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Embracing biotech crops and why Nigeria’s GMO fight is far from over

Abraham Isah&nbsp|&nbsp
In July, Nigeria took a significant step down the biotech road by approving its first commercially available GMO crop, offering ...

Viewpoint: Nigeria must rely on science to find its way through the GMO debate

Abdullahi Tsanni&nbsp|&nbsp
The global evolution in science has lead to the emergence and adoption of agricultural biotechnology in some parts of the ...

Viewpoint: We should just retire the whole ‘feed the world’ thing when it comes to promoting GMOs

Marc Brazeau&nbsp|&nbsp
How often do we hear something along the lines of "We won't be able to feed 10 billion people by ...
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Viewpoint: Anti-GMO activists crave a return to ‘simpler times’ in farming. Here’s why that would be disastrous.

Mary Mangan&nbsp|&nbsp
The appeal of simpler times, as imagined by wealthy white guys ...

Talking Biotech: Mark Lynas’ evolution from anti-GMO activist to GMO advocate

Kevin Folta, Mark Lynas&nbsp|&nbsp
Writer Mark Lynas discusses his life as an anti-GMO activist, why he changed his mind, and his new book Seeds ...

Viewpoint: Here’s why organic farming needs GMOs

Val Giddings&nbsp|&nbsp
“Civilization has been built on genetically modified plants.” — Nina V. Fedoroff, Mendel in the Kitchen: A Scientists View of Genetically ...
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Viewpoint: The faulty logic behind popular anti-GMO meme ‘it just feels right’

Curtis Hannah&nbsp|&nbsp
I don’t know about you, but I have never liked the sound the letters TO, TWO, and TOO makes. Maybe ...

Nobel laureate Sir Richard Roberts: Uganda will remain trapped by food poverty if its leaders bow to anti-biotech activists

Richard Roberts&nbsp|&nbsp
One of the main sources of nutrition for poor Ugandans, bananas, is on the verge of being wiped out by ...

Europe missed out on GMO biotech revolution. What’s going to happen with gene editing?

Nigel Halford&nbsp|&nbsp
As a plant geneticist in Europe, I must carefully pick my way through some of the most onerous constraints to ...
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GMO farming grows to record 457 million acres in 26 countries worldwide

Joan Conrow&nbsp|&nbsp
The cultivation of genetically engineered (GMO) crops hit record levels in 2016, with 18 million farmers planting 185.1 million hectares ...
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Science communication 101: Being strategic isn’t unethical

Anthony Dudo, John Besley, Shupei Yuan&nbsp|&nbsp
Scientists interested in educating the public about controversial issues—such as GMOs—should focus on communication goals and strategies backed by social ...
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Talking Biotech: Science Moms documentary explores how parents can navigate GMO and food disinformation on the web

Jules Janick, Kevin Folta, Natalie Newell&nbsp|&nbsp
Filmmaker Natalie Newell: Despite the film being funded entirely by an online crowdfunding campaign, the Science Moms have been attacked ...

Is organic farming sustainable? 5 carbon footprint challenges

David Despain&nbsp|&nbsp
Along with unsubstantiated claims of better nutrition and safety, supporters of organic farming often cite its lower carbon footprint as ...
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Viewpoint: Self-interest, rather than ignorance, key driver in GMO and climate change rejectionism

David Zilberman&nbsp|&nbsp
GMO opponents and climate change deniers often share a common characteristic -- their actions and decisions are driven by the ...

Viewpoint: No, Big Ag doesn’t ‘control’ the world’s food supply

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Is there truth to a common anti-GMO narrative that large multi-national companies seek to “control the food supply” through patents ...

9 misdirected arguments against GMOs

Layla Katiraee&nbsp|&nbsp
When discussing GMOs, many arguments are put forth on why they are “bad” and should be avoided. A molecular geneticist ...

Viewpoint: Democrats’ GMO labeling push is an embarrassment to pro-science progressives

Michael Rosch&nbsp|&nbsp
A group of House Democrats, who called the proposed federal GMO labeling standards 'weak' and 'confusing,' are being urged not ...

15 tips to better communicate about GMOs with the public

Paul Vincelli&nbsp|&nbsp
Plant pathology professor Paul Vincelli shares what social science research and his years of experience have taught him about communication ...

Colon cancer rates spiking among millennials, but no one knows why

Ben Locwin&nbsp|&nbsp
It might be tempting for activists to blame GMOs for the rise in colon cancer rates among younger people, but ...
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Video: Obama on GMOs — ‘Humanity has always engaged in genetic modifications’

Paul McDivitt&nbsp|&nbsp
The former president said that, like climate change, science drives his views on biotechnology. He advocated for prudent legislation and ...
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Biotech opponents claim Monsanto ‘controls’ the world food supply? What are the facts?

Steve Savage&nbsp|&nbsp
Is there truth to a common anti-GMO narrative that large multi-national companies seek to “control the food supply” through patents ...
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No-till agriculture offers vast sustainability benefits. So why do many organic farmers reject it?

Nicholas Staropoli&nbsp|&nbsp
Conservation-minded farmers are embracing what is called no-till agriculture, which dramatically improves water retention and cuts down on greenhouse gas ...

9 misdirected arguments against GMOs that really reflect modern and organic ag issues

Layla Katiraee&nbsp|&nbsp
When discussing GMOs, many arguments are put forth on why they are “bad” and should be avoided. A molecular geneticist ...
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How anti-GMO activists use monarch butterflies as ideological pawn

Amber Sherwood, Jon Entine&nbsp|&nbsp
The anti-GMO movement blames GMOs on the decline of the monarch butterfly, but the problem is more complicated--the result of ...
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“Fear Babe”: New book dissects the scare tactics of Vani Hari

Kavin Senapathy&nbsp|&nbsp
From preservatives to pesticides, "Fear Babe" examines the claims of self-proclaimed Food Babe Vani Hari and the most notorious food ...
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FOIA emails reveal anti-GMO, pro-organic spin ‘A team’ led by Tom Philpott and Michael Pollan

Jon Entine, Nicholas Staropoli&nbsp|&nbsp
A trove of new emails tied to former professor Charles Benbrook shines an ethically harsh light on the journalistic ethics ...
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Can Bernie Sanders act like a progressive on GMOs, overcome tribal allegiances, embrace science?

David Warmflash&nbsp|&nbsp
The desire to eat organic and the opposition to genetic modification technology in agriculture can be primal and precautionary to ...
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