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Jewish researcher attacks DNA evidence linking Jews to Israel

Geneticist Eran Elhaik claims most Jews can trace their ancestry to the Caucusus and Eastern Europe, despite overwhelming evidence of ...
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Peru crop biotech ban highlights botched debate over biodiversity

Global demand for food is expected to increase by 70 percent in the next 40 years. What role could or ...
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What role will genetics play in a biology-based approach to psychiatry?

Calls for a biology-based psychiatry are growing louder, but how will genetics fit into this puzzle? ...
Criminal brains

Bad brains: Did my DNA make me do it?

Are perpetrators of violence suffering from a medical condition that demands a public health reaction that might radically alter the ...
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Walking the ethical edge: ‘Made-to-order’ embryos address genuine needs

Ethical watchdogs are stifling a much-needed discussion of the actual costs and benefits of a for-profit embryo donations. Despite the ...
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Navigating the agricultural biotech minefield: When an MIT study is not an MIT study

Thanks to a credulous Reuters report, a shoddy piece of pseudoscience is making the rounds as “an MIT study” linking ...

Media mangles latest biotech innovation—hornless cows

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Despite exaggerated claims from various media outlets over the weekend, the innovations that led to the hornless dairy cow are ...
dna patent

AMP v. Myriad Genetics: Do intellectual property protections really stifle innovation?

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
As the Supreme Court debates the patentability of human genes, the media argues about whether patents help or hinder genetic ...
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Greener than green: Biotech and the future of agriculture (Part II)

Ramez Naam | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Has the promise of the agricultural biotech revolution been oversold? Why are so many otherwise progressive thinkers so resistant to ...
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DNA and the criminal justice system

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Should police automatically collect DNA samples from crime suspects who have been arrested, but not convicted? Supporters say the measure ...
The Infinite Resource

Greener than green: Biotech and the future of agriculture (Part I)

Ramez Naam | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Here in the first of a two part series presented exclusively at the Genetic Literacy Project, Ramez Naam -- a ...
bird flu

Genetics versus new bird flu: The race is on

Scientists and researchers around the world are turning to new genetic techniques to race the outbreak of the new H5N7 ...
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Pig born using new GM technique

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
A new "gene-editing" tool has allowed scientists to create a disease-resistant pig. Can the new technique help to overcome the ...
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Has the pace of genetics research rendered the Myriad case obsolete?

Both sides in the Myriad genetics case seem to think the future of innovation is at stake, but a few ...
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Happy birthday, Human Genome

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
In the 10 years since the completion of the Human Genome Project, genetic science has moved forward in leaps and ...
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Lab-grown kidneys work in rats, offer hope for human transplants

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital report a medical first: lab-grown kidneys successfully transplanted into rats, where they functioned properly -- ...
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On GMOs, New York Times foodie Mark Bittman is a dark cloud in the brightening sky of reason

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
It’s challenging to name a more influential food writer than The New York Times’ Mark Bittman—nor one less informed and ...
brain model

Genetic expression in the human brain: The challenge of large numbers

Obama’s recently announced effort to map the human brain and the parallel European efforts (the Human Brain Project), are taking ...
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Can Syngenta help make open-source GMOs a reality?

In a new initiative, Syngenta will make its genetic engineering tools and GM plant varieties freely available for non-profit researchers ...
Shewanella putrefaciens e

Are we on the cusp of a bio-industrial revolution?

Imagine a biosynthetic hardware store, where researchers can cherry-pick exactly the correct parts to build whatever they’d like. Just as ...
HeLa cells stained with Hoechst

Your DNA in death: Reflections on the Henrietta Lacks bioethics controversy

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
We are in the early stages a personalized medicine revolution, but progress comes with growing pains -- in this case, ...
millions against monsanto

Monsanto Protection Act? Separating the facts from the fury

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
The so-called "Monsanto Protection Act" is hardly the “most dangerous food act ever” or a “terrifying piece of policy," as ...
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Monsanto v. Monarch butterflies

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Monarch butterflies have been on a downward spiral for decades, and the most recent news stories report that monarch numbers ...
Martha a Passenger Pigeon e

De-extinction: Looking past the awe

De-extinction -- the revival of extinct species through biotechnology -- is an intoxicating idea. Who doesn't want the chance to ...
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Neo-Eugenics: An evolutionary argument against mitochondrial replacement therapy

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
A new form of genetic therapy is not only unethical, but also impossible because of the mess that evolution has ...
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Frankenstein’s Cat: How animal biotechnology informs us about our humanity

Jon Entine | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Science writer Emily Anthes' new book, Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts provides an animated review of ...
nitrogen deficient wheat

Nitrogen-efficient crops: The holy grail of agricultural biotech?

Nitrogen fertilizers cost a tremendous amount of money, damage the environment, and drain the planet's resources -- and only about ...
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Whole Foods, GMO labeling, and the illusion of transparency

Sarah Fecht | Genetic Literacy Project | 
Despite the claims of Whole Foods' CEO John Mackey, the store's new GMO labeling policy is likely to achieve exactly ...
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