s disease after mixed reviews from trials ...

Is climate change reducing the number of boy babies?

Parents are selecting the sexes of their children and they are often choosing males. But there are other forces at ...
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Will Starbucks bump latte prices to placate anti-GMO protestors?

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Anti-GMO organic activists are again fanning fears about genetic modification as part of a campaign to pressure Starbucks to dump ...
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Beware of the biomedical industrial complex

Hank Campbell | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Dr. Steve McKnight, President of the American Society For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, has written an article that must be as ...

Quarantine expanded as killer bacterium spreads to California orange groves, GMO only hope

Marc Brazeau | Genetic Literacy Project | 
As California officials add another 100 square miles of citrus groves to a 1,000 square mile quarantine, Florida growers are ...
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DIY fecal transplant: Taking love of the microbiome a bit too far

Anthropologist Jeff Leach ended his last trip to Africa with a bit of self-experimentation. He gave himself a fecal transplant ...
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Personal genomics company says it will solve puzzle of Welsh origins

A British genetics company is asking for Welsh participants to help discover the mysterious genetic origins of the famously redheaded ...
Are Ebola drug researchers developing 'death drugs' that could wipe out humanity? Yes, by logic of anti-GMOers

Are Ebola drug researchers developing ‘death drugs’ that could wipe out humanity? Yes, by logic of anti-GMOers

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
It's perplexing that strident anti-GMO critics who regularly harp on the "danger" of harvesting a "foreign" gene from one species ...

Crop breakthrough! No GMOs! Let’s celebrate!–Why advanced farm technology scares us

Marc Brazeau | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Are journalists so gun shy about reporting the 'good news' of genetic engineering that they seek false balance in hyping ...
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Do mysterious ‘jumping genes’ fast track evolution?

Genomes have a lot of moving parts. Some stretches of DNA try to assimilate and copy themselves in novel places, ...
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Synthetic biology’s revolutionary and often disquieting impact on our food system

Marc Brazeau | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Synbio brings with it new social, ethical and regulatory concerns. The next generation will bring nearly miraculous advances in medicine ...

Single dose of anti-depressant alters brain? Maybe, but what does that mean?

Ben Locwin | Genetic Literacy Project | 
All drugs "alter" the brain's connectivity, so that's hardly a surprise. But what does that mean? Are the changes ongoing ...
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Intelligence genes: Elusive but real

The question of the degree to which genes control intelligence has been so controversial that many geneticists avoid pursuing it ...
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What’s life like for the transgendered after sexual reassignment surgery?

Sarah King | Genetic Literacy Project | 
People who identify with a gender other than the one they were born with often suffer from societal pressures and ...
Agroecology vs GMOs

Flipping the Anti-GMO arguments

Genetic Literacy Project | 
A closer look at the claims made by Center for Food Safety. Do you agree? ...

Labs must now share your genome data with you–But do you really want it?

Genomic test results must now be shared with patients. That's the good news. It's also the bad news ...

GMO crops produce poisonous gut E. Coli? Many faces of an important bacterium

Aneela Mirchandani | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Could a mutated form of E. Coli resulting from the cloning process used in creating GMOs get into the gut ...
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Can spider genes be genetically engineered to make eco-friendly cars?

Steph Gorski | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Scientists are looking to create genetically engineered spider webs—which pound for pound is stronger than steel—to make products that might ...
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