
Quest to reduce greenhouse gases needs modern farming techniques, including use of GMOs, not organics, research shows

Andrew Porterfield | 
Modern farming has "uncoupled" itself from greenhouse gas output -- using new technologies, including genetic engineering, to boost crop yields ...
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Viewpoint: There will be no crop biotech revolution unless scientists, consumers learn to talk to each other

Kate Creasey, Sylvia He | 
It is imperative that scientists bridge the gap and enable an open, global dialogue so that all are informed ...
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Viewpoint: Organic farmer’s New York Times opinion piece perpetuates ‘fantasy’ of small growers feeding the world

Andrew Porterfield | 
Barber’s perspective on GM and patented seeds follow the party line of the organic industry ...

EPA weighs in on sulfoxaflor: Genetic Literacy Project Q&A on controversial decision to lift restrictions on alleged ‘bee-killing’ pesticide

Cameron English | 
The FDA replied to our questions with a detailed defense of its decision to lift restrictions on sulfoxaflor ...
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90% of Europeans fear biotech crops? New survey busts the popular anti-GMO myth

Genetic Literacy Project | 
A special Eurobarometer survey report on food safety was published [in June]. It shows once again that the regularly promoted ...

Viewpoint: Why CRISPR-edited crops should be allowed in organic agriculture

Rebecca Mackelprang | 
A University of California, Berkeley professor stands at the front of the room, delivering her invited talk about the potential ...

The rise, fall and resurrection of Russian seed bank pioneer Nikolai Vavilov

Joel Cohen | 
Would all this be cast aside, he wondered, his reputation disgraced?  Or would the good work be rediscovered, like the ...
organic sugar cane scam

What’s the most sustainable, affordable and nutritious sugar: Boutique imported unrefined whole cane v. domestic sugar cane v. sugar beet?

Kevin Folta | 
A drive toward The Everglades down US 98 between Yeehaw Junction and Belle Glade, FL takes you around the east ...
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Viewpoint: How the ‘Food Justice’ movement reinforces inequality while doing little to improve health outcomes

Margot Finn | 
It’s not clear what concept of justice this activism actually serves ...
anti science fair

(Practically) no one is anti-science, and how that can help us talk about GMOs

Marc Brazeau | 
Keith Kloor, science blogger at Discover, has sparked an intriguing debate about the use of the term "anti-science" to describe ...
fish farms

How market forces, self-regulation and GMO crops are making fish farming more sustainable

Dave Little, Richard Newton | 
More sustainable aquaculture and better-managed fisheries are increasingly actionable for consumers ...

Explaining the debate over GMOs—and what is or isn’t ‘natural’— through the genetics of chickens

Patrick Whittle | 
Chickens (and their eggs) provide a surprisingly down-to-earth illustration of the profound implications of the modern genetic revolution ...
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Farmer’s open letter to skeptical consumers: We know science, glyphosate and GMOs are safe, and we need both to fight climate change

John Gladigau | 
 Despite repeated assurances from the mainstream science community that our food supply is safe, many consumers remain highly skeptical of ...

Uganda set to embrace artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, but biotechnology languishes

Peter Wamboga-Mugirya | 
'Something fundamentally detrimental to the progress of scientific and technological innovations in the agriculture of our nation is happening.' ...

The first gene-edited soybean opens door to a slew of new CRISPR foods

Nazimi Açıkgöz | 
The number of crop gene-editing projects underway around the world is astonishing ...
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Podcast: CRISPR immunizes pigs against PRRS—deadly viral disease that costs $600 million annually

Christine Burkard, Kevin Folta | 
Christine Burkard, assistant professor of infection and immunity at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, says her team has devised a ...
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Podcast: Meet Mary Mangan—the biologist who crashes anti-GMO events and debunks junk science on Twitter

Cameron English, Mary Mangan | 
Mangan discusses her unique approach to spreading science literacy ...

People in Africa eat GMO foods. So why do they oppose new crops developed by their own scientists?

Lominda Afedraru | 
GM foods are already sold in supermarkets throughout Africa, but the fear remains ...
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Fear of biotechnology threatens efforts to save Brazil’s pinto beans

Natalia Pasternak | 
The issue of GMO safety has been proven many times over to be a false controversy ...

Podcast: Glyphosate-tainted breakfast? Plant geneticist Kevin Folta debunks fear-based CBS Roundup report

Kevin Folta | 
Does the network get it right? Not even close, says Folta ...

Podcast: Flower color, bees and biodiversity—how pollinators drive plant evolution

Kat Arney and reporter Graihagh Jackson get lost in the Valley of Hybridization ...
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Nigeria’s greenlighting of Bt insect resistant cotton and cowpeas may spur Africa’s acceptance of GMOs

Steven Cerier | 
Barring a change of course, Nigeria is on pace to become one of the largest GM producing and consuming countries ...
Pic by Neil Palmer CIAT A coffee farm worker in Cauca southwestern Colombia

Podcast: How farmers grow the 2.7 billion pounds of coffee we drink every year

Steve Savage | 
Whether you typically crave a drip coffee or something a bit more intricate, we can all agree that caffeine is ...
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