
Current biotech regulations create animal and crop approval blocks and bottlenecks but gene editing may open new doors

Joe Scott | 
The cost of current biotech industry regulations might not be obvious to consumers, but it’s clear to researchers. “We’ve got ...

Meat wars: Sourcing from animals may not be what distinguishes meat from ‘meat alternatives’

Marc Brazeau | 
The US Cattlemen's Association is making a pre-emptive strike against potentially misleading marketing for the next wave of meat alternatives ...
jimmy lin genetics davide bonazzi

How the genetics revolution is upending our concept of disease—and how that could improve healthcare

Arthur Caplan | 
What is a disease? This seemingly abstract and theoretical question is actually among the most practical questions in all of ...

How Russia tried to turn America against GMOs and agricultural biotechnology and sow ideological discord

Andrew Porterfield | 
How serious was secret Russian interventionism when it comes to creating public discord over US farming and agricultural trade policy? ...
Health Ranger EPA nationwide water testing heavy metals

Exploring the alternate reality of Natural News’ Mike Adams’ online ’empire of misinformation’

Jonathan Jarry | 
If there is a Wonderland filled with health scares, monsters, and miraculous concoctions, Mike Adams is building it. And its ...
low tech

Transforming modern medicine doesn’t have to be high tech or expensive

Henry Miller | 
While intricate high-tech breakthroughs are incredible, it's important to realize the value of low-cost and low-tech ingenuity ...

Viewpoint: Regulatory overreach looms as obstacle for New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) in agriculture

Steven Cerier | 
The fast-moving world of plant breeding — fueled by advances in CRISPR and other techniques — has tossed a wrench ...
Caffeine genetics

GMO coffee is on the horizon—but will we drink it?

Ross Pomeroy | 
Remember the Gros Michel banana? If you're under the age of seventy, you probably don't. That's because in the 1950s ...

Getting to the roots of insomnia and what you can do about it

Ben Locwin | 
Ever struggle with sleep? Almost all of us will at some point our lifetime. Several factors are at play--including travel ...
what to do when your kid gets a bee sting

Viewpoint: Bans on neonicotinoid insecticides may not actually help bees

Caroline Hauxwell | 
Public pressure is growing in Australia to ban the sale of pesticides called neonicotinoids because of their harmful effects on bees. The ...
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Biodiversity is more than just beauty: ‘It is the very apparatus that holds us steady’

Elizabeth Boakes | 
Biodiversity is integral to life, but is more than just a huge number of species: It also represents the variations ...
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15 surprising GMO and gene-edited crop advances underway in South and Central America

Daniel Norero | 
Latin America is a vital region in the global production of genetically modified (GM) crops, with Brazil and Argentina ranked ...

Are consumer genetic tests misused by doctors and alternative health providers?

David Warmflash | 
Health practitioners with little or no training or perspective in genetics are dabbling in this rapidly advancing field. Utilizing results ...

Engineering more digestible grass could reduce livestock pastures and give us cheaper biofuels

Rebecca Nesbit | 
The problem with grass is that it has tough cellular walls that make it difficult to digest. But researchers say ...
vampire bat

How the vampire bat came to feed on blood, and what we can learn from its droppings

Ricki Lewis | 
Why do the three species of vampire bats eat only blood, compared to the 1,240 other species that are perfectly ...

Understanding the genetics of height—and why it matters in the fight against many human disorders

Jennifer Cable | 
Hoping to help researchers find links between diseases and mutations, the UK Biobank opened its vault last summer, allowing access ...
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Reinforcing the human heart: Integrating human cells, electronics and nanomaterials

David Warmflash | 
Future of heart care: Cardiac patch that doesn't merely beat, but also provides monitoring and, if needed, electrical stimulation and ...
Nigerian Farmers

Africa could become a world agricultural leader in CRISPR and other new breeding techniques (NBTs)

Lominda Afedraru | 
It is 8:30 East African Standard Time.  I disembark from a van filled with science journalists from Kampala, Uganda and ...

Why biodiversity might not always be such a good thing for our health

Christie Wilcox | 
While some think of the "dilution effect" as settled science, some ecologists argue that claiming conservation will broadly reduce disease ...

Review of Whitewash (or Hogwash?): Carey Gillam’s glyphosate book betrays science, undermines our understanding of cancer

Mary Mangan | 
Last fall a new book hit the shelves, timed to coincide with public hearings on the European Union’s re-authorization of ...
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Viewpoint: Public enthusiasm for genetics tempered by distrust, privacy concerns

Jim Kozubek | 
Cheaper genome sequencing is expanding our ability to understand risks associated with genetic mutations. But not everyone embraces these advances, ...
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Hope for peanut allergy sufferers: Gene-silenced hypoallergenic nuts could save lives

Becky Ferreira | 
Moving to the United States helped [Hortense Dodo, a food scientist and entrepreneur from Ivory Coast] reach her academic goals, but ...

Questioning the decision to resurrect smallpox relative in the lab

George Dvorsky | 
In an effort to develop a safer vaccine substitute, Canadian researchers have resurrected a close relative—the extinct horsepox virus—from scratch ...
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Growth in urban beekeeping hurting wild bees

Sarah Knapton | 
The rise in amateur beekeepers keeping hives on roofs and gardens is contributing to the decline of wild bees, Cambridge ...
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Human muscles from stem cells: Advance could aid research into muscular dystrophy, other diseases

Ricki Lewis | 
Muscle created with stem cells is not quite as strong as the researchers would like. But they think these new ...
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Lessons learned from the 2017 Monsanto dicamba herbicide fiasco

Cameron English, Kevin Folta | 
Farmers, university scientists, the EPA and ag companies are working together to figure out what went wrong and how to ...
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Farmers, scientists worry anti-GMO activists could stymie CRISPR and other gene-edited crop research

Sara Wyant | 
[N]ew precision breeding tools are creating such a buzz that some activists suggest techniques like CRISPR Cas9 - which involves ...
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